Table 12. Feed formulation and proximate composition of commonly used dry pellet feeds for different life stages of catla in intensive farming system
Ingredient/proximate composition (% dry matter)     Size class/ weight      
    Larvae Larvae Fry (1.45 g) Fry Fingerling (8.0 g) Grower Broodstock (3-5.5 kg)
    1 2 3 2 4 5 6
Ingredient composition (%)               
  Spirulina powder           7.44  
  Sorghum power         25    
  Fishmeal       16   18.75  
  Roasted soybean meal             20
  Fish oil             0.3
  Finely powdered fishmeal   20         10
  Finely powdered groundnut oil cake   32     10   38
  Fresh goat liver 50            
  Groundnut cake       26   24  
  Cod liver oil 5            
  Mustard oil cake     60        
  Dried spirogyra         40    
  Rice bran   30 19 33 25 38.81 30
  Processed full fat soybean     20        
  Soybean oil             2.7
  Tapioca flour           10  
  Finely powdered soybean meal   10          
  Soya lecithin (phospholipid)   4          
  Vegetable oil: fish oil (1:1)   2          
  Soybean meal       23      
  Whearc starch 13            
  Vitamin & mineral premix   2   2   1  
  MPA*     1        
  Vitamin premix 1           0.2
  Mineral premix 1           2
  Bioboost forte** 30            
Proximate composition (%)              
  Dry matter     92.5   89.8 94.57  
  Crude protein 36.36   35 30.27 34 28.18 33.15
  Crude lipid 9.22   11.36 8.95 11.4 5.07 14.51
  Crude fibre 1.7   10.04   18.1 12.96  
  NFE 26.21   27.53   21    
  Gross energy (kJ/g feed) 11.91   17.52 3.49*** 4.05*** 13.01 19.88
*MPA= Mineral premix with amino acids; **Probiotic supplement; ***kcal/g feed
*Please refer Tables 14 and 15 for details of commonly used vitamin and mineral premixes
Data source: (1) Swain et al. (1999); (2) ICAR (2006); (3) Singh et al. (2004); (4) Kumar et al. (2004); (5) Nandeesha et al. (2001); (6) Nandi et al. (2001)