Table 8. Supplementary feeding table for catla in fertilized ponds
Life stage Fish size Period of rearing (days/months) Feeding rate Secchi depth  Feeding frequency Feeding method
   (g) (% of biomass/day) (cm) (no./day)  
Larvae to fry   1st 5 days 400   Morning and evening Broadcasting
    From 6th day 800   Morning and evening Broadcasting
Fry to fingerling            
Type 1*   1st month 08-Oct   2 equal instalments: morning and evening Broadcasting
    2nd-3rd month 06-Aug   2 equal instalments: morning and evening Broadcasting
Type 2 0.84 g 1st month 10 20 - 33 Twice a day  
    2nd month 8   Twice a day  
    3rd month 6   Twice a day  
    4th month 4   Twice a day  
Type 3 2.1 g   5 29 and above Twice a day Dough balls in feeding trays
Fingerling 16 g   02-May 18-23 Once, morning  
Grow-out   1st month 03-May   Morning and evening Broadcasting
    Subsequent months 03-Jan   Morning and evening Broadcasting
Broodstock 3 to 5.5 kg   3   Once, morning Pellets, 5 mm diameter
*Type refers to fertilization and stocking density regimens - see Table 6
Data source: ICAR (2006); Mazid et al. (1997); Nandi et al. (2001); Gorai et al. (2006)