Table 9. Type of formulated feed used for catla culture with advantage and disadvantage and the type of processing
Type of feed   Advantages Disadvantages Moisture Processing techniques
 (% max)
Farm-made Dry Use of locally available ingredients, easy to prepare using simple household machines. As moisture contain is less, it is more durable than moist feed. Poor water stability, poor digestibility, higher FCR 10 Wet dough extruded
      through a meat mincer
      and sun dried
  Moist Easy processing, cheaper. Highly perishable >30 Wet dough
Industrially manufactured pellet      
  Sinking Good water stability and digestibility. Good for bottom feeders. Not suitable for surface feeders like catla. 10 Pelleted form
  Floating Good for surface feeders and larval fish.  Not useful for bottom feeders. 10 Pelleted form