Table 1. Summary of dietary nutrient (minerals and vitamins) requirements of M. rosenbergii
  Growth Stages
Nutrients Broodstock Juveniles Adult Grow out For all stages
    (2nd - 4th month) (5th - 6th month)    
Protein (%) 38-40 35-37 28-30 - -
Carbohydrate (%) - - - - 25-35
Lipid, including phospholipids (%) - - - - 03-Jul
Cholesterol (%) - - - - 0.5-0.6
Vitamin C (mg/kg) - - - 100 -
Calcium : Phosphorus - - - - 1.5-2:1
Zinc (mg/kg) - - - - 90
Energy (kcal/g feed) 3.7-4.0 - - - 2.9-3.2
Data source: Mitra et al.(2005)