Table 3. Feed and feeding schedule for different larval stages of giant freshwater prawn
Age of larvae Growth stages Feed constituent and amount
(in days)   Artemia nauplii Moina
    No./ml No. times per day No./ml No. times per day
02-Mar I-II 02-Apr 2 - -
04-Jun III-IV 04-May 3 - -
Jul-15 IV-VI 05-Jun 2 2 1
16-25 VI-IX 05-Jun 1 3 2
26-35 IX-XI & PL 06-Jul 1 3 2
36-45 X-PL 06-Jul 1 3 2
Data source: New and Singholka (1985); Daniels et al. (1992); Jain (2007)