Table 4. Proximate composition of commonly used feed ingredinets for freshwater prawn. Nutrient contents are given in % as fed basis
Feed ingredients Moisture Crude protein Crude fat Crude fiber Ash NFE Calcium Phosphorus
Feeds of plant origin                
Cassava leaf meal, soaked 3.83 27.56 7.66 11.73 7.4 45.7 - -
Corn gluten meal 7.1 63.1 7.9 1.9 1.7 25.4 - -
Cotton seed cake 7 37 6.7 13 1 35.3    
Copra seed cake 8.4 20.3 11.4 16.2 6.2 37.5    
Groundnut oil cake 10 42 7.3 13 2.5 25.2    
Ipil-ipil leaf meal (giant) 10.44 28.69 7.11 8.74 8.06 47.4 - -
Ipil-ipil leaf meal (local) 11.54 31.07 7.02 7.47 9.48 44.96 0.35 0.07
Mustard cake 9.2 23.6 9.6 6.3 10.4 40.9    
Rapeseed cake 11 35.9 0.9 13.2 6.9 32.1    
Rice bran 10.1 12.6 11.3 19.3 10.2 36.5    
Rice bran (defatted ) 7.2 12.1 1.3 15.2 23.8 40.4 0 3.05
Rice polish 10 12.2 16 9 6 46.8    
Sesame cake 10 29 12.9 18.3 10 19.8    
Soybean meal, full fat 6.31 37.51 20.45 2.27 5.67 31.33 0.25 0.59
Soybean meal (defatted, undehulled, expeller process) 11 42 3.5 6.5 6 31 0.29 0.68
Soybean meal (defatted, dehulled, solvent process) 10.7 48 1 3 6 30.8 0.25 0.65
Soybean meal (defatted, undehulled solvent process) 10.4 44 0.5 7 6 32.1 0.25 0.6
Swamp cabbage leaf meal (Ipomoea aquatica) 5.19 27.24 4.67 12.32 16.88 38.9 - -
Sweet potato tops 4.83 29.1 4.77 12.05 14.48 39.41 0.12 0.73
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) 4.41 32.5 4.53 11.19 12.89 38.89 - -
Tapioca flour 11.5 3.1 2.3 2 2.3 78.8    
Wheat bran 10 13.5 2.6 12.2 3 58.7    
Wheat flour 12.6 14.5 3.7 2.7 2.3 64.2    
Wheat gluten 2.27 79.52 1.94 0.4 1.08 16.93 0.3 0.14
Yeast, brewer�s 5.3 48.47 1.25 1.94 9.15 34.35 0.8 1.5
Feeds of animal origin                
Blood meal 11 76.7 1.1 1.2 4 5.96 0.28 0.28
Bone meal 8.37 26.03 2.66 2.3 53.05 9.33 19.54 8.32
Clam meal 8.1 50.7 8.9 3.9 6.4 22    
Earthworm meal 5 51.7 3.4 12.8 12.5 14.6    
Feather meal 10.8 77.92 3.96 0.57 5.41 1.34 - -
Fish meal, local, mixed species 8.88 52.89 5.78 3.11 21.9 16.32 - -
Fish meal, white 6.37 68.68 6.78 1.46 20.16 3.73 4.4 3.35
Liver meal 7 65 3.4 1.2 2.4 21    
Meat and bone meal 5.36 48.4 9.67 1.78 33.56 7.36 10.23 3.39
Shrimp meal (Acetes sp.) 6.95 67.23 3.71 3.98 8.51 16.72 3.18 1.38
Shrimp head meal (Penaeus monodon) 6 52.97 6.47 14.04 25.84 0.68 - -
Silkworm pupae 7.1 43.9 25.7 4.2 15.8 3.3    
Silkworm pupae (Defatted ) 8.1 68 2.6 1.3 7.2 12.8    
Squid liver meal 12 43 16.5 - 16 - - -
Squid liver paste 30 38 27 - 5 - - -
Squid meal 7.34 77.68 5.34 1.98 8.26 7.83 0.36 1.01
Squilla meal 14.1 46 2.6 13.5 18      
Data source:  Gerpacio and Castillo (1979); Yamazaki, Lopez and Kaku (1988); Philippine Society of Animal Nutritionists (1990)