Table 7. Production and economic indicators of cage culture of grass carp (5 months) fed on different diets
    Feed type
  Units Grass Pellet Grass and pellets
Initial fish weight g 430 430 430
Stocking density per cage (cage size 4 X 2 X 2.5 m) no. 500 500 500
Total amount of feed fed during grwoth period kg 16,700 1,550 8,350+1,480
Number of fish harvested ind 413 405 438
Harvested biomass kg 623 861 1271
Average final fish weight kg 1.51 2.13 2.9
Survival % 83 80 88
Cost of fingerling USD 345 345 345
Medicine cost USD 20 24 27
Feed cost USD 208 342 104+326
Total income USD 915 1,265 1867
Net profit USD 342 555 1072
Input and output ratio   01:01.6 01:01.8 01:02.4
Data source: Lu and Deng (2003)