Table 9. Comparison of pond-culture of juvenile grass carp fed different diets
    Type of feed
  Unit Raw rapeseed Broken pellets Pellets
No. of juveniles of grass carp No. 15,900 26,000 30,500
Biomass of grass carp kg 668 1,555 18,500
Individual body weight of grass carp g 42 59 61
Mortality of grass carp % 39 65 76
Biomass of silver & bighead carp kg 755 675 680
Feed kg 3,500 2,240 2,520
FCR for feeding fish   5.09 1.44 1.36
PER   0.52 2.28 2.28
FCR of the pond   2.46 1 1
Feed cost USD 444 628 724
Other input cost USD 494 494 494
Income from grass carp USD 625 1454 1730
Income from silver and bighead carp USD 222 198 200
Net profit Yuan -87 530 712
Data source: Shao et al. (2004)