Table 1. Ontogenetic dietary shifts (% of total food intake by volume) of different life stages/size classes of milkfish, Chanos chanos
Type of food  
  Fry (1) Juvenile (2) Juvenile (pond) (3) Broodstock
    (natural habitat) Feeding No feeding  
Algae    10�47  4�6  22�73 present
Detritus    15�45 15�35  12�60 present
Diatoms    8�30  1�11  0�11 present
Animal   <2�30      
Plant    <2�45      
Resuspended materials 50�75*        
Plankton 50�75        
Zooplankton excretion 50�75        
Crustaceans      0�2  1�5 present
Others (snails, eggs, higher, plants)      1�2  7�17 present
Supplemental feed     45�78    
Sand particles    0�45     present
*Major composition of food consumed: 50�75%
Data source: (1) Buri (1980); (2) Kumagai and Bagarinao (1981); (3) Lϋckst�dt (2004)