Table 7. Feed formulations (ingredient composition) and proximate composition of commonly used pellet feeds for different life stages of milkfish in semi-intensive and intensive farming systems*
Ingredient/proximate composition (% dry matter) Life stages/size class
Larvae (1) Larvae (1) Fry/fingerling/grower (2) Fry/fingerling/grower (3) Fry/fingerling/grower (4) Broodstock (5)
Ingredient composition (%)            
Fish meal 33 33 6 5 11 20
Soybean meal (defatted) 18 18 35 35 30.8 43
Rice bran     17.9 16 49.2 26.9
Copra meal     13 13    
Wheat pollard     15 15    
Meat and bone meal       8    
Molasses     4      
Squid meal 10          
Shrimp meal (Acetes sp.) 12 24        
Soybean oil       1.5 2  
Cod liver oil 8 8   1.5 2 2
Fish oil     4      
Vitamin premix** 3 3 0.1      
Vitamin C           0.1
Mineral premix***            
Dicalcium phosphate 3 3       4
Bread flour (binder) 6.7 4.7        
Wheat flour (binder)     5 5 5 4
κ-carageenan (binder) 5 5        
DL-α-tocopherol 0 0        
Lecithin 1 1        
Preservative (BHT) 0.1 0.1        
β-carotene 0.3 0.3        
Proximate composition (%)            
Dry matter            
Crude protein 46.3 46.5 30.8 30.6 26.7 36
Crude lipid 11.4 11.5 9 8.8 10.9 7.5
Ash 9.4 9.3 9.2 9 8.9  
Crude fibre 5.6 5.9 7.6 7.7 8.4  
NFE 27.3 27.1 43.3 43.9 45.1 36
Gross energy (kJ/g feed) 20.1 20.2 18.3 18.3 18.4 17.7
Cost (US$/kg) 3.5 2.6 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5
*All feeds are in dry form; grower feeds are also given to fry and fingerlings
**Refer to Table 10 for details of commonly used vitamin premix
***Refer to Table 11 for details of commonly used mineral premix
Data source: (1) Borlongan et al. (2000);  (2) Sumagaysay-Chavoso (unpublished); (3) Sumagaysay and McGlone (2003); (4) Sumagaysay (1998); (5) Emata et al. (2000)