Table 8. Feed formulae (ingredient composition) and proximate composition of commonly used farm-made feed* for mullet fingerling in semi-intensive farming system
composition (% dry matter) Fingerling (a) Fingerling (b) Fingerling (c)
Ingredient composition (%)      
Biscuit by-products 20    
Blood meal   5  
Bone meal   2  
Brewery wastes   15  
Corn oil     3
Cotton seed cake   30  
Cotton seed meal     15
Fish meal 4 5 29.5
Fish oil     3
Limestone 0.8    
Meat meal 4    
Poultry droppings 10    
Rice bran   15 7
Salt 0.4    
Sesame cake   7.75  
Soybean meal 10   29.5
Starch     2
Wheat bran   20 7
Wheat milling by-products 60.6    
Vitamins   0.25 2*
Minerals     2**
Vitamin and minerals 0.2    
Proximate composition (%)      
Dry matter 90.8 39.1 93.9
Crude protein 22.46 27.9 34.7
Crude lipid 4.94 6.3 9.6
Ash 11.91 10.6 15.5
Crude fibre 4.85 11.2  
NFE 58.84 37.1  
Gross energy (kJ/g feed)     18.9
Cost (US$/kg)      
Data source: (a) El-Ghobashy et al. (1993), (b) Essa (1996), (c) Abd El Ghany et al. (1995)
* see table 16
** see table 17 (a)