Table 9. Feed formulae (ingredient composition) and proximate composition of commonly used pellet feed for different life stages of mullet in intensive farming system
Ingredient/proximate composition (% dry matter) Fry (a) Fingerling (b)
Ingredient composition (%)    
Fish meal 2.5 29
Processed Soybean 7.5 23
Wheat by-product   42
Corn oil   4
Wheat flour 5  
Rice bran 23  
Groundnut oilcake 60  
Mineral premix and amino acid 1*  
Chromic oxide (Cr2O3) 1  
Vitamin premix   1
Mineral premix   1
Proximate composition (%)    
Dry matter 93.13  
Crude protein 33.44 32.25
Crude lipid 8.43 12.17
Ash 11.84 8.5
Crude fibre 8.26 4.35
NFE 31.17 42.73
Gross energy (kJ/g feed) 16.58 19.95
Cost (US$/kg)    
Data source: (a) Nour et al. (1993a; 1993b), (b) Kalla et al. (2003)