Table 9. List of commonly used supplemental feed ingredients in carp (rohu) culture. Nutrient contents are given in % as fed basis
Feed ingredients Nutrient composition (%)
  Moisture Crude protein Crude lipid Crude fibre NFE Ash
Feeds of plant origin
Groundnut cake 9.6-10.0 30.2-46.2 9 23.0-25.2 22.0-29.1 8.6
Mustard cake 9.5 36.3 8.9 8.1 29 8.2
Soybean 8.8-9.1 24.1-37.8 10-17.8 4.9-17.3 25.6-33.2 4.8-6.6
Cottonseed cake 7.8-10.7 21.9-41.2 4.9-5.9 11.1-21.9 27.6-34.9 6.4-5.7
Coconut cake 12.7 22.7 8.8 6.6 43.7 5.5
Black gram husk 7.9 26.7 2.8 6.8 51.6 4.2
Green gram husk 7.7 24.2 3.2 5.5 54.5 4.9
Sunflower oil cake 7.3-9.7 30.8-43.4 1.5-9.3 12.3-24.8 21.8-27.2 6.3-7
Sesame cake 8 21.1 46.5 7.6 12.2 10.4
Linseed cake 9.9-10.7 33.6-34.1 1.3-5.4 9.1-9.5 35.6-38.9 5.9-6
Salseed cake 5.4 34.3 1.7 1.9 52.4 4.3
Rapeseed cake 8.1-9.0 34.1-37.3 1.9-7.9 11.4-12.8 30.6-33.2 6.5-7.2
Spirulina 8.7 50.5 1 2.1 26.7 11
Azolla powder 6.8 27.3 4.5 13.9 35.9 18.4
Rice bran 10 12.2 11.8 12.3 40.6 13.1
Rice polish 10 12.1 11.5 4.7 52.9 8.8
Wheat bran 12.1 14.7 4 9.9 53.5 5.8
Wheat flour 12 11.7 1.2 1.3 73.3 0.5
Maize meal 12.5 9 4.5 3.5 68 25
Tapioca flour 5.7 2.8 1.7 1.8 85.3 2.8
Feeds of animal origin
Fishmeal 7.0-9.0 57-72.7 4.0-9.0 0.8-1 0.8-4.4 10.0-26.0
Silkworm pupae 7.1 43.9 25.7 4.2 3.3 15.8
Poultry litre 8.8 31.8 3.5 7.6 27.4 20.9
Goat blood meal 6.5 49.2 2.6   37.1 4.5
Data source: Tacon (1987); Saha and Ray (1993,1998); Mohanty and Das (1995);  Nandeesha (1993);
Mukhopadhyay and Ray (1999); Mohanta et al. (2006).