Table 10. Dietary nutritional deficiency, vitamins
Vitamins Deficiency signs/syndrome Measure
Riboflavin Corneal opacity, bilateral cataracts Supplement feed with vitamin premix or fresh animal liver
Pantothenic acid Clubbed, swollen gills Supplement feed with vitamin premix or fresh animal liver
Niacin Muscle spasms, dermatosis, sensitivity of skin to sunlight Supplement feed with vitamin premix or fresh animal liver
Thiamine Hyperexcitability, paralysis, aberrant swimming Supplement feed with vitamin premix or fresh animal liver
Pyridoxine Hyperexcitability, paralysis, aberrant swimming Supplement feed with vitamin premix or fresh animal liver
Biotin Reduced growth rate, dark coloration, anorexia Supplement feed with vitamin premix or fresh animal liver
Folic acid Magaloblastic anaemia Supplement feed with vitamin premix or fresh animal liver
Vitamin B12 Pernicious anaemia Supplement feed with vitamin premix or fresh animal liver
Choline Reduced growth rate, high feed conversion ratio Supplement feed with vitamin premix or fresh animal liver
Inositol Reduced growth rate Supplement feed with vitamin premix or fresh animal liver
Ascorbic acid Scoliosis, lordosis Supplement feed with vitamin premix
Vitamin A Poor growth, exophthalmia,blindness, haemorrahges at base of fins Supplement feed with vitamin premix or fish oil
Vitamin D Impaired bone mineralization Supplement feed with vitamin premix or fish oil
Vitamin K Prolonged blood clotting time Supplement feed with vitamin premix or fresh animal liver
Vitamin E Muscular dystrophy, steatitis, cardiac muscle pathology, anaemia, erythrocyte fragility Supplement feed with vitamin premix