Информационная система ресурсов кормов и удобрений для аквакультуры

Nile tilapia - Tables

● Table 1. Ontogenetic dietary shifts (% of total food intake by volume) of different life stages/size classes of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus

● Table 2. Summary of dietary nutrient requirement and utilization (protein, EAA, lipid, EFA and energy) of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (% dry feed except otherwise mentioned)

● Table 3. Summary of dietary nutrient (minerals and vitamins) requirement of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (% of dry feed except otherwise mentioned)

● Table 4. Suggested guideline for liming of pond based on pH and texture of pond soil

● Table 5. List of commonly used organic manure used for tilapia culture and their N:P ratio and NPK content

● Table 6. List of commonly used inorganic fertilizers used for tilapia culture and their N:P ratio and their calcium and NPK content

● Table 7. Suggested fertilization guide for tilapia farming under different stocking densities

● Table 8. List of commonly used supplemetal feed ingredients in tilapia culture. Nutrient contents are given in % as fed basis

● Table 9. Type of formulated feed used for tilapia culture with advantage and disadvantage and the type of processing

● Table 10. List of feed ingredients of plant origin (cereal grains and oil seeds) those are used or have the potential to be used as protein and/or energy supplement in tilapia feed (nutrient content in % dry matter)

● Table 11. List of feed ingredients of plant origin (grain legumes, grass/green crop, aquatic macrophytes and SCP*) that are used or have the potential to be used as protein and/or energy supplement in tilapia feed (nutrient content in % dry matter)

● Table 12. List of feed ingredients of animal origin that are used or have the potential to be used as protein and/or energy supplement in tilapia feed (nutrient content in % dry matter)

● Table 13. Recommended levels of different alternative protein sources tested for Nile tilapia under laboratory conditions. Levels tested are a replacement of conventional protein sources such as fishmeal or soybean meal

● Table 14. Feed formulae (ingredient composition) and proximate composition of commonly used farm- made feed (as fed basis) for different life stages of Nile tilapia in semi-intensive farming system, Thailand

● Table 15. Feed formulae (ingredient composition) and proximate composition of commonly used pelletfeed for different life stages of Nile tilapia in intensive farming system

● Table 16. Practical diet formula for Nile tilapia (Jiangnan Feed Co. Ltd., Jiangsu Province, China) for intensive aquaculture

● Table 17. Feed formulae (ingredient composition, % dry matter) and proximate composition of commonly used pellet feed for different size classes of Nile tilapia in intensive farming system

● Table 18. Feed formulae (ingredient composition, % dry matter) and proximate composition of commonly used pellet feed for different size classes of Nile tilapia in intensive farming system

● Table 19. Some examples with specifications for commonly used commercial tilapia feed

● Table 20. List of commonly used binder, attractant and preservative used in formulated feed for tilapia

● Table 21. Composition of vitamin premix used in formulated diet for intensive aquaculture

● Table 22. Composition of mineral premix used in formulated diet for intensive aquaculture

● Table 23. Recommended feeding schedules for tilapia provided by feed manufacturers, Philippines

● Table 24. Feeding table for tilpia using formulated feed under semi-intensive farming in pond

● Table 25. Feeding table for tilpia using formulated feed under intensive farmimg system

● Table 26. A simplified feeding guide for different size classes of Nile tilapia

● Table 27. Dietary nutritional deficiency, essential amino acid (EAA), fatty acid (EFA) and minerals

● Table 28. Dietary nutritional deficiency, vitamins