Sistema de Información sobre Alimentos y Recursos Fertilizantes para la Acuicultura

Giant river prawn - Natural food and feeding habits

Larvae are omnivorous, feeding mainly on zooplankton. In the absence of live food they are capable of feeding on small particles of organic matter (Ling, 1969; New and Singholka, 1985). Post larvae and adult M. rosenbergii are omnivorous benthivores, and mainly feed on algae, aquatic plants, mollusks, oligochates, aquatic insects and other crustaceans (Ling, 1969). Deshimaru and Shigeno (1972) and Forster and Beard (1973) suggest that food of animal origin is preferred over plant material. The chelate legs aided by the third maxillipids, capture and convey the food to the mouth. At times of food shortage or ecdysis, cannibalism is observed.