Système d’information sur les ressources alimentaires et d’engrais en aquaculture

Black tiger shrimp - Tables

● Table 1. Natural diets of the different life stages of the giant tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon

● Table 2a. Summary of dietary nutrient requirement and utilization of the giant tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon

● Table 2b. Cholesterol composition of various ingredients (feedstuffs)

● Table 2c. Composition (%) of crude and pure lecithin

● Table 3. Typical algae, Artemia and formulated feed amounts for Penaeus monodon

● Table 4. Examples of feed formulations (% "as fed" basis unless otherwise specified) for Penaeus monodon

● Table 5. Some examples with specifications for commonly used commercial shrimp feed (Penaeus monodon)

● Table 6. Binders, attractants and preservatives for shrimp feeds

● Table 7. Feed schedule for Penaeus monodon, Feeding scheme for shrimp farming

● Table 8. Recommended and commercial dietary vitamin levels (Penaeus monodon)

● Table 9. Commercial mineral inclusion levels for Penaeus monodon

● Table 10. Lime application according to soil pH

● Table 11. a) Fertilization (kg/ha/week) with inorganic fertilizers based on secchi disk reading, b) Some inorganic and organic fertilizers used in shrimp aquaculture

● Table 12a) Suggested feed quality norms (% "as fed" unless otherwise specified) for Penaeus monodon

● Table 13a. List of feed ingredients that have the potential to be used as protein and/or energy supplement in shrimp feeds and as natural feeds. Composion/analysis are on an 'as-used' basis

● Table 13b. Some nutritional interests, deficiencies and processing restrictions in selected raw materials

● Table 14. Digestibility (%) of different feeds and feed ingredients by Fenneropenaeus indicus, Penaeus monodon, Litopenaeus vannamei and P. Japonicus

● Table 15. Amino acid deficiency of selected feedstuffs when compared to fishmeal