Système d’information sur les ressources alimentaires et d’engrais en aquaculture

Gilthead seabream - Tables

● Table 1. Relative proportions of food items eaten (% of relative food intake by volume) by Sparus aurata in natural waters

● Table 2. Summary of dietary nutrient requirement and utilization of gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata (requirement expressed for dry feed except otherwise where mentioned)

● Table 3. Sequence of use of live feed for gilthead seabream during larval rearing in hatcheries

● Table 4. Few examples of experimental microparticle diets for marine fish larvae (%)

● Table 5. Sequence of feeds used for different size groups of Gilthead seabream and their average proximate composition

● Table 6. Some commonly used protein sources for formulation of feeds for marine fish

● Table 7. Some commonly used oil sources and their fatty acid profiles (%)

● Table 8. Composition of vitamin premix used in formulated diet for intensive aquaculture of Gilthead seabream

● Table 9. Composition of mineral premix used in formulated diet for intensive aquaculture of gilthead seabream

● Table 10. Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC, %) of selected protein sources in gilthead seabream

● Table 11. Ingredient and chemical composition (g/kg) of some practical diets used to test the potential of fishmeal replacement in gilthead seabream

● Table 12. Ingredient and chemical composition (g/kg) of some practical extruded diets used to test the potential of fish oil replacement in gilthead seabream

● Table 13. An example of a feeding table for gilthead seabream