Système d’information sur les ressources alimentaires et d’engrais en aquaculture

Milkfish - Tables

● Table 1. Ontogenetic dietary shifts (% of total food intake by volume) of different life stages/size classes of milkfish, Chanos chanos

● Table 2. Summary of dietary nutrient requirements and utilization of milkfish, Chanos chanos (requirement expressed for dry feed)

● Table 3. List of commonly used supplemetal feed ingredients in milkfish culture (nutrient composition is given as % dry matter basis)

● Table 4.  Advantages, disadvantages, and processing of different formulated feeds for milkfish culture

● Table 5. List of feed ingredients that are used or have the potential to be used as protein and/or energy supplements in milkfish feed (nutrient content as % dry matter)

● Table 6. Feed formulations (ingredient composition) and proximate composition of commonly used farm-made feed for different life stages of milkfish in modified extensive and semi-intensive farming systems

● Table 7. Feed formulations (ingredient composition) and proximate composition of commonly used pellet feeds for different life stages of milkfish in semi-intensive and intensive farming systems

● Table 8. Some examples, with specifications, of commonly used commercial milkfish feeds (the Philippines)

● Table 9. List of commonly used binders, attractants and preservatives in formulated feeds for milkfish

● Table 10. Composition of vitamin premix used in formulated diet for intensive aquaculture of milkfish

● Table 11. Composition of mineral premix used in formulated diet for intensive aquaculture of milkfish

● Table 12. Feeding of live feed for larval rearing of milkfish in the harchery

● Table 13. Supplementary feeding table for milkfish in fertilized pond

● Table 14. Intensive (Marine pens and cages)

● Table 15. Guidelines for pond liming, based on pH and soil texture

● Table 16. Pond NPK requirements based on soil pH and texture

● Table 17. List of commonly used organic manure and inorganic fertilizers used for milkfish culture and their calcium and NPK content

● Table18. Suggested fertilization guide for milkfish farming under different stocking densities