Larvae and fry are provided with finely powdered feed, which is broadcast uniformly over the pond surface. During the first month of fingerling rearing 50 percent of the feed is provided as a powdered feed and the rest is provided as dough on feeding trays. During the second and third months, feed is provided only as dough on trays or feed baskets. During grow-out the feed is provided in perforated polythene bags that are tied to bamboo poles and suspended in the water column (Figure 8a). The bags are trimmed to hold 15-20 kg of feed and two to three rows of small holes are made in the bottom (Figure 8b). The feed mixture is placed into the bags, which are then suspended onto bamboo poles in various locations in the pond. About 20-25 feeding stations are set up per hectare of pond surface area (Figure 8c). Once the fish learn to feed from the bags the feed is consumed within 1-2 hours after the bags have been fixed onto the poles. If the feed is not consumed within the normal period then farmers suspect disease or water quality problems and resort to remediate the problem. Moreover, the bag feeding method is an easy and effective way in which to administer medication. Feed bags are removed daily and washed and dried before re-use.