Système d’information sur les ressources alimentaires et d’engrais en aquaculture

Rohu - Tables

● Table 1.Ontogenic dietary shifts (% of total food intake by volume) of different size classes of rohu, Labeo rohita

● Table 2. Summary of dietary nutrient requirement and utilization (protein, EAA, lipid, EFA and energy) of rohu, Labeo rohita (% dry feed except otherwise mentioned)

● Table 3. Summary of dietary nutrient (minerals and vitamins) requirement of rohu, Labeo rohita (requirement expressed for dry feed except otherwise where mentioned)

● Table 4. Suggested guidelines for liming of ponds based on pond soil pH

● Table 5. List of commonly used organic manure for carp (rohu) culture and their calcium and NPK content

● Table 6. List of commonly used inorganic fertilizers used for carp (rohu) culture and their chemical composition

● Table 7. Suggested fertilization guide for different types of carp culture ponds

● Table 8. Type of formulated feed used for rohu culture, advantages and disadvantages and the type of processing

● Table 9. List of commonly used supplemental feed ingredients in carp (rohu) culture. Nutrient contents are given in % as fed basis

● Table 10. Recommended levels of different alternative protein sources tested for rohu fingerling under under experimental condition

● Table 11. Feed formulae of commonly used and suggested formulated feeds for different life stages of rohu

● Table 12. Feeding table of rohu for different life stages under culture conditions in pond

● Table 13. Nutritional deficiency symptoms as reported for common carp

● Table 14. Vitamin deficiency symptoms