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Anti-nutritional Factors Table:
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Ingredient Name Scientific Name Description Anti-nutritional factor Part of plant Treatment
Oil, sunflower Helianthus annus Plant oil, lipid source Protease inhibitor Seed Autoclaving (121°C:15-30 min)
Cowpea, seed Vigna unguiculata/V. sinensis Grain legume, plant protein source Phytic acid Seed Milling to remove the outer layer of the seed
Sorghum Sorghum bicolor syn. S. vulgare Cereal grain product, plant product, low-protein Cyanogens Whole grain Heat treatment
Groundnut meal Arachis hypogaea Grain legume, plant protein source Phytohaemagglutinins Seed Aqueous heat treatment (100°C for 10 min)
Sesbania aculeata Sesbania aculeata Legume Phytic acid Seed Steam autoclaving (120°C:2h)
Sword/jack bean Canavalia gladiata Legume Cyanogens Seed Soaking in water followed by sun drying
Lima bean Phaseolus lunatus Legume Phytohaemagglutinins Seed Aqueous heat treatment (100°C for 10 min)
Chick pea/bengal gram Cicer arietinum Legume Phytic acid Seed Addition of dietary phytase
Crambe (Crambe Abyssinica) oil seed Crambe abyssinica Oilseed protein product, plant protein Glucosinolates Seed Microwaving
Wheat grain, hard, red spring Triticum aestivum/T. vulgare/T. sativum/T. durum Cereal grain product, plant product, low-protein Phytic acid Whole grain Milling to remove the outer layer of the seed
Oil, sunflower Helianthus annus Plant oil, lipid source Arginase inhibitor Seed No method listed
Pea, field, seeds Pisum sativum Grain legume, plant protein source Protease inhibitor Seed Aqueous heat treatment (100°C:10 min)
Sorghum Sorghum bicolor syn. S. vulgare Cereal grain product, plant product, low-protein Tannins Whole grain Reconstitution
Groundnut meal Arachis hypogaea Grain legume, plant protein source Saponins Seed Aqueous extraction
Sesbania aculeata Sesbania aculeata Legume Saponins Seed Aqueous extraction
Winged bean Psophocarpus tetragonolobus Legume Protease inhibitor Seed Autoclaving (121°C:15-30 min)
Lima bean Phaseolus lunatus Legume Cyanogens Seed Soaking in water
Grass pea Lathyrus sativus Legume Protease inhibitor Seed Aqueous heat treatment (100°C:10 min)
Indian mustard (from Bangladesh) Brassica napus, Brassica campestris or Brassica juncea Oilseed protein product, plant protein Glucosinolates Seed Fermentation
Wheat grain, hard, red spring Triticum aestivum/T. vulgare/T. sativum/T. durum Cereal grain product, plant product, low-protein Amylase inhibitor Whole grain No method listed
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