FAO/FIIT Fishing Gear Type Fact-Sheet
Seine netsupdated : 25-avril-2001
ISSCFG Classification :
>Category : Seine nets
  Beach seines
  Boat seines
General Description: A seine net is a very long net, with or without a bag in the centre, which set either from the shore or from a boat for surrounding a certain area and is operated with two (long) ropes fixed to its ends (for hauling and herding the fish). Two types of gear can be distinguished in this category: beach seines and boat seines
Specific Handling Equipment: While, no specific gear handling equipment is required for beach seine operations, the problem for manoeuvering seine nets in general consists, first, in hauling the long ropes attached to the ends of the net: this is done either by hand ( beach seine ) or with a winch ( boat seine ). When seine nets are used from boats, rope drums can be used for storing the long ropes, a power blocks can also help for bringing the net on board.
Fishing Vessels using this gear: For the operation of a beach seine, only a rather small undecked vessels may be necessary fro setting the net. The boat seine are operated from a wide range of rather small and simple boats and by modern specialized medium size units with specific deck equipment. According to the fishing technique used, seine nets can be operated by to medium and large decked vessels.
Fishing Operations: Seines are usually set from a boat to surround a certain area and are hauled either from the shore (beach seines) or from the boat itself (boat seines).
Target Species: Mainly demersal species, less frequently for pelagic species
Areas: all
The Gear and its Environment:
Deployment Area: Seine nets are operated both in inland and in marine waters. The surrounded and catching area depends on the length of the seine and of the hauling lines. The seine nets are used, in marine waters, on the continental shelf, from the coast to down to 500 m and are very common everywhere, lakes, large rivers, etc.
Impact on Aquatic Species: The potential negative impact may consist in the bycatch/discards (undersize specimens, no marketable specimens, non target species, etc...) and results from the use of a large net, with, frequently, too small meshes, in coastal waters.