FAO/FIIT Fishing Gear Type Fact-Sheet
Barriers, Fences, Weirs, Corrals, etc. [FWR]updated : 10-mai-2001
ISSCFG Classification :
>Category : Traps
>Type : Barriers, Fences, Weirs, Corrals, etc.
General Description: This is a group of gears made of various materials (stakes, branches, reeds, netting, etc.), and they are usually installed in tidal waters. They generally have a narrow slit leading to an enclosed catching chamber.
Specific Handling Equipment: No specific equipment is required.
Fishing Vessels using this gear: Usually small size open boats.
Fishing Operations: These are a group of gear in which the fish enters voluntarily, but is hampered from coming out. Fishermen visit traps regularly, at least during the fishing season, collecting only the captures and leaving the gears set in the same place for several days or months.
Target Species: Coastal species and euryhaline species.
Areas: all over the world
The Gear and its Environment:
Deployment Area: These gears are generally operated in coastal zones and shallow waters where there are significant tidal differences, in estuaries and also in inland waters. They are usually set from the bottom to the surface.
Impact on Aquatic Species: The potential negative impact produced by this type of gears may come from too large catch of undersize and juvenile specimens, no marketable specimens, non target species, etc. in certain seasons and/or areas.