FAO/FIIT Fishing Gear Type Fact-Sheet
Aerial traps [FAR]updated : 10-mai-2001
ISSCFG Classification :
>Category : Traps
>Type : Aerial traps
General Description: Jumping fish and gliding fish can be caught on the surface in boxes, rafts, boats and nets ("verandah nets"). Sometimes the fish are frightened to get them to jump out of the water.
Specific Handling Equipment: The setting and use of such gears is done by hand and do not require specific equipment.
Fishing Vessels using this gear: Usually used from small size open boats.
Fishing Operations: Fishermen have learned to use the jumping habit of fish to catch them setting boxes, rafts, nets on the water surface or using boats. Sometimes the fish are frightened to get them to jump out of the water.
Target Species: Jumping fish (e.g.,mullets) and gliding fish (flying fish).
Areas: all
The Gear and its Environment:
Deployment Area: Aerial traps are generally operated incoastal zones either in inland, inestuarine and sea waters. They are usually set on the surface.