FAO/FIIT Fishing Gear Type Fact-Sheet
Fixed gillnets (on stakes) [GNF]updated : 10-mai-2001
ISSCFG Classification :
>Category : Gillnets and entangling nets
>Type : Fixed gillnets (on stakes)
General Description: These gillnets are stretched between two or more stakes driven into the bottom within theinter-tidal area, along the cost.
Specific Handling Equipment: These nets are usually hauled by hand. The gear is set for several days at the same place.
Fishing Vessels using this gear: Occasionally a small-size boat can be used to fix the net on stakes or to collect the fish
Fishing Operations: The means of capture is that the fish are gilled or entangled in the netting. The fish are collected at low tide. In areas with high tidal differences the fishermen visit fixed gillnets during the low tide and, only, collect the captures, leaving the gears set in the same place for several days.
Target Species: Coastal species
Areas: all
The Gear and its Environment:
Deployment Area: Fixed gillnets are used in coastal waters where there are significant tidal differences.
Impact on Aquatic Species: The potential impact result from the fact that such gear is used in very shallow waters. As for other gillnets, the selectivity of these gillnets depends on the characteristics of the netting: mesh and twine sizes. If the mesh opening is small, there is a risk of retaining too small fish and/orshrimp and fish juveniles.