8.0 Introduction

1. Several different kinds of structure may be used to transport water on a fish farm. The most common one is the open canal, which we will consider in detail first (Sections 8.1 to 8.6). Then we will look at other common structures, including:

8.1 Types of open water canals

1. Different types of open water canals are used on fish farms to transport water, usually by gravity*, for four main purposes:

2. In this chapter you will learn about feeder, drainage and diversion canals. You will learn more about protection canals later
(see Section 11.5).

Open water canals for a small fish farm

Note: See also Section 8.7

8.2 Design of canals

1. All canals should be well designed to have the required water carrying capacity. The canals are designed using formulas that relate the carrying capacity of the canal to its shape, its effective gradient or head loss, and the roughness of the canal sides. The most commonly used formula incorporating all these factors is the Manning equation: