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Chairman:Prof. H.S. Swingle
Vice-Chairmen:Mr. K.H. Alikunhi
Mr. S.N. Semakula
Secretary:Dr. T.V.R. Pillay
Administrative secretaries:Miss M. Clare de Freitas
Miss June Werry

Steering Committee

Chairman:Prof. H.S. Swingle
Members:Mr. K.H. Alikunhi
Prof. M. Huet
Dr. G.A. Prowse
Mr. S.N. Semakula
Mr. S. Tal

Recommendations Committee

Chairman:Mr. S. Tal
Secretary:Dr. G.A. Prowse
Members:Mr. K.H. Alikunhi
Mr. J.R. Fielding
Dr. C.F. Hickling
Mr. J.L. Lemasson
Mr. M.A. E. Mortimer
Dr. G.R. Pomerat


Mr. Roy I. Jackson
Assistant Director-General
Department of Fisheries

Dr. T.V.R. Pillay (Secretary)
Chief, Fish Culture Section
Inland Fishery Branch

Dr. W.C. Beckman
Chief, Inland Biology Section
Inland Fishery Branch

Dr. T.J. Job
Regional Fisheries Officer for the Near East
FAO Regional Office for the Near East
P. O. Box 2223
Cairo, United Arab Republic

Mr. L.G. Holm
Agricultural Officer, Weed Control
Plant Production and Protection Division

Dr. S.J. Holt
Fishery Resources and Exploitation

Mr. Wm. A. Dill
Inland Fishery Branch

Mr. J. L. Gaudet
Fishery Officer
Inland Fishery Branch

Dr. S.W. Ling
FAO/UNDP(TA) Regional Fish Culturist for Asia and the Far East
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Far East
Maliwan Mansion, Phra Atit Road
Bangkok, Thailand

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