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The recommendations presented in the above sections are summarized hereafter. Cross-references with the previous recommendations are given in parenthese at the end of each recommendation.

1. National information, dissemination and planning seminars should be organized involving all levels of fisheries personnel, including the private sector. The objective should be to increase the awareness of the decision-makers on the importance of the sector and make it possible to allocate more human and material resources to the sector. (Ref. 4.1)

2. Social, economic and biological data should be collected on a continuing basis, as they are essential to planning. Governments therefore should give their full support for the intensification of reliable aquaculture data collection. (Ref. 4.2)

3. Countries should clearly define their national aquaculture objectives and policies. (Ref. 6.1)

4. In planning aquaculture development, countries should establish clear practical priority ratings based on future development prospects of fish production and not merely on past performance of the aquaculture sector. (Ref. 6.2)

5. SADCC countries should prepare their own medium and long-term aquaculture development plans. This planning should be prepared in collaboration with all parties involved with the preparation and implementation of the plan in order to obtain realistic schedules of implementation and cost estimates. (Ref. 5.1 and 7.1)

6. Socio-economic analysis and feasibility studies should be conducted for proper planning and evaluation of aquaculture development programmes. (Ref. 6.3)

7. Increased attention should be given to provide a favourable socio-economic environment to aquaculture development through adequate pricing, credit policies and availability of investment funds. (Ref. 6.4 and 10.3)

8. In order to avoid dilution of responsibilities, aquaculture should be brought under a single administration. (Ref. 6.5)

9. The conduct of resource surveys and socio-economic/technical surveys should be an essential part of planning and programme implementation. In view of the cost involved, external financing should be sought. (Ref. 7.2)

10. When developing aquaculture programmes, aquaculture systems based on organic manuring, particularly through integrated fish farming, should be given priority, both for their fertilization and feeding values. (Ref. 8.1)

11. In small-scale enterprises, an appropriate organic manuring system should be selected in combination with the simple aquaculture systems used. (Ref. 8.2)

12. To train high-level staff at the post-graduate level, SADCC countries should increasingly use the facilities available in the region, as well as ARAC. It would be most useful to prepare a guide to national aquaculture training facilities in Africa. (Ref. 9.1)

13. Sub-regional cooperation is necessary to train middle-level staff. FAO should organize a training course for such staff, emphasizing aquaculture development techniques of extension and training to help build up national capacity in these areas. (Ref. 9.2)

14. Aquaculture development communication aids used in the region should be identified by FAO and made available to countries in the SADCC sub-region. (Ref. 9.3)

15. National extension services should be strengthened to provide appropriate support for the promotion of aquaculture development. (Ref. 9.4)

16. The specific roles of the public and private sectors should be well defined in any planning exercise. (Ref. 10.1)

17. Governments should involve themselves directly in general promotion, research, training of personnel, seed production, and extension services. (Ref. 10.2)

18. Planning of aquaculture development should envisage the possibility of transfering responsibilities from the public to the private sector. (Ref. 10.4)

19. SADCC aquaculture activities should be clearly integrated with those occurring outside the sub-region, in particular in Africa. (Ref. 11.1)

20. Plans for aquaculture development in the SADCC sub-region should be carefully integrated with the future Eastern/Southern MULPOC project. (Ref. 12.1)

21. The MULPOC aquaculture project should be kept to a realistic size, focussing primarily on SADCC training needs. (Ref. 11.2)

22. A sub-committee for aquaculture should be established within the SADCC Committee for Fisheries and Wildlife. This sub-committee should meet regularly and, at the most, once a year. (Ref. 12.2)

23. Donors should provide increased financial support to the SADCC countries for aquaculture training and applied research, as well as for the establishment of functional national aquaculture centres. Such financial support should also become available to technicians for attendance at SADCC coordinating and technical meetings. (Ref. 12.3)

24. As a reference for future development planning, FAO/FIRI should prepare “National Reviews for Aquaculture Development” for the SADCC countries not yet studied and in particular for Lesotho and Swaziland. (Ref. 12.4)

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