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Documentos de investigación 1

FR: BCSP/67/E/1 A shrimp exploratory survey in north-eastern and northern Brazil, with some biological observations on Penaeus aztecus  Nomura, H. y Filho J. F.
2 Biology of potentially valuable fresh-water prawns with special reference to the riceland prawn Cryphiops (Macrobrachium) lanchesteri (de Man) Johnson, D. S.
3 Relation of temperature to growth and self-propagation of Pandalus borealis in Newfoudland Squires, H. J.
4 Food and feeding of some Australian penaeid shrimp Dall, W.
5 Reproduction of the sand shrimp, Crangoncrangon (L.) Meixner, R.
6 Size distribution and movement of the commercial prawns of the southwest coast of India George, M. J. Banerji, S. K. y Mohamed, K. H.
7 Maturation and spawning of the penaeid prawns of the southwest coast of India Rao Vedavyasa, P.
8 Las gambas de interés comercial en España Massuti, M.
9 Automatic processing of Western Australian prawn fishermen's log-books Slack-Smith, R. J. y Stark, A. E.
10 Frecuencia de camarón postlarval (PenaeusFabricius 1798) relacionada con la temperatura y salinidad en la costa de Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas Macías Ortiz, J. A.
11 Contribución al estudio de la biología del camarón café Penaeus californiensis  Olguín Palacios, M.
12 Ensayo de interpretación de las tallas comerciales de camarón en los litorales de Sonora, México Chapa S., H. Guilbott T., C. y Romero R., H.
13 Contribución al conocimiento de los Palemónidos de México: III Palemónidos del Golfo de California, con notas sobre la biología de Macrobrachium americanum Bate Rodríguez de la Cruz, M. C.
14 The determination of some stages of the molting cycle of Penaeus duorarum, by microscopic examination of the endopodites of pleopods Schafer, H. J.
15 Storage materials utilized by starved pink shrimp, Penaeus duorarum Burkenroad Schafer, H. J.
16 Estudio preliminar sobre las migraciones de postmisis de Penaeus vannamei Boone Guerrero, L. L.
17 Morfología de Macrobrachium acantharus (Wiegman) en el Estado de Veracruz, México Carrillo V., F.
18 Observations on the paddy-field prawn filtration of Kerala, India George, M. J. Mohamed, K. H. y Pillai, N.K.
19 Stock assessment in the shrimp (Heterocarpusreedi) fishery of Chile Hancock, D. A. y Henríquez, G.
20 Some aspects of the biology of Solenoceraindica Nataraj Kunju, M. M.
21 Postlarvae of penaeid prawns of southwest coast of India with a key to their identification Mohamed, K. H., Rao, P. Vedavayasa y George, M. J.
22 Some aspects of the biology of white shrimp Penaeus schmitti Burkenroad, in Lake Unare, Venezuela Khandker, N. Alam
23 The design and field testing of an electroshrimp trawling system Pease, N. L.
24 The shrimp fishery of British Columbia Butler, T. H.
25 Osmotic behaviour of shrimps and prawns in relation to their biology and culture Panikkar, N. K.
26 Relaciones entre largos y pesos de camarones capturados en la plataforma cubana Cruz Morejón, N. y Cadima, E.
27 General remarks on the design, analysis and evaluation of fishery resource surveys Stark, A. E. Slack-Smith, R. J.
28 Presencia de algunos estadios larvales de peneidos en un área camaronera al sur de Cuba de la Cruz S., A.
29 Diez viajes de exploración con el barco CAMARON I en la plataforma sudoriental de Cuba Nikolić, M. y García S., R.
30 The general biology and development of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) Ling, S. W.
31 Methods of rearing and culturing Macrobrachiumrosenbergii (de Man) Ling, S. W.
32 Consideraciones sobre los índices metabólicos y la supervivencia del camarón blanco, Penaeus schmitti Burkenroad, de la plataforma cubana Suárez A., G. y Xiqués D., R.
33 Penaeid shrimp catch and heat summation, an apparent relationship Williams, A.B.
34 A descriptive and analytical model of the Shark Bay prawn fishery Slack-Smith, R. J.
35 The use of predator food habits in estimating relative abundance of the ocean shrimp, Pandalus jordani Rathbun Gotshall, D. W.
36 Recherches sur le cycle biologique de la crevette Penaeus duorarum Burkenroad 1939 au Dahomey Hoestlandt, H.
37 A method of rearing penaeid shrimp larvae for experimental studies Cook, H. L.
38 The prawn fishery of Shark Bay, Western Australia Slack-Smith, R. J.
39 The prawn fishery resources of India Jones, S.
40 Commercial prawns of West Pakistan Tirmizi, N. M.
41 The Venezuelan shrimp fishery Ewald, J. J.
42 Predicting brown shrimp abundance in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico Berry, R. J. y Baxter, K. N.
43 The biology and distribution of the northern shrimp in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska Ivanov, B.
44 Kuruma shrimp (Penaeus japonicus) cultivation in Japan Fujinaga, M.
45 Crecimiento, migración y ecología del camarón comercial, Artemesia longinaris Bate Boschi, E. E.
46 Observations on the shrimp fisheries of the central and southern coast of Brazil Neiva, G. de S.
47 Larval and postlarval pink shrimp (Penaeusduorarum) in South Florida Roessler, M. A., Jones A. C. y Munro, J. L.
48 On the mechanisms underlying tide-associated movements of Penaeus duorarum Burkenroad Hughes, D. A.
49 The relation of rainfall and fresh-water drainage to the production of the penaeid shrimps (Penaeus fluviatilis Say and Penaeus aztecus Ives) in Texas and Louisiana waters Gunter, G. y Edwards, J. C.
50 Pandalus borealis in Greenland waters: its fishery and biology Smidt, E.
51 The commercial prawn Macrobrachium malcolmsonii(H. M. Edwards) of the River Godavary, a discussion on the trends and characteristics of the population during 1963–66 Rajyalakshmi, T. y Ranadhir, M.
52 Some observations on the biology of the freshwater shrimp, Macrobrachium lanceifrons (Dana), with notes on the fishery Rasalan, S. B., Delmendo, M. N. y Reyes, T. G.,
53 Abbreviated larval development in caridean shrimps and its significance in the artificial culture of these animals Dobkin, S.
54 Detailed shrimp statistical program - Gulf States Snow, G. W.
55 Oxygen consumption of the prawns Penaeus indicus H. Milne Edwards and Penaeus semisulcatus de Haan Kutty, M. N.
56 Factors controlling the time of emergence of pink shrimp Penaeus duorarum  Hughes, D. A.
57 Discarding practices in the Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery Berry, R. J. y Benton, R. C.
58 White shrimp emigration in relation to size, sex, temperature and salinity Pullen, E. J. y Trent, W. L.
59 An appraisal of the effects of salinity and temperature on growth and survival of postlarval penaeids Zein-Eldin Z. P. y Griffith, G. W.
60 Prediction of the success of commercial shrimp fishing on the Tortugas Grounds based on enumeration of emigrants from the Everglades National Park Estuary Yokel, B. J. Iversen, E. S. e Idyll, C. P.
61 A computer program for handling data on the abundance of shrimp and associated animals Thomas, T. M. y Fishback, C. L.
62 Problemas de especiación en América de un grupo de Palaemonidae del género Macrobrachium  Villalobos-Figueroa, A.
63 The suitability of the English prawn Palaemon serratus (Pennant) for cultivation - a preliminary assessment Reeve, M. R.
64 Distribution and density of prejuvenile Penaeus shrimp in Galveston Entrance and the nearby Gulf of Mexico (Texas) Kutkuhn, J. H. Cook, H. L. y Baxter, K. N.
65 Variations in protandric hermaphroditism of Pandalus borealis  Rasmussen, B.
66 Notas biológico-pesqueras sobre camarón blanco Penaeus schmitti Burkenroad 1936 Nikolić, M. y Ruiz de Quevedo, M. E.
67 A brief history of Florida's live bait shrimp fishery with description of fishing gear and methods Tabb, D. C. y Kenny, N.
68 Microsporidosis in commercial penaeid shrimp Iversen, E. S.
69 Posibilidades para incrementar la producción camaronera de alta mar en las aguas del Océano Pacífico frente a México Mendoza von Borstel, J.

Documentos de reseña 1

FR: BCSP/67/R/1 The type of development of prawns as a factor determining suitability for farming Williamson, D. I.
2 Prawn culture in Singapore Tham Ah Kow
3 The biology of mass occurrences of galatheid crustaceans and their utilization as a fisheries resource Longhurst, A. R.
4 A review of the culture of sugpo, Penaeus monodonFabricius, in the Philippines Caces Borja, P. y Rasalan, S. B.
5 Techniques of finding and catching shrimp in commercial fishing Kristjonsson, H.
6 Observaciones sobre las medidas de control de los recursos acuáticos vivientes con referencia especial al camarón Miles, C.

Resúmenes regionales 1

FR: BCSP/67/RS/1Unit stocks of shrimps and prawns in the IPFC region and unit fisheries exploiting themTham Ah Kow

Sinopsis de especies

FR: BCSP/67/SS/1 The common shrimp Crangon crangon (Linnaeus, 1758) Tiews, K.
2 The shrimp Pandalus montagui Leach 1814 Simpson, A. C.
3 The jumbo tiger prawn Penaeus monodon Fabricius 1798 Mohamed, K. H.
4 The Indian prawn Penaeus indicus H. Milne Edwards 1837 Mohamed, K. H.
5 The prawn Pandalus platyceros Brandt 1851 Butler, T. H.
6 The penaeid prawn Solenocera indica Nataraj 1945 Kunju, M. M.
7 The penaeid prawn Metapenaeus dobsoni (Miers) 1878 George, M. J.
8 The penaeid prawn Metapenaeus affinis (H. Milne Edwards) 1837 George, K. J.
9 The ocean shrimp Pandalus jordani Rathbun 1902 Dahlstrom, W. A.
10 Camarón blanco Penaeus schmitti Burkenroad 1936 Pérez Farfante, I.
11 White blanco Penaeus setiferus (Linnaeus) 1767 Lindner, M. J. and Cook, H. L.

Documentos de información

FR: BCSP/67/INF/1 Crustaceans/Crustacés/Crustáceos 1965 Bulletin of Fishery Statistics FAO Fishery Statistics and Economics Data Branch
2 List of species of shrimps and prawns of economic value Holthuis, L. B. y Rosa, H., Jr.

1 Extractos en español, francés e inglés.

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