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Crangon crangon (Linnaeus, 1758)

Exposé synoptique sur la biologie de la crevette
Crangon crangon (Linnaeus, 1758)

Sinopsis sobre la biología del camarón
Crangon crangon (Linnaeus, 1758) (Contd.)


4.1 Structure

4.11 Sex ratio of the catch

Ehrenbaum (1890), Havinga (1930) and Lloyd and Yonge (1947) found relatively more males in zones of high salinities than in those of low salinities (Table VII).

Tiews (1954a) determined the sex ratio in industrial catches in order to establish the percentage of male shrimps, as males hardly reach edible size. More than 50 percent of the catches of small shrimps (30 to 50 mm in size) made in Büsum during 1951 consisted of males, of which only less than 5 percent would have reached edible size. The relatively high percentage of male shrimps is attributable to the age composition of these catches as shrimps of 30 to 50 mm size are composed of two male age groups (0 and 1-group) but of only one female age group (0-group) (Table VIII).

The catch of edible shrimps above 55 mm in length is almost exclusively composed of female shrimps (Meyer-Waarden and Tiews, 1957).

4.12 Age composition

Age at first capture

In Germany and Netherlands, where small shrimps are fished for utilization in shrimp flour production, the age at first capture is approximately six months. In countries where larger shrimps of over 50 mm size are fished mainly for human consumption, their age at first capture is approximately 1 year.

See section 3.43.

Age at maturity

According to Havinga (1930) and Lloyd and Yonge (1947) maturity is reached at a little less than two years; but according to Ehrenbaum (1890), Meyer-Waarden (1935 b), Nouvel-Van Rysselberge (1937), and Tiews (1954a) at approximately one year.

Maximum age

The maximum age of female C. crangon is given by Havinga (1930) as four years, by Lloyd and Yonge (1947) as five years, and by Tiews (1954a) as three years. Such old shrimps were found to be extremely rare and their percentage in catches was only 0.3 percent (Tiews, 1954a).

The maximum age of male C. crangon is given by Lloyd and Yonge (1947) as four years, and by Tiews (1954a) as a little more than two years.

4.13 Size composition

Length composition of the population as a whole

Havinga (1930), Meyer-Waarden (1935b) Lloyd and Yonge (1947), and Tiews (1954a) have given length frequency distributions of female Crangon populations; while Lloyd and Yonge (1947) also give data on male C. crangon in the Bristol Channel.

Variations with depth, distance off the coast, density, time of day, season

During autumn, when industrial catches of small shrimps are largest, they are obtained mainly from the shallower fishing grounds near the coast.

Size at first capture

Havinga (1930) gives the size at first capture as 20 mm, Meyer-Waarden (1935b) 15 mm, Tiews (1954a) 18 mm, and Kurc, Faure and Laurent (1965) 30 mm.

Size at maturity

The smallest size at maturity according to the different authors is given in Table IX.

According to Havinga (1930), Tiews (1954a), and Kurc, Faure and Laurent (1965a, 1965b) the majority of female C. crangon reach maturity at a length of approximately 52 mm. The size at first maturity, however, appears to be lower in the Baltic than in the North Sea.

Maximum size

The maximum size of female C. crangon was recorded as 91 mm by Havinga (1930) and as 95 mm by Tiews (1954a) while the maximum size of male C. crangon is 75 mm according to Havinga (1930) and 68 mm (Tiews, 1954a) and 60 mm (Boddeke, 1966b).


Percentage of male shrimps in zones of highest (Z.H.S.) and of lowest salinity (Z.L.S.) in the Dollart and in the Jade (Ehrenbaum, 1890), in Zuidersee and Westerschelde (Havinga, 1930) and in the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary (Lloyd and Yonge, 1947)

MonthJadeDollartZuiderseeWesterscheldeBristol Channel and Severn Estuary Stolford Oldbury
January--51--  -2518
February----45--  0
April--500290   12.5  5
May--19023022   19.5
June-0140270     2.5  -
July   4.64.1; 116649  24-2338
August--78-3943  3634
September--6827  2961     34.544
October  204.55313  25-5046
November  231573-48-26  0
December--56-53-36  0


Percentage of male shrimps in the 30 to 50 mm size group in the catches off Büsum during 1951/52 (Tiews, 1954a)

MonthsNorth of No. 1HackfeldSuder-Piep-ChannelNorder-Piep-Channelvarious creeks


Smallest size at maturity

Authormales mmfemales mmlocality
-45Norwegian fjords
Dutch coast
-30–34Pomeranian coast
-42–48Outer Jade
Lloyd and Yonge
-54Bristol Channel and Severn
3844–52Büsum area normally
Kurc, Faure, and Laurent
-50French coast normally
    "-47Gulf of Gascogne
    "-37Bristol Channel
2237–42Dutch waters

4.2 Abundance and density of population

4.21 Average abundance

Estimates of population size have not yet been made but studies in this field are carried out at the Institut für Küsten - und Binnenfischerei, Hamburg.

4.22 Changes in abundance

Changes caused by hydrographic conditions, food competition, predation, fluctuations and fishing

Tiews (1954b) found a positive correlation between the average catch of shrimps per trip and the water temperature: the higher the temperature (above 16°C) during the fishing season, July to September, the greater the catch per trip. An average difference of 1°C in the temperature resulted in an average increase of 100 kg catch per net per trip. It is the water temperature during late summer that greatly influences the total catch of the year in this area. Unfavourable temperature conditions in summer may have been the cause of the low catches in the Büsum fisheries during the years 1949, 1951, and 1952 (Figs. 12 and 13). The influence of predation on the changes in abundance, as found by Tiews (1965) is described in section 3.34.

4.23 Average density

Annual mean density

According to Tiews (1954b) the annual average shrimp catch (of all groups) per trip of the fishing fleet of Büsum during the years 1930 to 1952 was as follows (each trip corresponds to a fishing time of approximately 5 h):


Annual average shrimp catch/trip of the Büsum fishing fleet

193441219423531950    425+)
193530119434331951    274+)
193643619445631952    248+)
19375321945      170++)  

+) During these years fishing with two nets was introduced in Büsum, while earlier the boats fished with one net only. Figures refer to the catch of one net. The size of nets was then a little smaller than in the previous years.

++) Data incomplete, since catches of small shrimps are not included.

Fig. 12

Fig. 12 Relationship between water temperature of 4 temperature ranges (a - d) and average catch of shrimps per trip (1930 to 1939) in the Büsum area (Tiews, 1954b).

Fig. 13

Fig. 13 Water temperature (A) and yield of shrimps per trip (B) given as monthly mean for a = 1930–1939, b= 1937 and c=1930 in the Büsum area. The dotted curves (β = 1937 and γ = 1930) are based on the water temperature - catch relationship found (Tiews, 1954b).

Density of adult females

The annual average catch per trip of edible shrimps (the size of which corresponds to that of adult females) of the Büsum fishing fleet for the years 1936 to 1951 (Tiews, 1953a, 1953b) was as follows (each trip corresponds to a fishing time of approximately 5 h):


Annual average catch/trip of edible shrimps of the Büsum fishing fleet

1936  891944249
1937  961945170
1938  961946161
1939  971947123
19412381949  59
19421941950  49 ++)
19431711951  49 ++)

+) During the years 1940 to 1947 fishing effort was very much reduced (1/5 to 1/7) and probably the catches were much more carefully sorted for obtaining all edible shrimps. Consequently these figures cannot directly be compared with those collected in the other years.

++) During these years fishing with two nets was introduced in Büsum. Figures refer to the catch of one net.

4.24 Changes in density

Seasonal variations in available stock

Tiews (1954b) gives the following seasonal variation of the average catch per trip of shrimps of all size groups of the entire fishing fleet of Büsum for the years 1930 to 1939 as follows (each trip corresponds to a fishing time of approximately 5 h).

Table XII

Seasonal variation of average catch/trip of shrimps of the Büsum fishing fleet

April221 kgAugust717 kg
May244 kgSeptember605 kg
June313 kgOctober433 kg
July493 kgNovember316 kg

4.3 Natality and recruitment

4.31 Reproduction rates

Annual egg production rates

See section 3.15.

No calculations for whole population available.

4.32 Factors affecting reproduction

See sections 3.34 and 2.21.

4.33 Recruitment

Factors determining recruitment (growth, transformation, movements)

Since growth is related to temperature (Tiews, 1954a), the temperature conditions may influence the time and magnitude of recruitment to the fishery. Temperature appears also to have some influence on the displacement of year-classes over the fishing grounds (Tiews, 1954b).

Seasonal pattern of recruitment

The seasonal pattern of landings of small-sized shrimps on the German coast shows a major peak in August to September and a minor peak in April to May.

4.4 Mortality and morbidity

4.41 Mortality rates

Tiews (1965) found that loss caused by predation was several times greater than by fishing mortality.

Meixner (1967) found that during a total observation period of 1½ years only one out of 129 Crangon died during the various ecdyses, when individuals were kept separate, i.e. one of 1,028 recorded moultings failed to be successful. This indicates a moulting mortality of less than 1 percent and less than 1 per thousand if referred to the total number of moults.

High mortality due to cannibalism has been observed in C. crangon immediately after moulting, when individuals were kept together in aquaria (Tiews, 1954a).

4.42 Factors causing or affecting mortality


See section 3.34.

Direct effects of fishing

Intensity of fishing is known to be high, but fishing mortality rates have not been assessed.

4.6 The population in the community and the ecosystem

Species composition of the community and relative sizes of their population

Heidrich (1930), Wulff and Bückmann (1932) as well as Meyer-Waarden and Tiews (1965a, 1965b) have studied the catch composition of the German shrimp fishery. According to Meyer-Waarden and Tiews (1965a, 1965b) the most abundant fish species caught along with shrimps was the goby, with a total average catch amounting to 732 million individuals per annum during the years 1954 to 1960, followed by the plaice with 215 million. Herring, pipe fishes, common sole, smelt and dab were caught in the order of 80 to 50 million individuals; armed bullhead, whiting, sea snails, flounder and sprat in the order of 30 to 10 million, and finally the three-spined stickleback, eel-pout, eel, short-spined sea scorpion, cod, sand-eels, dragonet, solenette, gunell, anchovy, rocklings, gurnards and horse mackerel amounting to less than 10 million. Shore crab and swimming crab were found to range between 120 and 100 million individuals. All the fish and crustaceans caught along with the shrimp show distinct fluctuations in their abundance from year to year.

The industrial catches of the German shrimp fishery during the years under observation contained less than 10 percent of undersized protected fish mentioned in Annex II of the Fisheries Convention (1946).

In the years when the industrial catches were large, as in 1954, 1955 and 1957, the percentage of fish was low (about 5 percent), whereas when the shrimp catches were poor, as in 1960, the percentage of undersized fish was close to 10. In 1959, also the industrial shrimp catches included nearly 10 percent of fish, but this is attributable to the strong 1959 year-class of whiting that had immigrated to the German coastal waters increasing the normal catch of undersized protected fish (some 2,000 tons per annum) by about 50 percent.

Although the fishing effort in the German shrimp fishery has increased 3.5 to 4 times since 1930, no decrease in the density of population of young fish could be observed in the case of plaice and sole (Meyer-Waarden and Tiews, 1965a, 1965b).

Interrelations of the population of the species in the community and ecosystem; place in the food chain; trophic level, etc

C. crangon is the most important food of several fish species in the community (Tiews, 1965).

See section 3.34.

Type of fluctuations (cyclic and non-cyclic)

Fluctuations seem to be non-cyclic (Tiews, 1954b, 1965).

Changes in environmental factors and their effect on the population

See section 3.32 and 3.34.


5.1 Fishing equipment

5.11 Gears

Present gear (type and size of twine, webbing, shape, assembly, size, mesh size)

The most common gear now used in the Crangon fishery is a pair of beam trawls.

The German shrimp trawl has been described fully by Meyer-Waarden and Tiews (1957) and von Brandt (1959).

The length of the iron tubular beams varies between 6 and 9 m, and the shoes have a height of 50 to 60 cm. The ground rope is armed with 32 to 36 wooden bobbins. The design of the net varies greatly. The total length of the net is 10 to 12 m, of which the cod end is 2.5 to 3 m.

Von Brandt (1959) described in detail a number of typical nets used in Husum, Tönning, Büsum, Friedrichskoog and Neuharlingersiel.

Formerly the nets were made of cotton, but at present synthetic materials are used. Twin beam trawls were introduced on the coast of Ostfriesland after 1930, and in Schleswig-Holstein in 1948 (Tiews, 1952). At present shrimp fishing in Germany is nearly exclusively carried out with two beam trawls.

The fishermen of Ostfriesland use small trial nets before setting the main gear. A description of a try-net is given by von Brandt (1959).

The Dutch shrimp fishery also used beam trawls of a similar type (Tesch and de Veen, 1938). This was also the case in the French fishery (Belloc, 1938) until recently, but now otter trawls yield the larger part of the catches. Only smaller boats with small engines of 20 to 25 hp are still using beam trawls. In Belgium beam trawls were in use (Verbrugghe, 1932), but were later replaced in most cases by the otter trawl. During recent years, however the Belgian fishermen changed over to beam trawls again, as they consider them more effective in the tidal areas where the shrimp fishery is carried out. The French shrimp otter trawl is described by Kurc, Faure, and Laurent (1965a) (Fig.14).

Kurc (1964), Kurc, Faure, and Laurent (1965b) described a new otter-trawl developed for shrimp fishing in the Gulf of Gascoyne, the so-called “Devismes modifié” type (Fig.14). The net is divided in two sections and has two cod ends with different mesh sizes. The small mesh of the upper section catches the shrimps which jump through the netting that separates the lower from the upper section. The lower cod end has larger mesh to allow any small fish caught to escape easily. Catches of undersized fish are thus considerably reduced.

The design of the two-section shrimp trawl has been modified and used recently in a Dutch model of a beam-trawl (Boddeke, 1965a, 1965b) (Fig. 15). According to Boddeke (1965a) by-catches can be reduced by one sixth by using this new type of beam trawl. But Tiews (1966), experimenting with the same net, did not obtain the same results when used over the German fishing grounds.

On the east coast of England the beam trawl is exclusively used for fishing brown and pink shrimps (Mistakidis, 1958). In the Thames area the otter trawl has been introduced recently. On the northwest coast in addition to the beam trawl, fishing of brown shrimps is done by push and shank nets, the latter being small trawls pulled by horse carts. In the Bristol Channel small quantities of brown and pink shrimps are taken in salmon putts and stall nets. However, approximately 90 percent, if not more, of the total landings are fished by the beam trawl. The length of the beam varies between 5.5 m and 7.3 m, depending on the overall length of the boat and the length of the shrimp net is usually one and a half times the length of the beam, their mesh size varying from 19 to 25 mm full mesh.

Changes in types of gear during the development of the fishery

On the German coast push nets and the shrimp basket used to be the common gear for catching shrimps, but today the latter has all but completely disappeared (Meyer-Waarden and Tiews, 1957).

A description of the shrimp basket and of another primitive shrimp fishing gear, the fyke net with wings (Fig. 16), is given by Meyer-Waarden (1931).

A more modern, but also disappearing gear in the German shrimp fishery is the shrimp stow net. While the shrimp basket is a fishing gear for the shallow and more sheltered fishing waters, the shrimp stow net is for the deeper creeks with more rapid currents. This net has been described by Meyer-Waarden (1931) and von Brandt (1959).

These stow nets can fish only either in the ebb or flood tide.

Fig. 14

Fig. 14 French otter board shrimp trawl made of nylon, knotless, as used in Vendée, 12.20/16.60 m: (a) = classical type, (b) = the same net, but with second selection bag of the “Devismes”-type, as demonstrated on top (c) (Kurc, Faure and Laurent 1965b).

Fig. 15

Fig. 15 New Dutch beam shrimp trawl with two bags (Boddeke, 1965b).

Fig. 16

Fig. 16 German shrimp fyke net with wings (Meyer-Waarden, 1931).

Fig. 17

Fig. 17 Modern German shrimp fishing vessel from Cuxhaven (Meyer-Waarden and Tiews, 1957). (Photo: Dr. Nolte)

This type of stow not has been modified to facilitate operation during both the tides, with a special hanging design that permits considerable increase of catching power. Nevertheless the modified gear is not widely used for shrimp fishing (Meyer-Waarden, 1931).

Henking (1927) described some beam trawls which are used in the Baltic Sea for fishing C. crangon. Shrimps are caught there only as bait for the cod fishery, since large shrimps are not abundant enough to sustain a large-scale shrimp fishery.

A description of the original “shrimp net” used in the neighbourhood of the Thames Estuary, prior to 1930–40, its modification in early 1850, and the introduction of the “four beam trawl” at the same period is given by Mistakidis (1960).

In early days horses were used for towing shrimp nets in Belgium (Verbrugghe, 1932) and England (Davis, cited by Schnakenbek, 1942). The Belgian shrimp trawl was kept open by a ground beam in the middle of which a stick was attached to keep the mouth of the net open.

Use of echosounding or fish detectors

Echosounding is used now in the German shrimp fishery, but Crangon cannot be detected on fish finders (sonar).

5.12 Boats

Type, Size, Power, Changes in types of boats during the development of the fishery

In the early days in Germany small wooden, open or covered, sailing boats were used for shrimp fishing. Motorization started around 1900 and by 1927 all shrimp fishing boats were powered (Tiews, 1953a).

Today the type of boat remains the same except in size, the length varying from 12 to 17 m and equipped with engines between 50 and 75 hp (Tiews 1965) (Fig. 17).

All boats are equipped with 50 litre oilfired boilers to cook the catch of edible shrimp immediately after hauling, sorting and cleaning the catch. Nearly all vessels are equipped with mechanical sieves for sieving the catches. Most of the vessels do not possess fish rooms. Only the larger ones have refrigerated fish rooms.

In the Netherlands shrimp vessels are larger than in Germany, up to 21 m long and having engines up to 150 hp. These boats fish shrimps during the winter also and much farther away from their home ports than the German fishing boats do. The average engine power has steadily increased from 45 hp in 1951 to 93 hp in 1962 (Boddeke, 1962a, 1962b, 1966a).

In France, small fishing vessels having engines from 40 to 80 hp are used for shrimp fishing (Kurc, Faure, and Laurent, 1965a).

5.2 Fishing areas

5.21 General geographic distribution

Geographic distribution

Crangon fishing, on commercial scale, is carried out along the entire coasts of Germany (North Sea coast), the Netherlands and Belgium, as well as on the east and west coasts of England, and in several areas on the French coast. There appears to be some prospects for Crangon fishing on the Danish North Sea coast, at least in the southern area. However, this is not exploited by the Danish fishing industry.

5.22 Geographic ranges

Distances from coast

Crangon fishing is pursued close to the coast, the fishing areas varying in distance from half to 20 n mi (37 km), depending on their location.

Drainage basins

The fishing areas are usually within or close to estuaries.

Areas of greatest abundance (political or geographical designations or degrees of latitude and longitude)

Areas of greatest abundance are the entire coasts of Germany and the Netherlands.

Meyer-Waarden and Tiews (1957) state that the brown shrimp is caught along the entire German North Sea coast. The fishing grounds are in the estuaries and in the region of the large and small creek systems of the Wadden Sea. They are limited, in the sea, by the 15 to 20 m line which runs along the coast of Schleswig-Holstein, in the Elbe/Weser estuary up to 20 to 25 n mi (46 km), off the coast and along the coast of East Friesland up to 10 to 15 nautical miles. During spring and late autumn the fishing is carried out more seaward than during the months July to October, when fishing is almost exclusively confined to areas close to the coast. There are good shrimp fishing grounds near the estuaries of the rivers Eider, Elbe, Weser and Ems. Hydrographically the entire fishing area is characterized by strong tidal currents of strength up to 3 m/sec, and by continuous discharge of fresh water into this area by the rivers mentioned. Because of the marked annual and seasonal fluctuations in the quantity of fresh water discharges, the salinity on the fishing grounds is subject to great fluctuations.

Mistakidis (1960) stated that in England the three main centres of the shrimp fishery are the Wash, the Thames estuary, and the Lancashire coast. Landings of pink and brown shrimps in these areas amount approximately to 80 percent of the total landings.

Kurc, Faure and Laurent (1965b) stated that along the French coast there are areas in the Atlantic as well as on the Channel, which are rich in sand shrimps, especially those close to the estuaries of the rivers Gironde, Loire, and in the Bight of the Seine (Fig. 18). In each of these areas about one third of the total annual production (which is between 1,400 and 1,800 t) is produced. There is also a small shrimp fishery along the coast of Vendée, in the Bight of Mont Saint Michel and on the east coast of Contentin.

Differential abundance associated with hydrographical features

See section 4.11

Changes in ranges during development of the fishery

When only push nets, baskets and stow nets were used, the fishery was fairly close to the shore. When trawling was introduced, the range depended on the action radius of the boat. Sailing boats operated along the coast, while powered boats could fish further out to sea.

5.23 Depth ranges

Bathymetric contour

The fishery along the German coast is limited by the 15 to 20 m depth line (Meyer-Waarden and Tiews, 1957).

Variations of density with depth

During spring and late autumn the density of shrimp stocks is greater in the deeper areas than in the shallow. The contrary is the case during the months of July to October (Tiews, 1953a, 1953b).

5.24 Conditions of the grounds

The fishing grounds have sandy or muddy bottoms with usually rich food supply.

5.3 Fishing seasons

5.31 General pattern of seasons(s)

The main fishing season extends from spring to late autumn depending on the migration of Crangon in the fishing grounds (see section 3.51).

In the Netherlands there is a regular winter fishery. In the other countries the shrimp fishing boats are too small to permit a winter fishery. In Germany a winter fishery is of no interest to the fishermen, since prices are fixed upon agreement between the fishermen and the industry for the whole year, and so the lower winter catches do not yield a profit.

For small fishing boats bad weather prevailing during winter would greatly hamper fishing operation. Another factor hampering the conduct of a successful winter fishery in the German waters is that heavy winter storms usually destroy the markings of the numerous creeks making navigation extremely difficult (Meyer-Waarden and Tiews, 1963b).

5.32 Dates of beginning, peak and end of season(s)

Approximate dates in various fishing areas

The German shrimp fishery usually starts at the end of March or the beginning of April when water temperatures are generally above 5°C, and terminates at the end of November. Maximum catches of small sized shrimps are obtained during July to October, when 70 to 80 percent of the annual catches are taken. The catches of large sized shrimps, i.e. those for human consumption, are much more balanced with peaks in April to May and in October (Fig. 19) (Meyer-Waarden and Tiews, 1957, 1965a). Also the Belgian shrimp fishery lasts from March to November (Gilis, 1952).

The Dutch fishery for large sized shrimps operates through the year.

In 1963 and 1965 maximum production was recorded during September to October (Boddeke, 1966b).

5.33 Variation in date or duration of season

Severe and prolonged winters retard the beginning of the fishery, just as early winters cause its earlier termination. In warm years German fishermen may extend the fishing season until Christmas.

Fig. 18

Fig. 18 German (Meyer-Waarden and Tiews, 1965a) and French shrimp fishing areas (Kurc, Faure and Laurent, 1965b)

Fig. 19

Fig. 19 Seasonal distribution of German shrimp landings 1954–1960 (Meyer-Waarden and Tiews, 1965a).

During the years 1930 to 1939 the peak of the fishing season was usually in August. Since 1949, quite likely due to climatological changes and consequent cooler August temperatures, the peak has shifted to September/October (Tiews, 1954b).

5.4 Fishing operations and results

5.41 Effort and intensity

Type of unit of effort

Since most of the fishing trips in the German shrimp fishery do not exceed 16 h, one fishing trip can be considered a unit of effort. Since 1958 nearly all shrimp cutters fish with two nets, while before 1930 they fished with one net only. Two-net fishing was introduced on the coast of Niedersachsen during the years 1930 to 1939, and on the coast of Schleswig-Holstein from 1948 to 1958.

Tiews (1954b) designated catch per unit effort for the fishing fleet of Büsum, as the catch per net per 10 h trip taking into consideration the seasonal variations in fishing time.

The fishing trips of the large Dutch shrimp fishing vessels last five days. The catch per trip of these boats cannot, therefore, be compared with that of the smaller boats which go fishing, as the German boats do, from early morning until the afternoon (Boddeke, 1962a, 1962b). Gilis (1960) expressed the catch per unit of effort of the Belgian fleet, as the catch per 100 h fishing, multiplied by the hp of the engine.

Landings per unit of fishing effort

Tiews (1954b) has given the average landings of small and edible shrimps per trip for the period 1930 to 1952 for the shrimp fishing vessels stationed in Büsum.

Bartling (1964, 1965) found that a fishing boat of 14 to 16 m length fished nearly twice as many shrimps as one of 10 to 12 m length.

The fluctuations in landings per unit of fishing effort of the Belgian shrimp fishery for the period 1935 to 1959 are given by Gilis (1960) (Table XIII).

Catches per unit of fishing effort

In the Thames estuary the catch per hour is usually 32 to 68 kg, the quantity depending on the fishing ground and on the season of the year. Catches of 225 to 270 kg are not unusual. However, there are also records of only 9 or 13 kg of shrimps caught in two hours trawling (Mistakidis, 1960).

French shrimp catches during winter generally do not exceed 3 kg of edible shrimps per h. During June to July the catches per h are between 2 and 15 kg while in December they are often below 1 kg (Kurc, Faure and Laurent, 1965b).

Fishing effort per unit area

No information.

Total fishing intensity

The German shrimp fishery carried out 51,715 fishing trips (of less than one day each) in 1964. Of these, 30,58Y were on the coast of Niedersachsen. This showed a decline in fishing effort as compared to the period 1958–63, when on an average 32,958 fishing trips were made. The changes in fishing effort on the German coast during 1954 to 1964 have been traced by Tiews (1965).

The number of Belgian shrimp fishing boats has declined steadily since before the second World war. In 1936 it was 285 and in 1959 only 149. However, the size of angine has increased from 33.2 hp during the years 1935 to 1939, to 62.7 hp during 1956 to 1959 (Table XIII) (Gilis, 1960).

The sizes of the Dutch shrimp fishing fleet in the years 1951, 1954, 1957, 1960 and 1961 are given by Boddeke (1962b).

Causes of variation in fishing effort and intensity

The German shrimp fishing fleet amounting to 690 fishing boats in 1937, decreased to 674 boats in 1955 (Meyer-Waarden and Tiews, 1957). In 1964 only 489 boats were operating as a result of a special scheme sponsored by the government under which certain fees were paid to the fishermen upon retirement on condition that their old boats were destroyed for thinning out the fleet in order to make it more profitable (Tiews, 1965).

5.42 Selectivity

The cod end, as well as the anterior parts of the net contribute to selective fishing (Bohl, 1963a, 1963b).

The absolute catches of edible shrimps are largest when mesh sizes of 11 to 12 mm (from knot to knot) in the cod end are used. Smaller mesh sizes yield smaller catches of edible shrimps but considerably larger catches of smaller shrimps (Gilis, 1952; Mistakidis, 1958; Bohl and Koura, 1962; Kurc, Faure and Laurent, 1965b). The relation between the 50 percent retention length and the value of catch sizes times selection factor is given by Bohl and Koura (1962) (Fig. 20).


Fishing effort and shrimp landings in Belgium from 1935 to 1959 (Gilis, 1960)

YearNumber of cuttersMean Horse PowerNumber of Fishing Hours (FH) × Horse Power (HP)Total YieldsMean Yield per 100 FH × HP (kg)
193526430.27 440 0252 670 96935.9
193628529.67 666 8173 496 06945.6
193725633.68 135 0324 059 38149.9
193823635.68 452 4782 949 91534.9
193920138.88 368 2662 728 05532.6
Average24833.28 012 5233 180 87839.7
194625039.74 172 1681 289 20030.9
194722640.05 729 4732 033 96335.5
194821049.45 541 3451 651 32129.8
194919149.46 346 7591 796 13328.3
195021151.16 790 6531 548 26922.8
Average21845.55 716 0791 663 77729.1
195119554.68 081 9892 068 29925.5
195218854.57 888 7202 608 05733.1
195318754.77 455 8121 961 88026.3
195418957.06 692 9101 514 17522.6
195518158.27 123 9922 100 34629.5
Average18855.87 448 6842 050 55527.5
195618662.98 495 9493 193 01037.6
195717662.66 524 8081 004 41415.4
195815461.54 749 476   764 98816.1
195914963.35 784 4261 072 77618.5
Average16662.76 388 6641 508 79723.6
Total average20747.06 917 9522 132 17130.8

According to Bohl (1963a, 1963b), since the anterior parts of the net have selective properties, the following mesh sizes obtain the best catches of edible shrimps:


Mesh sizes

Part of the
Mesh bar
Number of meshes
Posterior10 – 11ca155–175        
Cod end10 – 11  

The change in mesh sizes is claimed to yield the following advantages:

  1. A larger quantity of edible shrimps is caught for no extra expenditure or work.

  2. Because of the large mesh size the quantity of small shrimps caught is reduced and better and larger catches of large-sized edible shrimps are obtained.

  3. The larger mesh of the cod end (10 to 11 mm) allows an immense number of juvenile shrimps to escape, thus helping in the protection of shrimp stocks.

In the German shrimp fishery the mesh sizes of the cod ends have been increased since 1962 because of the difficulty in marketing small sized shrimps consequent to the abolition of the law that guaranteed the selling of small sized shrimps (Meyer-Waarden and Tiews, 1957).

5.43 Catches

Total annual yields

The Yearbook of Fishery Statistics published by FAO gives the total annual yields in various countries (FAO, 1965) (Table XV).

Total annual yields from different fishing grounds

Mistakidis (1960) reported that the landings of pink and common shrimps in England and Wales during the past 48 years showed fluctuations between 890 t and 3,700 t. Certain distinct falls in landings may have been due to the reduced effort during the war years and immediately after, and to the severe winters of 1928 to 1929, 1939 to 1940, and 1946 to 1947. Even if these exceptionally poor years are not taken into consideration, on the whole, landings during the past 25 years were smaller than for the period 1910 to 1930. Whether reductions in landings was the result of a decline in the stock, or of reduced fishing effort, it is difficult to determine as there are no available data with regard to the number of boats and men engaged in the shrimp fishery.

Meyer-Waarden and Tiews (1965a) have described the development of the German shrimp fishery during 1928 to 1960 and furnished the yearly landing figures (Table XVI). The yields showed considerable fluctuations during this period. The German shrimp landings by areas as given in Table XVII indicate however that the development was different from area to area. During the period 1949 to 1959 catches of edible shrimps increased in Oldenburg, Ostfriesland and Schleswig-Holstein, and decreased in the Elbe/Weser area. During the same period catches of small industrial shrimps decreased in Oldenburg and Elbe/Weser, but showed an increase in Ostfriesland and in Schleswig-Holstein.

Catch statistics of the Belgian shrimp fishery have been collected since 1935. During the years 1935 to 1939 the annual catches fluctuated between 2,671 and 4,059 t and amounted, on an average, to 3,181 t. From 1946 to 1950 the catches varied between 1,289 and 2,034 t and were on an average 1,664 t. During 1951 to 1953 the annual average catch amounted to 2,051 t and decreased during the period 1956 to 1959 to 1,509 t (Table XIII) (Gilis, 1960). In Belgium there is no fishery for small shrimps for industrial use, as is also the case in France (Personal communications).

The Dutch landings of edible and small shrimps for 1951 to 1961 are given by Boddeke (1962a, 1962b, 1966).

Maximum equilibrium yield

No information.

Fig. 20

Fig. 20 Relation between the 50% retention length and the value of catch size times selection factor (Bohl and Koura, 1962).


Landings (in t) of common shrimp by countries according to Yearbook of Fishery Statistics

Algeria10.3-   0.7-   -   0.40.2
Germany, Federal Republic34.215.129.427.624.842.428.7
Netherlands- 39.2313.314.916.424.721.9
SwedenÆ   Æ   Æ   Æ   Æ   -   -   
U.K. (England and Wales)
U.K. (Scotland)-   -   -   -

1 The landings given for Algeria are considered doubtful by the author
2 Figures include also landings of pink shrimp (Pandalus montagui)
3 FAO estimate


German common shrimp landings in tons

YearsEdible ShrimpsSmall ShrimpsTotal
19283066  9 17612 424
1929307715 11418 191
1930378416 47620 260
1931330421 96225 266
1932300319 83722 840
1933310024 00027 100
1934341426 68630 100
1935388719 75323 640
1936469834 99139 689
1937606044 54050 600
1938575533 62039 375
1939540429 40634 810
1940513118 09223 223
1941739216 36623 758
19424207  6 33410 541
19431957  2 651  4 608
19441650  2 741  4 391
19451689     541  2 230
19462858  3 748  6 606
19473928  7 26111 189
19485962  8 21214 174
1949343715 68519 122
1950263730 16532 802
1951330223 31126 613
1952328621 07824 364
1953429535 65639 951
1954445628 73833 194
1955564137 28142 922
1956541227 47632 888
1957568929 15834 847
1958605122 30128 352
1959441321 27825 691
1960360320 27623 879


German mean landings on common edible shrimps (a) and small shrimps (b) by districts in tons

YearsElbe - WeserOldenburgOstfrieslandSchleswig-HolsteinTotal landings
1928/30   8813 142  891 7332245 3872 115  3 3373 30913 589
1931/391 0796 1622003 5123128 6242 70010 0214 29228 311
1949/59   7863 9452502 7445659 4992 82010 3694 42026 557


6.1 Regulatory (legislative) measures

6.11 Limitation or reduction of total catch

Limitation on the efficiency of fishing units

There are no limitations at all in the Belgian shrimp fishery. The Dutch “Produktschap voor Vis en Visprodukten” has prescribed that fishing boats landing shrimps are not allowed to have a dragging power above 2,000 kg.

In England the different Fisheries Districts have exercised various legislative restrictions on the sizes of fishing boats, length of beam of trawls and push nets, diameter of nets, duration of operation of trawls and obligatory release of undersized fish.

Limitation on the number of fishing units, fishermen

In Germany credit facilities for replacement of old shrimp fishing boats are given only on condition that the old boats are destroyed in order to limit the number of fishing boats. However, so far a number has not been fixed by the law.

Limitation on total catches (quota): daily, seasonal, annual

When catches are large the processing firms in Germany that have contracts with fishermen for supply of edible shrimps for processing fix a ceiling for the daily quota to be delivered. Such restrictions do not normally exist for small sized fodder shrimps.

According to the Fisheries Convention for the NE Atlantic (24 June 1959), the industrial by-catches of the shrimp fishery are not allowed to contain more than 10 percent of undersized protected fish. Meyer-Waarden and Tiews (1965a) have calculated that the industrial catches of the German shrimp fishery during the years 1954 to 1960 contained less than 10 percent of undersized protected fish.

6.12 Protection of portions of population

Closed areas such as spawning or nursery grounds

In France the shrimp fishery is prohibited in certain areas, mostly in bays, in order to prevent catches of undersized commercial fish.

Closed seasons

In England, a closed season for shrimps and prawns (December through April), is imposed in the Lancashire and Western Sea Fisheries District.

Limitations on size or efficiency of gear or craft

The State of Schleswig-Holstein in Germany has regulations prohibiting mesh sizes below 7 mm (from knot to knot). There are no other governmental limitations in the German shrimp fishery, except some marketing ordinances (Meyer-Waarden and Tiews, 1957).

In France the minimum mesh size in the cod end of nets made of synthetic fibres has been fixed at 21 mm (stretched).

In the Netherlands coastal fishery the lower limit of mesh size of shrimp trawls is fixed at 17 mm.

In England, the Dee Fishery District, the Kent and Essex Sea Fisheries District, the Cumberland Sea Fisheries District, the South Wales Sea Fisheries District and the Lancashire and Western Sea Fisheries Joint Committee, all exercise limits on mesh size of shrimp and prawn nets. The last two agencies also impose obligatory release of undersized shrimps. The Cumberland Sea Fisheries District have restrictions on the size of fishing boats as well.


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