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Saldanha Lopes1
National Correspondent

Fishing activities and aquaculture in inland waters were developed in 1984 and 1985 by the following departments: Direcção Geral dos Serviços Florestais (SF), Instituto Nacional de Investigação das Pescas (INIP), Aquário Vasco da Gama (AQV), Faculdade de Ciências do Porto (FCP), Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas do Porto (ICBP), Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa (FCL) e Laboratório Nacional de Investigação Veterinària (LNIV).


    In 1985 the ICBP carried out studies of fish stock assessment in the lagoons of the Miranda and Régua Dams, in the north, and in 1986 the collection of data continued. In these dams and in the estuary of the River Douro the growth, spawning periods and physical condition of the species Cyprinus carpio, Barbus barbus, Mugil sp., Chondrostoma polylepes, Leuciscus cephalus and Carassius carassius were studied.

    This same institute has studied the ecology of the estuary of the River Minho in the north, mainly during periods when eels and other fish migrate.

    A study of salmon world populations was undertaken in 1984 by the Zoology Institute of the FCP and deals with the characterization of these populations in the north. Periodic electrofishing has been made in several places and several hundreds of specimens were marked.

    Expected results will contribute to a better knowledge of population dynamics and their implications namely on sport fishing regulations.

    In the River Tagus the INIP continued with biological studies of the carp (Cyprinus carpio) and special attention was given to its growth, feeding ethology and reproductive cycle in natural environmental conditions. The growth and reproductive cycle of Barbus barbus, Mugil cephalus, Liza ramada, Alosa alosa and Alosa phalax.

    The species Procambarus clarki, found in the River Caia, in the south, was included in the Portuguese fauna. It was identified and described by this institute.

    The Sf in turn continued with the biological study of inland water macro--invertebrates and with the conservation and management of hydric masses for sport fishing. This department has delimited and fiscalized spawning and rearing areas of migratory species as the shad (Alosa alosa), the lamprey (Petromyson marinus) and salmonides (Salmo salar and Salmo truta) and proceeded with the restocking of salmonides, cyprinides and black-bass (Micropterus salmoides).

    In these two past years the restocking of Astacus pallipes was continued in several water courses and expansion conditions of former restockings were studied.

    Finally, the INIP Limnology Group continued with water quality control and with the evaluation of the trophic situation of water masses localized in different geographic zones. These studies were for detecting areas of better primary and secondary productivities so that a more profitable exploitation of inland water fishing potentialities can be attained. The identification of dominant mechanisms in the lagoons of Maranhão and Divor, in the south, was also carried out for developing and applying conservation models which will contribute to a better exploitation of aquatic ecosystems.

1 Instituto Nacional de Investigaçao das Pescas, Doca de Pedrouços - Algés - Praia, Av. Brasil 1400, Lisboa.


    The INIP continued to proceed with experiments and studies on fish cultures in floating net cages in the Maranhão Experimental Station, on a warm water reservoir in the south. In the Winter months, between February and May, restocking of the rainbow trout (Trutta Gardeneri) was attempted with granulated compound food which was distributed manually or by automatic feeders. In Summer, between July and November, and with the same type of food, the cultures of black-bass (Mycropterus salmoides) and sun-perch (lopomis gibbosus) were studied.

    Although, on the whole, results were rather encouraging, the trout was faced with irregular development due to automatic feeding deficiencies. The black-bass did not accept artificial food very well and the sun-perch did not grow as fat as expected. Mortality was also verified in some young sun-perches after capture due, possibly, to obstruction of the gills.

    The experiments of rainbow trout culture in floating net cages were also pursued in 1984 and 1985 by the FCP at the Caniçada reservoir, in the north. As a result of these studies a private entreprise is now exploring an intensive farm at the Alto Rabagão reservoir, also in the north.

    During the same period, studies on rainbow trout nutrition were made at the same reservoir of Caniçada and also at private trout cultures and at the Zoological Marine Stations Dr. Augusto Nobre in Porto, where they are the subject of two PhD studies.

    The ICBP has also carried out feeding experiments in trouts with several proteinic sources as a substitute of fish meal. This same institute studied the growth of eels stabled in silos and fed with rations produced locally. It also started the study of an experimental station for eel culture, using the effluents of a thermic station, in the north.

    Still referring to eel culture, in 1984 the AQV began to feed glass eels with two types of commercial rations and this experimental culture continued in 1985.

    This eel culture, carried out in the silos system did not result specially because ration provided was not very well accepted.

    After modifications in the system, the experimental culture proceeded with nutrition changes consisting of two different types of silages and a commercial meal.

    The INIP continued to study the reproduction of Cyprinus carpio by inducing final maturation of the oocytes with dry hypophysis extract of the same species. The breeding/preservation of semen in liquid azote was obtained.

    This institute also proceeded with the culture of micro-seaweeds of commercial interest by using various types of effluents.

    In pathology the LNIV has carried out a sanitary survey of pisciculture farms in the search of pathogens. This laboratory also tries to improve and develop means and methods which will permit drawing up a nozological table and the study of epizootology in aquatic animals.

    In the past two years the LNIV isolated and identified these baterias

    Aeromonas hydrophila
    Citrobacter freundii
    Diplococcus a-hemolitico
    Escherichia coli
    Enterobacter aerogenes; Ent. agglomerans
    Flavobacterium spp.
    Hafnia alvei
    Plesiomonas shigelloides
    Pseudomonas acidovorans; and other Pseudomonas spp.
    Salmonella arizonae
    Vibrio alginolyticus; V. parahaemolyticus

    and these parasites

    Apiosama sp.
    Bucephalus sp.
    Ceratomyxa sp.
    Chilodenella hexastichia; C. uncinata; Chilodenella sp.
    Crytocaryon irritans
    Dactylogyrus sp.
    Dermocystidium branchialis
    Eimeria sp.
    Cyrodactylus sp.
    Hexamita sp.
    Ichthiobodo sp.
    Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
    Kuoda sp.
    Leptotheca sp.
    Lernea cyprinacea
    Pyxidium giardi; Myxidium sp.
    Myxobolus sp.
    Oodinium limneticum
    Scyphidia sp.
    Tetrahymena sp.
    Trichodina anguillae; T. reticulata; T. trutae

    The fungi Saprolegnia spp. were detected.

    The LNIV maintains research projects on: pathology of eels; feeding problems of the eel under intensive culture; pathology of Truta gaidneri, therapeutic experiments; pathology of the cyprinides and Myxidium giardi in the European eel.

    The Instituto de Zoologia Dr. Augusto Nobre of the FCL in turn also carried out several studies in fish pathology.

    The aim of these studies is to contribute to a better knowledge of pathology of farmed rainbow trout in Portugal as well as to study feral populations. Sanitary assistance to trout farms is included in the project. Periodic actions in order to detect pathogens have been made in trout farms and an extensive survey of pathogenic bateria is under study.


    The INIP has tried to characterize stress situations especially when the piscicultural fauna is affected, as by cultured eutrofication, organic and metal pollutions. The following projects were undertaken: chemical characterizations of sediments and their influence in planctonic productivity; effects of pollution in the dynamic of planctonic biomass nutrients and in the piscicultural community in the Maranhão Lagoon, in the south; algal bloom occurrences, contamination by heavy metals and by periods of strong turbidity and their influence on phito and zooplancton in various lagoons.

    As already referred, the INIP is studying the treatment of agri-industrial effluents through micro-seaweed production of commercial interest. On the other hand and for this special purpose a pilot station was implanted in an industrial pig farm.

    In 1985 the ICBP also started collecting samples for the study of Cs and Sr levels in fish in the Miranda and Régua lagoons in the north. The transferences of these same elements between sediments and the water have also been studied. Physico-chemical and biological determinations of these lagoons were also effected for avaluation of the respective biogenic capacity and for the possibilities of restock.

    The FCP has also proceeded w/ studies on biological water-quality in rivers in the north. These studies which are the subject of an undergoing PhD research were undertaken in 1984. The water quality is assessed by the macro-inverterbrate fauna and the results already allowed the characterization of biological water quality of the River Lima.

    Apart from monitoring carried out in rivers where trouts are found, the SF always proceeded to physico-chemical determinations of the water in places of future pisciulture farms or when restocking of various species are to take place.


    The SF has eight aquicolous stations specially meant for fish restocking. Six of these are situated in the north and are mainly for salmonide production. The remaining two, in zones of warmer water, produced cyprimides and black-bass.

    Annual productions averaged 2 600 000 embryonic eggs of Truta fario and 3 200 000 eggs of Salmo Irideus. The latter were supplied to private trout farmers who bought them in the form of embryonic eggs or already as frys.

    The annual production of cyprimides were around 600 000 frys of Cyprinus carpio Speculans and 100 000 frys of Trinca trinca.

    About 2 500 frys of Micropterus Salmoides were also annually produced in water-lines and lagoons of dams for restock.

    In 1984 there were five private trout farms and the total production, for internal consumption, reached 900 tons. In 1984 the SF also sold 70 tons of trout for consumption.

    In the same year the two trout farms in the south produced 70 tons, nearly all of which were for export.

    In 1985 the SF maintained a production of 70 tons of trout for consumption. With the operation of another industrial unit, private trout farms increased to six and total production to about 1 000 tons which were totally absorved by the internal market.

    The number of eel farms also increased with another small unit still in the experimental stage and total production reached approximately 90 tons. The entire production is exported to the north of Europe.

    Finally, and in terms of production, as no valid statistics exist for inland water fishing, either sport or professional, a reference is made to the average of fishing licences given, about 83 000 per year, of which 3 000 are for professionals.

    It is curious to point out that a yearly average of 160 contests of sport fishing are held at both national and international levels.


    AFONSO, A e F. CARVALHO, 1984 - Estudo das condições ecológicas do Rio Arda para a implantação de um empreendimento de aquacultura - Relatório de Estágio de Post-Licenciatura (ICBP).

    AGUSTI, S. e outros, 1984 - Influência da carpa espelhada Cyprinus carpio L. var specularis) no desenvolvimento das infestantes aquáticas em valas de drenagem - Seminário sobre Aquacultura (INIP/APRH).

    ALBUQUERQUE, M.T.F. e outros, 1984 - Alguns aspectos sobre a patologia da enguia europeia, Anguilla anguilla L. e Truta arco-iris, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, de cultura em Portugal - Seminário sobre Aquacultura (INIP/APRH).

    ALMAÇA, C. 1984 - Conservação das zonas ribeirinhas. Bolm.Prot. Nat. (3a. Série), 18:13–19.

    ALMAÇA, C. 1984 - Notes on some species of western palearctic Barbus (Cyprinidae, Pisces). Arq. Mus.Boc. (Série C), 2(1):1–76.

    ALMAÇA, C., 1984 - Form relationships among western palearctic species of Barbus (Cyprinidae, Pisces). Arq.Mus.Boc. (Série A), 2(12):207–248.

    ALMAÇA, C., 1985 - Morphological relationships and evolutionary rate of taxonomic characters in Euro-Mediterranean Barbus (Cyprinidae, Pisces). Arq.Mus.Boc. (Série B), 2(16):129–136.

    ALMAÇA, C., 1985 - Problems ecológicos relacionados com o empreendimento de Alqueva - A a transformação da fácies lótica em fácies lêntica. In “prosseguir Alqueva para desenvolver o Alentejo e o País”. Ed.Caminho, pp.185–188.

    ALMAÇA, C., 1985 - A ictiofauna continental alentejana na ex - ploração zoológica do Dr. Franz Steindachner à Península Iberica (1864–1865). Congresso sobre o Alentejo, 2: 532–536.

    ALMAÇA, C., 1985 - Sobre alguns migradores anfibióticos da Bacia do Guadiana. Congresso sobre o Alentejo, 2:546–552.

    BATISTA, IRINEU, 1985 - Ensilados de peixe. Relatório no 57 (INIP).

    CABEÇADAS, G. e BROGUEIRA, M. J., 1984 - A phytoplancton blom in shallow Divor Reservoir (Portugal) - The importance of internal nutrient Loading - p. public. in Internationalen revue der gesanten Hydrobiologie.

    CANÁRIO, A. e outros, 1984 - Algumas notas sobre o cultivo de enguia europeia (Anguilla anguilla L.) em Portugal - Seminário sobre Aquacultura (INIP/APRH).

    CARVALHO VARELA, M. e outros, 1984 - Perspectivas actuais do controlo dos parasitas e parasitoses na anguilicultura por tuguesa - Seminário sobre Aquacultura (INIP/APRH).

    COELHO, J., 1984 - Nutrição de Trutas arco-iris: Valor da farinha de carne - Rev. Port. Ciênc. Veter. Vol. LXXIX, no 472.

    COELHO, M. M., 1985 - The straight mouth Portuguese Chondrostoma Agassiz, 1835 II. Taxonomic position and geographic distribution of Ch.polylepis Steind., 1865 and Ch.wilkommii Steind., 1866, with the discription of a new subspecies, Ch.polylepis duriensis. Arq.Mus.Boc. (Séria A), 3(2):13–38.

    COLLARES-PEREIRA, M. J., 1984 - The “Rutilus alburnoides (Steind., 1866) complex” (Pisces, Cyprinidae). I.Biometrical analyses of some Portuguese populations. Arq.Mus.Boc. (Séria A), 2 (8):111–143.

    COLLARES-PEREIRA, M. J., 1985 - The “Rutilus alburnoides (Steind., 1866) complex” (Pisces, Cyprinidae). II.First data on the karyology of a well-established diploid-triploid group. Arq.Mus.Boc. (Série A), 3 (5):69–90.

    COLLARES-PEREIRA, M. J., 1985 - Ciprinideos do Alentejo. Congresso sobre o Alentejo, 2: 537–545.

    EIRAS, J. C., 1984 - Nota sobre um caso de parasitose de truta arco-iris Salmo gairdneri Richardson em cultura intensiva, por Lernea sp (Crustacean: Lernaeidae) - Seminário sobre Aquacultura (INIP/APRH).

    FERNANDES, A. J. e outros, 1985 - Amostrador de sedimentos - Utilização em lagos e albufeiras - Relatórios no 64 (INIP).

    GONÇALVES, J. e outros, 1984 - Cultura experimental de enguias em circuito fechado. Parte I: Controlo dos factores abió - ticos - Seminário sobre Aquacultura (INIP/APRH).

    GOUVEIA, A., 1984 - Avaliação de subprodutos de origem animal como substitutos parciais em dietas para Truta arco-iris (Salmo gairdneri Richardson) - Seminário sobre Aquacultura-(INIP/APRH).

    GUERRA, I. e CANÁRIO, A., 1984 - Captura de enguia de vidro. Algumas considerações - Seminário sobre Aquacultura (INIP/APRH).

    LUPI, A. F. e VILELA, M.H. , 1984 - Algumas considerações sobre a produção massiva do rotífero Brachionus plicatilis Muller em tanques ao ar livre - Seminário sobre Aquacultura (INIP/APRH).

    MACHADO CRUZ, J., 1984 - Primeiros resultados de piscicultura em jaulas flutuantes no Norte de Portugal - Seminário sobre Aquacultura - (INIP/APRH)

    MARTINS, M. e SAMPAYO, M. A., 1984 - Microalgas a partir de efluentes de suinicultura. Dados preliminares - Seminário sobre Aquacultura - (INIP/APRH).

    MARTINS, M. e SAMPAYO M. A., 1985 - Produção de microalgas - Uma possível solução para o grave problema dos efluentes de suinicultura - Relatórios no 58 - (INIP).

    MARTINS, M. e outro, 1985 - Contribuição das microalgas no tratamento de efluentes de industrias químicas (Quimigal) - Comunicação ao NOPROT (in press).

    MATOS, L. C. e CARVALHO, M. M., 1984 - Seis Relatórios sobre Tecnologia do Pescado de Águas Doces no Estado da Baía, Brasil - Relatório Interno no 70 - (INIP)

    MENEZES, J., 1984 - Sobre as consequências da introdução e/ou transferência de animais aquáticos - Seminário sobre Aquacultura (INIP).

    MENEZES, J., 1984 - Produtos químicos em Aquacultura - Seminário sobre Aquacultura - (INIP).

    MONTEIRO, M. T., 1984 - Contribuição para o conhecimento das comunidades zooplanctónicas das albufeiras a Sul do Tejo-Boletim no 11 (INIP).

    MONTEIRO, M. T., 1984 - Ciclo anual do zooplancton de uma albufeira recem-formada: Odivelas - Boletim no 11 - (INIP).

    MONTEIRO, M. T., 1984 - Ciclo anual do zooplancton de uma albufeira em fase de eutrofia - Divor - Boletim no 11 - (INIP).

    OLIVEIRA, R., 1985 - Estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctónica e dinâmica dos blooms na albufeira do Maranhão - Boletim no 12 - (INIP).

    PALMA BRITO, B., e DUARTE, A., 1984 - Perspectivas de cultura de peixe em jaulas, nas albufeiras portuguesas - Alguns dados preliminares - Seminário em Aquacultura - (INIP).

    PEREIRA, T. G., e outro, 1984 - Policultura de peixes catádromos - crescimento e hábitos alimentares - Seminário em Aquacultura - (INIP).

    PISSARRA, J. L. e CAVACO, M. H., 1984 - Pesquisa de fluores - cência para análise fluorimétrica - Relatório Interno no 68 (INIP).

    RAMOS, M. A., 1984 - Reprodução de peixes em meio natural. Factores fisiológicos e ecológicos - Seminário sobre aquacultura - (INIP).

    RODRIGUES, A. e outros, 1984 - Utilização de Lagoas de estabilização em aquacultura - Seminário sobre Aquacultura - (INIP).

    SALGADO, P., 1984 - Contribuicão para o estudo dos mugilídeos no sentido da sua utilização na cultura - Seminário sobre Aquacultura (INIP)

    SAMPAYO, M. A., 1984 - Produção de microalgas - Uma indústria a implementar no Meio Rural - Relatórios no 35 (INIP).

    SAMPAYO, M. A. e outros, 1985 - Ensaio de tratamento de efluente de lavadura com produção de Spirulina - Comunicação ao NOPROT (in press).

    SILVA, C. G. e outro, 1985 - Cultura massiva de Daphnia magna Straus em tanques ao ar livre utilizando microalgas produzidas com efluente de Suinicultura - Comunicação ao NOPROT (in press).

    SILVA, J. M. D., 1984 - Dispositivos para transposição de barragens pelos peixes. Os conhecimentos actuais e o Projecto de Crestuma - Seminário sobre Aquacultura - (INIP).

    VILELA, M. A., 1984 - Influência do regime alimentar na produção do rotifero Brachionus plicatilis Müller - Seminário sobre Aquacultura - (INIP).

    WEBER, M., 1984 - Die aufzucht von Glassaalan (Anguilla anguilla L.) Geschlossenen Wasserkreislant nit Integrierter Hidrocultur - Fishen Teichnirt.

    WEBER, M. 1985 - Catching Method and Seasonal occurrence of glass eels in the Rio Minho - Eel working Group - EIFAC (FAO) - Perpignan.

    WEBER, M., 1985 - Zur Okosystemstruktur des Minhoastuars (Iberische Westkuste). - Tese de Doutoramento apresentada à Universidade de Munich.

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