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The Commission is established as an Article VI body under the Organization and is a standing commission established by decision of the FAO Council. Its area of operation is Europe, and its membership is open to all European Member Nations of the Organizations whose territories are situated wholly or partly in the European region and who have communicated to the Director-General (of FAO) a formal expression of intention. Its official languages are English and French.

The objectives and purposes of such a commission are generally (as defined by Article VI) to advise on the formulation and implementation of policy and to coordinate the implementation of policy. As specifically defined by the Twenty-Sixth Session of the Council, they are:

“to promote improvements in inland fisheries and to advise Member Governments and FAO in inland fishery matters.”

The present functions of the Commission, which correspond to the original terms of reference, are:

  1. to assist in the collection and dissemination of pertinent information

  2. to propose and assist in the organization of appropriate symposia

  3. to promote liaison and cooperation among governmental organizations

  4. to advise on the evolution of an organized approach among interested governments of this region toward the development of inland fisheries as may seem desirable and feasible, and

  5. to advise on any other matters appropriate to the promotion of the development and utilization of the inland fisheries within the competence of the Organization.

These functions can generally be achieved by regular meetings of the Commission and of its subsidiary bodies, the Secretariat being responsible for management of its affairs between Sessions. The costs of participation are borne by Member Governments, but the Secretariat is provided by FAO.

The Commission was responsible for examining the Rules of Procedure drafted by the Secretariat, and at the First Session a committee appointed by the meeting for this purpose made recommendations for minor amendments. The amended Rules of Procedure were then approved by the Commission. One important amendment provided for the formation of an Executive Committee, consisting of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman1 of the Commission, whose duty it is to direct and conduct the business and affairs of the Commission between sessions.

1 See Annex 2 for the list of EIFAC officers over the years

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