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List of EIFAC Publications

A. EIFAC Technical Papers

Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on finely divided solids and inland fisheries (1964)
Fish diseases. Technical Notes submitted to EIFAC Third Session by Messrs J. Heyl, H. Mann, C.J. Rasmussen and A. van der Struik (1965)
Feeding in trout and salmon culture. Papers submitted to a Symposium, EIFAC Fourth Session (1966)
Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on extreme pH values and inland fisheries (1968)
Organization of inland fisheries administration in Europe, by Jean-Louis Gaudet (1968)
(Rev. 1) Organization of inland fisheries administration in Europe. Revised edition (1974)
Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on water temperature and inland fisheries based mainly on Slavonic literature (1968)
Economic evaluation of inland sport fishing, by Ingemar Norling (1968)
Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. List of literature on the effect of water temperature on fish (1969)
New developments in carp and trout nutrition. Papers submitted to a Symposium, EIFAC Fifth Session (1969)
Comparative study of laws and regulations governing the international traffic in live fish and fish eggs, by F.B. Zenny, FAO Legislation Branch (1969)
Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on ammonia and inland fisheries (1970)
Salmon and trout feeds and feeding (1971)
Elements of the theory of age determination of fish according to scales. The problems of validity (1971)
EIFAC consultation on eel fishing gear and techniques (1971)
Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on monohydric phenols and inland fisheries (1972)
Symposium on the nature and extent of water pollution problems affecting inland fisheries in Europe. Synthesis of national reports (1972).
Report of the symposium on the major communicable fish diseases in Europe and their control. Report (1972)
Suppl. 1  
The major communicable fish diseases of Europe and North America. A review of national and international measures for their control, by P.E. Thompson, W.A. Dill and G. Moore (1973)
Suppl. 2  
Symposium on the major communicable fish diseases in Europe and their control. Panel reviews and relevant papers (1973)
The role of administrative action as a tool in water pollution control, by G.K. Moore, FAO Legislation Branch (1973)
Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on dissolved oxygen and inland fisheries (1973)
Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on chlorine and freshwater fish (1973)
Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on zinc and freshwater fish (1973)
Ecological diagnosis in salmonid streams. Method and Example, by R. Cuinat et al. (1975)
Report on the Symposium on methodology for the survey, monitoring and appraisal of fishery resources in lakes and large rivers (1974)
Suppl. 1  
Symposium on the methodology for the survey, monitoring and appraisal of fishery resources in lakes and large rivers - Panel reviews and relevant papers, Vol. I and II (1975)
Report on fish toxicity testing procedures (1975)
Workshop on controlled reproduction of cultivated fishes - Report and relevant papers (1975)
Economic evaluation of sport and commercial fisheries. Report and technical papers of the Second European Consultation, held in Göteborg, Sweden, 22–24 September 1975 (1977)
Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on copper and freshwater fish (1976)
Report of the joint ICES/EIFAC Symposium on eel research and management (Anguilla spp.) (1976)
Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on the effect of zinc and copper pollution on the salmonid fisheries in a river and lake system in central Norway (1977)
Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on cadmium and freshwater fish (1977)
Report on the Symposium on Finfish Nutrition and Feed Technology (Hamburg, 20–23 June 1978) (1978)
The value and limitations of various approaches to the monitoring of water quality for freshwater fish (1978)
Guidelines for sampling fish in freshwater (1980)
EIFAC fishing gear intercalibration experiments (1979)
Report of the EIFAC workshop on mass rearing of fry and fingerlings of fresh-water fishes (1979)
Suppl. 1  
EIFAC Workshop on mass rearing of fry and fingerlings of freshwater fishes. Proceedings (1979)
Report of the EIFAC, IUNS and ICES working group on standardization of methodology in fish nutrition research (1980)
Report on combined effects on freshwater fish and other aquatic life of mixtures of toxicants in water (1980)

B. EIFAC Occasional Papers

Summary of the organized discussion on the economic evaluation of sport fishing (1968)
OP 2  
Bibliography on nutritional requirements of salmonoid fishes (1968)
OP 3  
Application of electricity to freshwater fishery management and development in Ireland (1969)
The fisheries of Romania and Romanian fishing (1970) (in French only)
OP 5  
Potential uses of waste waters and heated effluents (1971)
OP 6  
Investigation of a method for comparing the efficiency of portable fishing machines (1973)
OP 7  
Economic issues and opportunities facing Europe in the field of sport fisheries (1973)
OP 8  
Pond fish culture in Czechoslovakia (1973)
OP 9  
A review of feeding equipment in fish culture (1973)
OP 10
Bibliography on nutritional requirements of warm water fishes (1975)
OP 11
Survey of ownership and utilization of inland fisheries in various European countries and Canada (1976)
OP 12
Glossary of Inland Fishery Terms (1978)
OP 13
Historical review of EIFAC activities (1981)


C. Synopsis on Freshwater Fish

Backiel, T. and J. Zawieza, 1968 Synopsis of biological data on the bream Abramis brama (L.). FAO Fish.Synop., (36):110 p.

Deelder, C.L., 1970 Synopsis of biological data on the eel Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758). 68 p. FAO Fish.Synop., (80):68 p.

Deelder, C.L., 1973 Exposé synoptique des données biologiques sur l'anguille Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758). FAO Synop.Pêches., (80):78 p.

Deelder, C.J. and J. Willemsen, 1964 Synopsis of biological data on pike-perch Lucioperca lucioperca (Linnaeus, 1758). FAO Fish.Synop., (28):52 p.

Jankovíc, D., 1964 Synopsis of biological data on European grayling Thymallus thymallus (Linnaeus, 1758). FAO Fish.Synop., (24)Rev.1:45 p.

Prawochenski, R. and W. Kolder, 1968 Synopsis of biological data on Hucho hucho (Linnaeus, 1758). FAO Fish.Synop., (22) Suppl.1:19 p.

Sarig, S., 1966 Synopsis of biological data on common carp Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758). (Near East and Europe). FAO Fish.Synop., (31.2):pag.var.

Svetina, M., 1962 Etude synoptique sur la biologie du huchon Hucho hucho (Linné, 1758). Edition provisoire. FAO Synop.Pêches., (22):39 p.

Thorpe, J., 1977 Synopsis of biological data on the perch Perca fluviatilis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Perca flavescens (Mitchell, 1814). FAO Fish.Synop., (113):138 p.

Toner, E.D. and G.H. Lawler, 1969 Synopsis of biological data on the pike Esox lucius (Linnaeus, 1758). FAO Fish.Synop., (30)Rev.1:pag.var.

D. Other Publications

Alabaster, J.S., 1977 Biological monitoring of inland fisheries. Proceedings of a Symposium of EIFAC. Helsinki, Finland, 7–8 June 1976. London, Applied Science Publishers for FAO, 226 p.

Axelrod, H.R., 1973 Report of exotic fishes committee. Trans.Am.Fish.Soc., 102:239–40

Bagenal, T.B. (ed.), 1974 The proceedings of an International Symposium on the ageing of fish. Sponsored by EIFAC of the FAO, the Fisheries Society of the British Isles and the Freshwater Biological Association, and held at the University of Reading, England, on 19 and 20 July 1973. Old Woking, Surrey, Gresham Press, Unwin Brothers Ltd., 234 p.

Blanc, M. et al., 1971 European inland water fish. A multilingual catalogue Poissons des eaux continentales d'Europe. Catalogue multilingue. Peces de aguas continentales de Europa. Catálogo multilingüe. Binnengewässer-Fische Europas. Mehrsprachiger Katalog. London, Fishing News Books Ltd., for FAO, pag.var.

Brown, E.E., 1977 World fish farming: cultivation and economics. Westport, Connecticut, AVI Publishing Co., 397 p.

Dill, W.A., 1964 A partial bibliography on the economic evaluation of sport fishing and fisheries resources. Une bibliographie partielle sur l'évaluation économique de la pêche sportive et de ses ressources. FAO Fish.Circ., (8)Rev.1:20 p.

Dill, W.A. and I. Norling, 1974 Expanded annotated bibliography on the economic evaluation of sportfishes. Extension d'une bibliographie annotée sur l'évaluation économique de la pêche sportive. Rome, FAO, EIFAC/74/1–2:43 p.

Dill, W.A., D.W. Kelley and J.C. Fraser, 1975 Water- and land-use development and the aquatic environment; problems and solutions. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (141):10 p.

Doudoroff, P. and D.L. Shumway, 1970 Dissolved oxygen requirements of freshwater fishes. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (86):291 p.

EIFAC and Inland Fishery Resources Branch, 1971 FAO Fishery Resources Division, A list of inland fishery workers in Europe. Liste des spécialistes des questions de pêches dans les eaux intérieures en Europe. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (15)Rev.2:85 p.

FAO, 1974 Government Consultation on an International Convention for the Control of the Spread of Major Communicable Fish Diseases, Control of the spread of major communicable fish diseases. Report of the Government Consultation on an International Convention for the control of the spread of major communicable fish diseases. Aviemore, Scotland, 30 April–1 May 1974. FAO Fish.Rep., (149):17 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

FAO, 1979 Fishery Resources and Environment Division, Marine Resources Service, Review of the state of world fishery resources. FAO Fish.Circ., (710)Rev.1:41 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

FAO/OIE 1977 Government Consultation on an International Convention for the Control of the Spread of Major Communicable Fish Diseases, Control of the spread of major communicable fish diseases. Report of the FAO/OIE Government Consultation on an International Convention for the control of the spread of major communicable fish diseases. OIE Headquarters Paris, France, 25–28 January 1977. FAO Fish. Rep., (192):44 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Fraser, J.C., 1972 Regulated stream discharge for fish and other aquatic resources; an annotated bibliography. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (112):103 p.

Fraser, J.C., 1972 Water levels, fluctuation and minimum pools in reservoirs for fish and other aquatic resources; an annotated bibliography. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (113):42 p.

Gaudet, J.-L. (ed.), 1971 Report of the 1970 Workshop on fish feed technology and nutrition. Organized by FAO/EIFAC in collaboration with the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife at the Warmwater Fish Cultural Laboratories, Stuttgart, Arkansas, 7–19 September 1970. Resour.Publ.Bur.Sport Fish.Wildl.U.S., (102):207 p.

Gaudet, J.-L., (ed.), 1972 First European Consultation on the economic evaluation of sport and commercial fisheries, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Netherlands with the support of EIFAC, at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, The Hague, 24–25 January 1972. The Hague, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Department of Sportfisheries and Professional Fisheries, 147 p.

Gulland, J.A., 1978 Review of the state of world fishery resources. FAO Fish.Circ., (710):41 p.

Halver, J.E. and K. Tiews (eds), 1979 Finfish nutrition and fishfeed technology. Proceedings of a World Symposium sponsored and supported by EIFAC/ICES/IUNS, Hamburg, 20–23 June 1978. Schr.Bundesforschungs.Fisch.Hamburg, (14/15)vol.1:593 p., vol.2:622 p.

Pillay, T.V.R., 1973 The role of aquaculture in fishery development and management. J.Fish.Res. Board Can., 30(12)Pt.2:2202–17

Pillay, T.V.R., 1979 The state of aquaculture, 1976. In Advances in aquaculture. Papers presented at the FAO Technical Conference on aquaculture, Kyoto, Japan, 26 May–2 June 1976, edited by T.V.R. Pillay and W.A. Dill. Farnham, Surrey, Fishing News Books for FAO, pp. 1–10

Thurow, F. (ed.), 1979 Eel research and management. Papers presented to an ICES/EIFAC Symposium. Helsinki, 9–11 June 1978. Rapp.P.-V.Réun.ICES, (174):154 p.

Tiews, K., Proceedings of the Symposium on new developments in the utilization of heated effluents and of recirculation systems for intensive aquaculture. Stavanger 29–30 May 1980. Berlin, Heenemann Verlags-Gesellschaft mbH, 2 vols: 1200 p. (in press)

Vibert, R. (ed.), 1967 Fishing with electricity; its application to biology and management. Contributions to a symposium. London, Fishing News Books Ltd., for FAO, 276 p. French edition published by Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Paris (1968), 276 p.

Welcomme, R.L. and H.F. Henderson, 1976 Aspects of the management of inland water for fisheries. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (161):40 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

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