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Adumua-Bossman, J.A., 1979 Towards optimalization of fish yields from tropical man-made lakes: a review of Volta Lake fisheries. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Kainji Lake and River Basins Development in Africa. New Bussa, Kainji Lake Research Institute, pp.261–5

Apalco, C., 1979 The ecology of some carbon degradating bacteria in the southern most part of the Volta Lake. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Kainji Lake and River Basins Development in Africa, New Bussa, Kainji Lake Research Institute, pp.184–8

Asamoa, E.K., 1979 The effect of the Akosombo Dam on the oxygen regime of the Volta waters below the dam. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Kainji Lake and River Basins Development in Africa, New Bussa, Kainji Lake Research Institute, pp.170–7

Adiase, M.K., 1969 Preliminary account of the food and feeding habits of fish in the Volta Lake. In Man-made lakes: the Accra Symposium, edited by L.E. Obeng. Accra, Ghana. Ghana Universities Press, for Ghana Academy of Sciences, pp.235–7

Addo-Ashong, F.W., 1969 Effect of inundation of trees and on wood decomposition. In Man-made lakes: the Accra Symposium, edited by L.E. Obeng. Accra, Ghana Univesities Press for Ghana Academy of Sciences, pp.292–7

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Biswas, S., 1969 The Volta Lake: Some ecological observations on the phytoplankton. Verh.Int. Ver.Theor.Angew.Limnol., 17:259–72

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Biswas, S., 1972 Ecology of phytoplankton of the Volta Lake. Hydrobiologia, 39:277–88

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Biswas, S., 1975 Phytoplankton in Volta Lake, Ghana, during 1964–1973. Verh.Int.Ver.Theor.Angew. Limnol., 19:1928–34

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Reynolds, J.D., 1970 Biology of the small pelagic fishes in the new Volta Lake in Ghana. Part 1. The lake and the fish: feeding habits. Hydrobiologia, 35(3–4):568–603

Reynolds, J.D., 1971 Biology of the small pelagic fishes in the new Volta Lake, Ghana. 2. Schooling and migrations. Hydrobiologia, 38:79–91

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Reynolds, J.D., 1973a Report on fish production and nutrition in the Volta Lake. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. 47 p. (mimeo)

Reynolds, J.D., 1973b Biology and fisheries potential of four species of Alestes (Pisces: Characinidae) in the new Volta Lake, Ghana. Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr., 87(2):298–310

Reynolds, J.D., 1974 Biology of the small pelagic fishes in the new Volta Lake in Ghana. Part 3. Sex and reproduction. Hydrobiologia, 45:489–508

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CIFA/OP1The relationship of yield to morpho-edaphic index and numbers of fishermen in African inland fisheries. Relation entre la production, l'indice morpho-édaphique et le nombre de pêcheurs des pêcheries des eaux continentales d'Afrique (1974)
CIFA/OP3Some general and theoretical considerations on the fish production of African rivers. Quelques considérations générales et théoriques sur la production halieutique des cours d'eau africains (1974)
CIFA/OP2Manuel de construction artisanale d'embarcations. Handbook of artisanal boatbuilding (1975)
CIFA/OP4Report of the consultation on fisheries problems in the Sahelian zone (1975) (Distribution restricted)
CIFA/OP5A bibliography of African freshwater fish. Bibliographie des poissons d'eau douce de l'Afrique (Suppl. 1 — 1968–1975)
CIFA/OP6Bibliography of Fisheries and Limnology for Lake Tanganyika. Bibliographie sur les pêches et la limnologie du lac Tanganyika (1978)
CIFA/OP7The Inland Fisheries of Africa (1979) (Distribution restricted). Les pêches continentales d'Afrique (1979) (Distribution limitée)
CPCA/OP8Synthèse des connaissances scientifiques sur la pêche et l'hydrologie du lac Tchad et effets de la sécheresse (1979) (Distribution limitée)
CIFA/OP9Review of the state of aquatic pollution of East African inland waters (1981)
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