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17.   Recommendation No. 1

To further enhance the practice of integrated aquaculture-agriculture farming systems in the region, the following courses of action were recommended by the Working Party:

  1. That more case studies be conducted to gather more information on this type of productive system.

  2. That socio-economic studies on integrated aquaculture farming practices be undertaken.

18.   Recommendation No. 2

Considering that fish seed production and distribution are still the main bottlenecks for aquaculture development in the region, the Working Party recommends that workshops/ training programmes on fish seed production and distribution for technicians, farmers and planners at the national and international levels be conducted.

It further recommends that the Secretariat explore the possibilities of obtaining funding from external sources to organize such workshops/training programmes which should have as wide a participation as possible.

19.   Recommendation No. 3

Taking into account that in many countries of the region participation of small fish farmers in the development of aquaculture is seriously hampered by the lack of initial capital, the Working Party recommends that special financing schemes with low interest rates and simplified procedures for granting be made available by financing institutions.

20.   Recommendation No. 4

Realizing that for proper development planning of the aquaculture sector it would be necessary to have statistics as accurate as possible on production, and further noting that the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme (SCSP) has initiated an evaluation of the methods of statistical collection of the South China Sea countries, the Working Party recommends that other governments in the Indo-Pacific region request the assistance of FAO for SCSP or similar regional or inter-regional programmes to undertake such evaluation, and that the results obtained from the survey covering aquaculture be made available to this Working Party.

21.   Recommendation No. 5

Taking into account the new terms of reference adopted by the IPFC Standing Committee on Resources Research and Development (SCORRAD) at its second session for the Working Parties on Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture, this Working Party recommends that in the future the two Working Parties meet consecutively, in order to provide the possibilities for joint discussion of points of common concern such as aquatic pollution and environmental degradation.

22.   In discussing the Cooperative Programme of Research on Aquaculture (COPRAQ), it was noted that IPFC has no funds for direct support of research activities. The primary aim of the Programme is to foster cooperation in carrying out research programmes common to two or more of the Member Governments. In considering these areas of common concern, the Working Party agreed that the following areas should be given priority:

  1. Hatchery management with emphasis on broodstocks improvement and management; intensive fry rearing techniques and nursery management.

  2. Evaluation of mangrove swamp utilization for aquaculture and other uses.

  3. Pests and disease control.

  4. Design and engineering of aquaculture facilities.

  5. Feeds and nutrition.

23.   The activities of the Working Party during the intersession period will be centered on the preparations for the 6th meeting/workshop and follow-up on actions arising from the recommendations made at this Working Party Meeting.

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