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Appendix B

INDONESIAMr. Rustami Djajadiredja
Director, Inland Fisheries Research Institute
Agency for Research and Development of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
1 Jalan Sempur, Bogor
Chief, Shellfish and Seaweed Section
National Fisheries Research and Development Agency
Office of Fisheries
Dae Woo Centre Building
286 Yong Dong, Chung-ku, Seoul
MALAYSIAMr. Ong Kee Bian (Chairman)
Senior Fisheries Officer
Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Branch
Agriculture Department Kuching,
NEPALMr. K.G. Rajbanshi
Chief Fisheries Development Officer
Fisheries Development Section, Department of Agriculture
Harihar Bhawan Pulchowk,
Lolitpur, Kathmandu
PHILIPPINESDr. Rafael D. Guerrero III (Rapporteur)
Dean, College of Inland Fisheries
Central Luzon State University
Munoz, Nueva Ecija
THAILANDMr. Vanich Varikul
Director, National Inland Fisheries Institute
Department of Fisheries
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
Rajadamnern Avenue
Bangkok 2
UNITED KINGDOM (Hong Kong)Dr. William L. Chan
Senior Fisheries Research Officer
Fisheries Research Station
Agriculture and Fisheries Department
Canton Road Government Offices
393 Canton Road, 12th floor Kowloon,
Hong Kong
FAO REGIONAL OFFICE FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFICMrs. Medina N. Delmendo (Technical Secretary)
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Maliwan Mansion, Phra Atit Road
Bangkok 2, Thailand
Fishery Resources Officer (Aquaculture)
Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service, FIRI,
FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Dr. H.R. RabanalSenior Aquaculture Development Officer, South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, Manila, Philippines
Mr. G.L. EscritorProject Manager UNDP/FAO Project on Brackishwater Aquaculture Development Centre (INS/72/003), Jepara, Indonesia
Dr. Banchong TiensongrusmeeFishery Biologist (Shrimp Culture), UNDP/FAO Project on Brackishwater Aquaculture Development Centre, Jepara, Indonesia
Mr. Fuad CholikInland Fisheries Research Institute, Agency for Research and Development of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Bogor, Indonesia
Mr. Zulkifli JangkuruInland Fisheries Research Institute, Agency for Research and Development of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Bogor, Indonesia
Mr. Santosa KoesoemadinataInland Fisheries Research Institute, Agency for Research and Development of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Bogor, Indonesia
Mr. Ali PoernomoInland Fisheries Research Institute, Agency for Research and Development of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Bogor, Indonesia
Mr. Moch YunusInland Fisheries Research Institute, Agency for Research and Development of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Bogor, Indonesia
Mr. V. SoesantoDirector General of Fisheries, Jakarta, Indonesia
Mr. S. SoehardiDirectorate-General of Fisheries, Department of Agriculture, Jakarta, Indonesia
Mr. I.R. SoetiknoSukabumi Fisheries Station, Directorate-General of Fisheries, Sukabumi, Indonesia
Mr. Sukotjo AdisukresnoUNDP/FAO Project on Brackishwater Aquaculture Development Centre (INS/72/003), Jepara, Indonesia
Mr. S. ZulbardiAnimal Husbandry Research Institute, Bogor, Indonesia
Mr. Gelar Wira AtmadjaAquaculture Department Faculty of Fisheries, Bogor Agriculture University, Bogor, Indonesia
Mr. Atmadja HardjamoAquaculture Department Faculty of Fisheries, Bogor Agriculture University, Bogor, Indonesia
Mr. Charles LarsenUSAID, Jakarta, Indonesia

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