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Appendix D

Distinguished Guests and Delegates,

Welcome to Indonesia.

The Indonesian Government, in particular the Directorate General of Fisheries and the Agency for Agricultural Research and Development are very honoured in having the privilege to host this Fifth Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council's Working Party Meeting on Aquaculture and Environment in Jakarta.

During the Fourth Working Party Meeting held in Manila from 1–2 March 1978, the aspects of aquaculture and environment have been discussed and conclusions as well as several recommendations were made, among others concerning an Action Programme for an Integrated Rural Aquaculture System for Fish-Crop-Livestock and Production.

Aquaculture with all its kinds of varieties has been conducted since several ages ago in Indonesia, but it is generally still conducted on a small scale and traditional basis, so that the productivity stage achieved is also still low, which consequently is causing the still low social economic status of the fish farmers.

The fisheries development in Indonesia is among others aimed at increasing the production and the productivity of the fishing efforts as well as increasing the welfare of the fish farmers and their families.

Special attention is given to the small-scale fisheries. Efforts for achievement of these goals will be conducted by way of intensification, extensification and diversification of ponds, brackishwater ponds, and ricefields.

We are fully aware that in the execution of these programmes, several problems will have to be faced and solved, but we are optimistic that these problems will be overcome. This optimism is growing with the expectation of obtaining the maximum benefit out of the results of this Working Party meeting.

Within a few moments you are going to start your deliberations and you will exchange your experiences and knowledge; you will collaborate in trying to solve the existing integrated aquaculture problems. We are certain that from this meeting of experts new beneficial thoughts for the development of aquaculture in the developing countries of the IndoPacific region will be produced.

I wish you much success with your deliberations and may I now officially declare this Fifth IPFC Working Party meeting on Aquaculture and Environment open.

Thank you.

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