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The Fourth Session of the Cooperative Programme of Research on Aquaculture (COPRAQ) took place from 16 to 19 October 1979 at the Fisheries Research Institute (Instituto de Investigaciones Pesqueras), in Barcelona, at the kind invitation of the Spanish Government.

On behalf of FAO, Mr. D. Charbonnier thanked the Institute, and through its Director, Mr. B. Andreu, the Spanish authorities for their welcome. He expressed his appreciation for the number of participants (see list in Annex B) and the quality of the papers presented, which were expected to lead to very fruitful discussions.

In welcoming the participants, Mr. B. Andreu pointed out his own interest and that of the Higher Council for Scientific Research, sponsor of the Institute, for the development of marine aquaculture. He expressed his confidence in the future of this activity in the Mediterranean, although he did not underestimate the difficulties it would encounter on its way. He concluded that the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean had an important role to play in the exchange of results and integration of knowledge, thanks to the international cooperation within COPRAQ.

The Agenda reproduced in Annex A was adopted.

Mr. J. -M. San Feliu was elected Chairman of the Session and Mr. Z. Filic, Vice-Chairman.

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