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The following recommendations were adopted:

Recommendation COPRAQ/79/1

The Fourth Session of the Cooperative Programme of Research on Aquaculture

considering that fundamental research extends beyond regional limits, and that exchange of data and experience with specialists not working in the Mediterranean region could benefit COPRAQ,

recommends that, in the future, specialists who, although not working in the Mediterranean, are versed in topics to be discussed at COPRAQ sessions, be invited to participate as active observers in these sessions.

Recommendation COPRAQ/79/2

The Fourth Session of the Cooperative Programme of Research on Aquaculture

considering the active engagement of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) in research areas such as fish nutrition and diseases, recirculation systems and thermal aquaculture, which are also of interest to COPRAQ,

recommends that the Secretariat inform COPRAQ participants of the dates and venues of EIFAC meetings related to these research areas, and

further recommends that the reports produced and the relevant FAO technical papers be distributed to COPRAQ participants.

Recommendation COPRAQ/79/3

The Fourth Session of the Cooperative Programme of Research on Aquaculture

noting that with the development, improvement and intensification of cultural practices, disease problems related to nutrition are becoming more evident,

recommends that basic studies on nutritional requirements of cultured species be intensified in order to formulate complete and balanced artificial diets for large-scale production, and

further recommends that research on live feed cultures be strengthened in terms both of evaluation of the nutritional values of the live feeds for the larval and juvenile stages of cultured species, and of inclusion of the new species of phyto- and zooplankton in the diets.

Recommendation COPRAQ/79/4

The Fourth Session of the Cooperative Programme of Research on Aquaculture

noting that with the growth of the world aquaculture industry the supply of Artemia salina cysts from traditional sources, mainly in the U.S.A., is becoming increasingly scarce and unreliable,

recommends that the studies that have been initiated on the distribution of local strains of artemia be further developed, possibly with the assistance of the European Mariculture Society and the Artemia Reference Center, and that new techniques of inoculation in suitable sites be considered as a means to achieve a more reliable supply.

Recommendation COPRAQ/79/5

The Fourth Session of the Cooperative Programme of Research on Aquaculture

noting the proposed establishment of a Mediterranean Regional Aquaculture Project,

welcomes this initiative,

hopes that it will soon become operational with an intensive participation of the Mediterranean governments, and

recommends that COPRAQ be intimately and actively associated with the project. This association could take the form of provision to the regional project, by the institutions participating in COPRAQ, of scientific and technical advice and consultancy. In addition, the project could request qualified institutions participating in COPRAQ to conduct specific research work linked with the development of Mediterranean aquaculture and would provide means for its implementation provided that any such participation by any institution is cleared through governmental channels.

Recommendation COPRAQ/79/6

The Fourth Session of the Cooperative Programme of Research on Aquaculture

noting that although progress has been achieved on some nutritional aspects of the species cultured in the Mediterranean, knowledge of their nutritional requirements is still far from complete because of the number of species cultured and the existing limitations in terms of expertise, manpower and equipment,

recommends that, in order to hasten research activities leading to formulation of complete balanced diets through the identification of the nutritional and energy requirements of cultured species, cooperation between institutions working on the same species be intensified. This could be achieved by establishing joint programmes sharing available expertise, equipment and results, and

further recommends that a monitoring and coordinating machinery be set up in order to avoid excessive duplication of effort and to allow rapid dissemination of the results obtained. This machinery could be included in the proposed Mediterranean regional project.

Recommendation COPRAQ/79/7

The Fourth Session of the Cooperative Programme of Research on Aquaculture

noting that problems of bacterial and other infectious diseases in intensive culture of different finfish species have already emerged at experimental and pilot-scale stages,

further noting that this may become a serious handicap for the development of the culture of species - like sea bass - that are likely to reach a commercial level of production in the very near future,

recommends that studies on identification, prevention and treatment of bacterial and other infectious diseases be intensified in the institutions participating in the GFCM/COPRAQ and that collaboration with other groups dealing with fish diseases such as the Cooperative Programme of Research on Aquaculture of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission be developed.

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