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List of Papers Presented to the Technical Sessions

A simple and inexpensive system for continuous monoxenic culture of marine phytoplankton as a basis for mass production purposes - P. Trotta

Cage culture of Sparus aurata in the Gulf of Aqaba, 1975–79 - C. Porter

Diseases of marine fish cultured in Eilat mariculture project, based at the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea - I. Paperna, A. Colorni, B. Ross, and B. Colorni

Données préliminaires sur le comportement, la croissance et la survie du sar Diplodus sargus L. en élevage - M. Kentouri, P. Divanac'h et M. Cantou

Eel culture in the open sea - M. Bussani

Elevage larvaire des pénéides à l'échelle pilote - D. Cognie et T. Hirata

Free-living nematodes as a dietary supplement for rearing fish fry in hatcheries - D. Kahan, T. Bar-El, Y. Brandstein, M. Rigbi and B. Oland

Need for diet adaptation in aquaculture. Experiences with coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) - ACUIGRUP

Observations on the growth of juvenile Penaeus kerathurus (Forskal) in different stocking densities and varying ecological conditions. S. Klaudatos

Shrimp farming in thermal effluents. Relationship between carrying capacity and growth in Penaeus kerathurus - G.B. Palmegiano and M.G. Saroglia

Utilisation des basses calories en aquaculture. L'exemple de Martigues - Ponteau (Bouches-du-Rhône, France) - J. Seltz

Vibriosis in Spain. Its importance for marine polycultures - ACUIGRUP

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