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Liste des documents présentés aux sessions techniques

A simple and inexpensive system for continuous monoxenic culture of marine phytoplankton as a basis for mass production purposes - P. Trotta

Cage culture of Sparus aurata in the Gulf of Aqaba, 1975–79 - C. Porter

Diseases of marine fish cultured in Eilat mariculture project, based at the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea - I. Paperna, A. Colorni, B. Ross, and B. Colorni

Données préliminaires sur le comportement, la croissance et la survie du sar Diplodus sargus L. en élevage - M. Kentouri, P. Divanac'h et M. Cantou

Eel culture in the open sea - M. Bussani

Elevage larvaire des pénéides à l'échelle pilote - D. Cognie et T. Hirata

Free-living nematodes as a dietary supplement for rearing fish fry in hatcheries - D. Kahan, T. Bar-El, Y. Brandstein, M. Rigbi and B. Oland

Need for diet adaptation in aquaculture. Experiences with coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) - ACUIGRUP

Observations on the growth of juvenile Penaeus kerathurus (Forskal) in different stocking densities and varying ecological conditions - S. Klaudatos

Shrimp farming in thermal effluents. Relationship between carrying capacity and growth in Penaeus kerathurus - G.B. Palmegiano and M.G. Saroglia

Utilisation des basses calories en aquaculture. L'exemple de Martigues - Ponteau (Bouches-du-Rhône, France) - J. Seltz

Vibriosis in Spain. Its importance for marine polycultures - ACUIGRUP

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