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List of Documents

CIFA/83/1Annotated provisional agenda and timetable
2 Status and prospects of extension services in African inland fisheries
3 Prevention of post-harvest losses
4Report of the first session of the CIFA Sub-Committee for Lake Victoria, Mwanza, Tanzania, 12–14 October 1981
5 Aquaculture development
6 Amendment of Rule II of CIFA Rules of Procedure
7 Proposals for the major topic for discussion at the sixth session of CIFA

CIFA/83/Inf.1 List of documents
2 Information for participants
3 List of participants
4 FAO inland fisheries projects
5 Synthesis of African reservoir fisheries
         5/Add/1Summary report of the Roundtable discussion on increasing benefits from African reservoir fisheries
6 Progress report on activities on water pollution
7 Report of the fourth session of CIFA, Blantyre, Malawi, 8–12 December 1980
8 Report of the Workshop on Inland Fisheries for Planners, Manila, Philippines, 2–6 August 1982
9 Fisheries bibliography for Lake Tanganyika
10 Report of the FAO Expert Consultation on Fish Technology in Africa, Casablanca, Morocco, 7–11 June 1982
11 FAO World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development

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