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Main decisions and recommendations for action

Item 3 - Status and Prospects of Extension Services in African Inland Fisheries

For attention of governmentsParagraphs
1.Ensure that extension workers specialize adequately either in aquaculture or capture fisheries.10
2.Divorce extension workers from such duties as enforcement of regulations and collection of statistics.10
3.Organize more efficiently fish hatcheries and ice plants and ways of supplying fishing gear.10
4.Improve the conditions of employment of rural extension officers in terms of career opportunities, logistical support and better administrative arrangements.10
5.Include in the curriculum of national fisheries or other technical schools theoretical and practical instructions in the effective use of extension methods.10
For attention of FAO 
1.Establish a regional project for East Africa patterned on the model of the FAO/DANIDA/Norway West African programme. Such a programme should assist - besides training - in project identification, planning and backstopping to associated national projects in the region.10
2.Coordinate and support the countries of the region in the preparation, production and distribution of printed matter, audio-visual aids and other instructional materials required by the fisheries extension services. Such coordination could possibly be carried out by the FAO/DANIDA/Norway project for West Africa and by a similar project in East Africa.10

Item 4 - Prevention of Post-Harvest Losses

For attention of governments 
1.Ensure that extension services closely cooperate with research institutions carrying out applied research in applied fish technology.13
2.Improve fisheries development infrastructures such as landing and handling facilities, fish markets and stores, proper supply and maintenance of equipment, construction of roads, etc.15
For attention of FAO and governments 
1.Maintain support to the Cooperative Research Programme on Fish Technology in Africa with emphasis on the applied research.16

Item 5 - Consideration of the Report of the CIFA Sub-Committee for Lake Victoria

For attention of FAO 
1.Note the endorsement of the report of the sub-committee meeting, particularly the strong support to follow-up of funding and implementing the programme for Lake Victoria submitted to the European Economic Community.18,19

Item 6 - Aquaculture Development

For attention of governments 
1.Establish a viable system for the collection of aquaculture statistics.29
2.Provide incentives for aquaculture development both at the small-scale and at the large-scale level.29
3.Utilize external financial assistance mainly for the establishment of necessary infrastructures and training of counterpart staff.29
4.Give priority to cultural systems in which feeding is based on plant proteins, non-protein nitrogen, carbohydrates and fats. Also encourage increased use of organic fertilization. 29
5.Give priority to the establishment of a master plan for aquaculture development.29

Item 7 - African Reservoir Fisheries

For attention of FAO 
Undertake the following activities during the intersessional period: 
1.Publish the report of the Roundtable together with the national syntheses as a CIFA technical paper.36
2.Compile and publish “A bibliography on African Reservoir Fisheries” in the CIFA publication series.36
3.Undertake a critical evaluation and review of small pelagic fisheries in African natural lakes and reservoirs.37
4.Formulate a reservoir-specific yield prediction relationship based on updated catch data and morphoedaphic indices from African reservoirs.37
5.Review of pre-impoundment studies to determine the most essential kinds of information required to manage and develop reservoir fisheries.37
6.Study of the feasibility of the enhancement of reservoir fisheries through dam design and reservoir operation.37
7.Review the implications for fisheries development of flooding totally uncleared areas, partially cleared ones or those without vegetation.37
8.Study the implications of aquatic macrophytes for reservoir fisheries.37

Item 8 - Water Pollution

For attention of FAO 
1.Establish as a subsidiary body of CIFA a working group on water quality, bioassays and toxicity testing in Africa.41
2.Note the desire of the countries to have a project on monitoring contamination levels of heavy metals and pesticides in fish in East Africa similar to the one established for West and Central Africa.40
3.Update and expand CIFA publication on the “Inland Waters of Africa”.43
4.Communicate to FAO Departments and other UN organizations which deal with pollution the concern of CIFA member countries about the sources of pollution which affect fisheries.43
5.Include some aspects of pollution studies in regional or sub-regional fishery projects, as appropriate.43

Item 9 - Amendment of Rule II of CIFA Rules of Procedure

For attention of FAO and governments 
1.Note the recommendation to amend Rule II.1.44

Item 10 - Proposals for the Major Topic for Discussion at the Sixth Session of CIFA

For attention of FAO 
1.The theme of the sixth CIFA session should be “Planning, management and development of inland fisheries in Africa”.47

Item 11 - Any Other Matters

FAO World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development 
For attention of FAO 
1.Note the satisfaction of countries to the inclusion of inland water fisheries and aquaculture among topics to be discussed by the Conference.50
Fishery Development in Lake Tanganyika 
For attention of FAO 
1.Facilitate periodic meetings of countries sharing Lake Tanganyika fishery resources and informing them on the status of the regional project for the lake.51
Congo/Zaire River Basin Fisheries 
For attention of FAO 
1.Set up a regional programme for the development of the fisheries of the basin.52
River Nile 
For attention of FAO 
1.Note the suggestion of Egypt for a project for the development of fisheries and aquaculture along the River Nile.55

Item 12 - Election of officers

For attention of FAO 
1.Note the proposal that Egypt will continue to act as chairman and Madagascar, Sudan and Tanzania as vice-chairmen during the intersessional activities.58

Item 13 - Date and Place of the Sixth Session

For attention of FAO 
1.Note the recommendation to hold the sixth session of CIFA early in 1985.59
2.Note the offer of Ethiopia and Zambia to host the sixth session.60

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