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b y

K. P i n t é r

National Correspondent
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Kossuth Lajos tér 11.
H-1055 Budapest, Hungary


During the biennium studies on biological role and dynamics of fish populations in Lake Balaton have been continued by the Balaton Limnological Institute of Hungarian Academy of Sciences /Tihany/. The fishery biological programme included the following topics:

Investigations ranked above have led to a better understanding of productivity potential and energy turnover of different fish stocks inhabiting various areas of Lake Balaton. Most important observations were obtained during acoustic surveys on the distribution pattern and stock density of different fish species with special view to introduced silver carp.

Fishery biological investigations have been also carried out in the Fish-Culture Research Institute /Szarvas/. The main object of these studies is the improvement of fisheries management practices in backwaters and reservoirs.

Statistical data on natural water fisheries are given in section IV. of this report.


In the Fish-Culture Research Institute new gynogenetic common carp hybrids were produced and raised which are to be tested under pond farming conditions in 1988. Examination and analyses of blood transferrin of foreign scaly lines in the carp gene-bank have been continued. Four new hybrids of scaly carp were produced from foreign regional races maintained in the gene-bank.

A new study was started on creation of transgenic fish. The preliminary experiments seem to be promising.

In the frame of studies on selection of the wels /Silurus glanis/ the maintenance of existing lines is continuos. In the hybridization programme virus-free lines of wels are used.

From the point of view of pond farming practice it is of great importance that the elaboration of technical directives on nutrient requirement of common carp was finished in 1986. During the biennium new feed formulas were elaborated for rearing of wels and common carp advanced fry. These formulas have given promising results in laboratory and pilot farm trials.

In the same institute a so-called manure utilization technology was elaborated for the use of fermented chicken and sheep manure in pond fish culture without any other feeding. Detailed analyses were performed on nutrient balance and food resources of the experimental ponds.

Some new experiences were gained in raising of grass carp /Ctenopharyngodon idella/ in the second and third year of production.

In the light of preliminary results the hybrid of sterlet /Acipenser ruthenus/ and Lena sturgeon /A. baeri/ may become a valuable subject of intensive fish production.

Official statistics on Hungarian pond farming are given in section IV. of this report.

According to State Veterinary Service the only viral fish disease in Hungary is the spring viraemia of carp. This diseases occured only in two cases in the last two years. All trout populations in the country are virus-free.

Among the most important bacterial diseases, erythrodermatitis was diagnosed in carp, as well as in herbivorous fishes /bighead carp and silver carp/. In the etiology of this economically important disease feeding conditions may also play a role.

Beside the above mentioned diseases the incidence of parasites was the most frequent. The most important ones are the Protozoa /Thelohanella, Shaerospora, Myxobolus, Ichthyophthirius, Chilodonella/.

Research activities of the Central Veterinary Institute included the following topics:


Because of the extreme meteorological conditions Unprecedented losses occured in fish stocks in the beginning of 1987. During the first four months of the year 46 heavy fish kills were reported with a total amount of 418 tons perished fish.

The general picture of fish kills is given on the next page.

Causative factors19861987
Technological problems /in pond farming/1  3  5  2
Veterinary problems619 2 1
Oxygen deficiency4133215
Ammonia93011  5
Hydrogen sulphide413 -  -
Herbicide/insecticide1  3  -  -
Hydrometeorological conditions--113  50
Others* - -  19*10
Number of cases31  100  223  100  
Perished fish /tons/58919
in percentage of total fish prod.0.1appr. 2.5 /excl/

/Remark: * liquid manure: 2, domestic sewage: 2, excess of biological production: 9, industrial pollution: 4, decaying organicmatter: 2 cases./


Total fish production in 1985 and in 1986 amounted to 36, 927 and 36, 062 tons respectively. It means that a significant decrease of production can be observed since 1983 /43,857 tons/ which can be explained partly with unfavourable climatic conditions and partly with economic reasons.

Profitability of pond farming has improved during the last few years but this effect has been achieved at a lower level of production.

The statistics for 1987 were not available at the time of reporting but - according to estimates - a moderate increase of fish production can be expected. /Especially good results were reported from some large state-owned pond farms and from the commercial fisheries of Lake Balaton./

1. Natural waters and reservoirs
Area in utilization /ha/appr. 138,000appr. 139,000
Commercial fisheries /tons/  
Lake Balaton
  887   692
other water bodies
7302  7246
t o t a l
8189  7938
Anglers' catches /tons/4635  4964
T o t a l1282412902
of which edible fish   
stocking material
 1171    978
2. Pond farming
Area in utilization /ha/21,65920,925
Stocking /tons/  9088  8055
Harvesting /tons/  
common carp
Chinese carps
  7577  6592
predatory species
    161    185
    370    412
    530    559
T o t a l2410323160
of which edible fish
stocking material
  7982  9298


Publications of Hungarian authors /or co-authors/ related to the field of interest of EIFAC sub-commissions are listed in this section. Titles listed in widely distributed compilations of absttacts as well as FAO publications were excluded but it should be mentioned that in addition to the following bibliographic references, several Hungarian works were published during the biennium in periodicals as Aquaculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, Arch. Anim. Nutr., Arch. Hydrobiol., Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., Comp. Biochem. Physiol., Fisheries Res., Fish Pathology, Freshwater Biology, Hydrobiologia, Int. Journ. Parasitol., J. Appl. Ichthyol., J. Fish Biol., J. Fish Dis., Limnol. Oceanogr., Protistologica. Papers published by foreign authors without Hungarian co-author in Hungary were ommitted to avoid oversights with other national reports.

Abdelmoneim, M.A., Janurik, E., Oláh, J., 1986. Effect of nitrate and glucose on the denitrification rate in a water recycling system. Aquacult. Hung. 5:147–152.

Balogh, V.K., Salánki, J., 1986. Nehézfémek koncentrációjának idóbeli változása a dévérkeszeg /Abramis brama L./ szerveiben eltéró szennyezettségü természetes vizekben. /Seasonal variation in the heavy metal concentration in organs of bream — Abramis brama L. - in natural waters of different pollution levels./ Hidrológiai Közlöny 66:84–89. /Hung. with Eng. summary/

Baska, F., 1987. Histological studies on the development of Myxobolus pseudodispar Gorbunova, 1836 in the roach /Rutilus rutilus/. Acta Vet. Hung. 35:251–257.

Békési, L., 1986. Az intenziv harcsanevelés állategészségügyi kérdései. /Veterinary problems of intensive wels rearing./ Halászat 32/2/:46–48. /Hung./

Békési, L., 1987. A halak virusairól: a virusos halbetegségek diagnosztikája és az ellenük való védekezés. Összefoglaló ismertetés. /On the viruses of the fishes: the diagnosis and the control of the viral diseases. Review article./ Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja 42:411–417. /Hung./

Békési, L., Pálfi, V., Csontos, L., Kovács-Gayer, É., Csaba, Gy., Horváth, I., 1987. Harcsaivadék /Silurus glanis L./ vöröskórjának járványtana és az izolált rhabdovirus vizsgálata. /Epizootiology of the red disease of silure - Silurus glanis L. - and study of the isolated rhabdovirus./ Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja 42:418–422. /Hung. with Eng., Germ., Rus. summaries/

Benedeczky, I., Nemcsók, J., Halasy, K., 1986. Electronmicroscopic analysis of the cythopathological effect of pesticides in the liver, kidney and gill tissues of carp. Acta Biol. Szeged 32:69–91.

Biró, P., 1986. A Balaton “látott hala”: a garda. /Population and yield of razor fish - Pelecus cultratus L. - in Lake Balaton./ Halászat 32/2/:59–63. /Hung./

Biró, P., Hughes, G.M., 1985. Recovery of cardiac and ventilatory frequencies after sub-acute pesticide /Abol-X/ treatment in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson. Acta Biol. Hung. 36:269–279.

Biró, P., Vörös, L., Elek, L., 1986. Összefüggés a dévérkeszeg /Abramis brama L./ hozama, az a-klorofill koncentráció és a parthossz/vizterület arány között a Balatonban. /Relationship between the yield of bream - Abramis brama L. - chlorophyll-a concentration and shore-length/water area ratio in Lake Balaton./ Halászat 32/3/:90–94. /Hung./

Darázs, S., Aczél, A., 1987. Édesvizi halak feldolgozása. /Processing of Freshwater Fishes./ Mezógazdasági Kiadó, Budapest. 219 p. /Hung./

Dobrai, L., 1986. Tények és számok halászatunk VI. ötéves tervének teljesitéséról. /Development of Hungarian fisheries during the VI. five-year planning period - 1981/1985./ Halászat 32/3/:65–71. /Hung./

Dobrai, L., 1987. Javuló pénzügyi eredmény, mérsékelt termelés 1986-ban. /Fish production results in 1986./ Halászat 33/3/:65–69. /Hung./

Dobrai, L., Pékh, Gy./eds./, 1986. Fisheries in Hungary. Min. of Agricult. and Food, Budapest. 91 p. /Published also in German and Hungarian./

Farkas, J., Oláh, J., Magyar, K., 1986. Effect of ultraviolet lamp on microflora of a closed warm-water recycling system. Aquacult. Hung. 5:191–200.

Füzesi, I., Németh, I., Pénzes, B., 1986. Az angolnák nehézfém tartalma. /Investigations on heavy metal content of eels./ Halászat 32/5/:143. /Hung./

Garádi, P., 1987. Ivadéknevelés sajátosságokkal Braziliában. /Fish seed production in Bebedouro fish farm, Brazil./ Halászat 33/2/:49–51. /Hung./

Guelmino, J., Harka, Á., 1985. Prilot proucavanu vrste Gymnocephalus baloni Holčik, Hensel, 1974 u Tisi. /A contribution to the determination of the habitat of the species Gymnocephalus baloni Holčik and Hensel - Pisces, Percidae./ Matica Srpska 69:165–170. /Serbo-Croatian with Eng. summary/

Harka, Á., 1985. Ichthyological and piscatorial problems at the Kisköre water basin. Tiscia /Szeged/ 20:117–126.

Harka, Á., 1986a. A törpe csik /Cobitis aurata Filippi, 1865/. /The dwarf loach - Cobitis aurata Filippi, 1865./ Halászat 32/1/:24. /Hung./

Harka, Á., 1986b. A harcsa növekedése. /Growth of wels - Silurus glanis L./ Halászat 32/2/:44–46. /Hung./

Harka, Á., 1986c. Vizeink küllófajai. /Gobio species in Hungarian waters./ Halászat 32/6/:180–182. /Hung./

Harka, Á., 1986d. Ujabb adatok a Gobio kessleri Dybowski, 1862 /Pisces: Cyprinidae/ magyarországi elófordulásáról és élóhelyi viszonyairól. /New data on occurrence and habitat of Gobio kessleri Dybowski, 1862 - Pisces: Cyprinidae - in Hungary./ Állattani Közlemények 73:125–127. /Hung. with Germ. summary/

Horváth, L., 1986. Carp oogenesis and the environment. In: R. Billard and J. Marcel /eds./: Aquaculture of Cyprinids. INRA, Paris. pp. 109–117.

Issa, M.A., Horváth, L., Kosba, M.A., Sharrabi, M., 1986. A note on the survival, growth, feed conversion and some morphological characters of the reciprocal hybrids of silver carp /Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val./ and bighead carp /Aristichthys nobilis Rich./ raised under polyculture conditions. Aquacult. Hung. 5:7–14.

Jeney, Zs., Jeney, G., 1986. Studies on the effect of Trichlorphon on different biochemical and physiological parameters of common carp /Cyprinus carpio L./. Aquacult. Hung. 5:79–90.

Kovácsné Gayer, É., Honti, P., 1987. A lemezes haltápok alkalmazásáról. /On the use of lamellated fish feeds./ Halászat 33/6/: 189–190. /Hung./

Körmendi, S., 1987. A biológiai transzformációs rendszer /4D/ kutatási eredményei. II. rész. /Investigations on fish farming systems based on “biological transformation”. Part II./ Halászat 33/6/:180–182. /Hung./

Krasznai, Z., Márián, T., 1986. A harcsa /Silurus glanis L./ indukált gynogenetikus szaporitási technológiája. /Induced gynogenetic propagation of wels - Silurus glanis L./ Halászat 32/4/:118–122. /Hung./

Kumar, D., Farkas, J., Sinha, V.P.R., 1986. Bacteria from diseased freshwater fish from India. Aquacult. Hung. 5:113–118.

Lukowicz, M., Tamás, G., Horváth, L., 1986. Aquaculture of tench. In: R. Billard and J. Marcel /eds./: Aquaculture of Cyprinids. INRA, Paris. pp. 357–367.

Malik, Sz.E., 1987. Méreg vagy gyógyszer a Flibol E a halak számára? /Use of Flibol E in fish farming./ Halászat 33/5/:150–151. /Hung./

Malik, Sz. E., Györe, K., Oláh, J., 1986. Effect of ammonia on gill tissues of common carp /Cyprinus carpio L./. Aquacult. Hung. 5:97–106.

Matuk, K., 1987. A halak altatásának újabb lehetóségei. /New way of fish tranquillization./ Halászat 33/1/:11–13. /Hung./

Márián, T., Krasznai, Z., Oláh, J., 1986. Characteristic karyological, biochemical and morphological markers of silver carp /Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val./, bighead carp /Aristichthys nobilis Rich./ and their hybrids. Aquacult. Hung. 5: 15–30.

Mézes, M., 1986. Investigations on vitamin E content and lipid peroxidation in blood and tissues of common carp /Cyprinus carpio L./. Aquacult. Hung. 5:71–78.

Mézes, M., Ling, F., 1986. Changes in lipid peroxidation and in the activities of some peroxide metabolism enzymes of blood and certain tissues of common carp during wintering period. Aquacult. Hung. 5:91–96.

Miklovics, H.M., Kovács-Gayer, É., Ramotsa, J., Szakolczai, J., 1986. A balatoni halak vizsgálata. /Investigations on parasites and contamination of fishes from Lake Balaton./ Halászat 32/1/:14–15. /Hung./

Molnár, K., 1986a. A halparazitológia helyzete és eredményei. /Present state and achievements of fish parasitology./ Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja 41:681–687. /Hung./

Molnár, K., 1986b. Occurrence of two new Goussia species in the intestine of the sterlet /Acipenser ruthenus/. Acta Veter. Hung. 34:169–174.

Molnár, K., 1986c. Solving parasite-related problems in cultured freshwater fish. Parasitology - Quo Vadit? Proc. Sixth Int. Cong. of Parasit. Australian Academy of Science, Canberra. pp. 319–326.

Molnár, K., Baska, F., Székely, Cs., 1987. Fumagillin, an efficacious drug against renal sphaerosporosis of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 2:187–190.

Molnár, K., Csaba, Gy., Kovács-Gayer, É., 1986. Study of the postulated identity of Hoferellus cyprini /Doflein, 1898/ and Mitraspora cyprini Fujita, 1912. Acta Veter. Hung. 34:175–181.

Molnár, K., Kovács-Gayer, É., 1986a. Observations on the intracellular and coelozoic developmental stages of Hoferellus cyprini /Doflein, 1898/ /Myxosporea, Myxozoa/. Parasit. Hung. 18:27–30.

Molnár, K., Kovács-Gayer, É., 1986b. Biology and histopatology of Thelohanellus hovorkai Achmerov, 1860 /Myxosporea, Myxozoa/. A parasite of the common carp /Cyprinus carpio/. Acta Veter. Hung. 34:67–72.

Müller, F., Zsigri, A., 1986. Determination of a model optimum for fish production. Aquacult. Hung. 5:227–234.

Nemcsók, J., Orbán, L., Dobler, L., Szépfalussy, J., 1985. Acetylcholinesterase activity measurements as a tool for demonstrating the possible cause of fish decay. Acta Biol. Szeged 31: 9–12.

Nemcsók, J., Vigh, É., Orbán, L., Asztalos, B., 1986. Peszticidek felvétele téli és nyári testhómérsékletü ponty egyes szerveibe. /The uptake of pesticides into the organs of carp - Cyprinus carpio L. - at 4 °C and 20 °C./ Növényvédelem 22:481–485. /Hung. with Eng., Rus. summaries/

Németh, I., 1987. Szintetikus piretroid hatóanyagú inszekticidek hatása a halakra. /Effects of synthetic piretroid insecticides on fish./ Halászat 33/2/:56–59. /Hung./

Oláh, J., 1986a. Pontytenyésztés szerves trágyával. /Carp farming with manure./ Halászat 32/1/:18–21. /Hung./

Oláh, J., 1986b. Carp production in manured pond. In: R. Billard and J. Marcel /eds./: Aquaculture of Cyprinids. INRA, Paris. pp. 295–303.

Oláh, J., Farkas, T., Csengeri, I., 1987. Halfogyasztás és egészség. /Fish consumption and human health./ Halászat 33/6/:161–163. /Hung./

Oláh, J., Janurik, E., Pekár, F., Nemcsók, J., 1987. Hévizek halas hasznositása. /Fisheries utilization of geothermal waters./ Halászat 33/4/:111–113. /Hung./

Oláh, J., Sharangi, N., Datta, N.C., 1986. Városi szennyvizes halastavak Magyarországon és Indiában. /Fish ponds fed with muncipal sewage in Hungary and India./ Halászat 32/3/:87–88. /Hung./

Oláh, J., Sinha, V.R.P., 1986. Energy cost in carp farming systems. Aquacult. Hung. 5:219–226.

Oláh, J., Szabó, P., 1986. Nitrogen cycle in a macrophyte covered fish pond. Aquacult. Hung. 5:165–178.

Orbán, L., Tátrai, I., 1987. A különbözó környezeti ammóniakoncentrációk hatása a pontyivadék /Cyprinus carpio L./ nitrogénanyagcseréjére. /Effect of different environmental ammonia levels on nitrogen metabolism of carp - Cyprinus carpio L. -fingerlings./ Halászat 33/5/:156–158. /Hung./

Papp, K., Báskay, I., 1986. Nyári halpusztulások. /Fish kills in summer./ Halászat 32/1/:25. /Hung./

Papp, K., Endrédy, I., 1986. Az 1985. évi halpusztulások. /Fish kills in 1985./ Halászat 32/3/:94–95. /Hung./

Papp, K., Endrédy, I., 1987. Az 1986. évi halpusztulásokról. /Fish kills in 1986./ Halászat 33/3/:75–76. /Hung./

Pekár, F., Oláh, J., 1986. Nitrification in fish ponds and natural waters. I. Methods for determination of nitrification. Aquacult. Hung. 5:153–164.

Pekár, F., Oláh, J., Tóth, L., 1987. Nitrifikáció halastavakban és természetes vizekben. I. A nitrifikáció meghatározási módszerei. /See above./ Vizügyi Közlemények 69:236–247. /Hung./

Pénzes, B., Tölg, I., 1986. Goldfish and Ornamental Carp. Barron's and Woodbury, N.Y. 145 p.

Péteri, A., 1987. A tilápia tenyésztésének módszerei. /Methods of Tilapia culture./ Halászat 33/6/:172–176. /Hung./

Péteri, A., Lévai, F., 1987. Halgazdálkodás Izraelben. /Inland fisheries in Izrael./ Halászat 33/5/:148–150. /Hung./

Pintér, K., 1986a. Unkarin kalataloushallinto ja kalanviljely. /Fisheries management and fish farming in Hungary./ Suomen Kalankasvattaja 3/1986:20–25. /Finnish/

Pintér, K., 1986b. Belvizi halászat és rákászat Törökországban. /Inland fisheries and crayfish capture in Turkey./ Halászat 32/6/:182–186. /Hung./

Pintér, K., 1986c. A selected bibliography of Hungarian works on the pike perch /Stizostedion lucioperca L./. Aquacult. Hung. 5:251–258.

Pintér, K., 1987a. Ráktenyésztés Spanyolországban. /Crayfish farming in Spain./ Halászat 33/1/:20–22. /Hung./

Pintér, K., 1987b. Spanyolország édesvizi haltenyésztése. I–II. /Freshwater fish farming in Spain. I–II./ Halászat 33/5/: 144–146, /6/:183–185. /Hung./

Pintér, K., 1987c. Jövevényhalunk: a kinai razbóra /Pseudorasbora parva Schlegel, 1842/. /Exotic fish species of our waters: the Chinese rasbora - Pseudorasbora parva Schlegel, 1842./ Halászat 33/6/:187–188. /Hung./

Radheyshyam, S., Kumar, D., Sinha, V.P.R., Oláh, J., 1986. Dramatic fish kill associated with bacterial bloom in an undrainable fish pond. Aquacult. Hung. 5:127–132.

Rónyai, A., 1987. Az óriás édesvizi garnélarákkal végzett nevelési kisérletekról. /Experimental rearing of giant freshwater prawn - Macrobrachium rosenbergi./ Halászat 33/2/:51–53. /Hung./

Ruttkay, A., 1987a. Erós Pál tógazdasági koncepciójának kritikai elemzése. /Critical analysis of the pond farming concept of Pál Erós./ Halászat 33/3/:77–82. /Hung./

Ruttkay, A., 1987b. Hogyan takarmányozzák a pontyot Magyarországon? /Discussion on feeding methods used in Hungarian carp farming./ Halászat 33/4/:107–110. /Hung./

Ruttkay, A., Kepenyes, J., 1986. A new method for calculation of water requirement in fish production. Aquacult. Hung. 5:201–218.

Ruttkay, A., Kepenyes, J., 1987. Uj módszer a haltermelés vizigényének kiszámitásához. /See above./ Hidrológiai Közlöny 67: 93–100. /Hung. with Eng. summary/

Sharma, B.K., Oláh, J., 1986. Integrált hal-sertés tenyésztés Indiában és Magyarországon. /Combined fish and pig production in India and Hungary./ Halászat 32/2/:52–52. /Hung./

Siwicki, A., Jeney, Zs., 1986. Surgical intervention in wels /Silurus glanis L./ during artificial propagation. Aquacult. Hung. 5:55–58.

Sövényi, J.F., 1986. Applicability of coagglutination test for detecting Aeromonas salmonicida antigens from extracts of bacterial cultures and experimentally infected tissues of the common carp /Cyprinus carpio L./. Acta Veter. Hung. 34: 151–158.

Sövényi, J.F., Boros, G., 1986. Simple method for observing migrating leucocytes in the skin of mirror carp /Cyprinus carpio L./. Acta Veter. Hung. 34:81–85.

Sövényi, J., Ruttkay, A., 1986. Experimental examination of correlation between nutrition status and susceptibility of carp /Cyprinus carpio L./ to carp erythrodermatitis. Aquacult. Hung. 5:119–126.

Szabó, I., 1986. Eredményes halászat a Marcali viztározón. /Intensive fishery utilization of Marcali reservoir./ Halászat 32/3/:72–75. /Hung./

Szabó, J., Prigli, M., 1986. A tükrös ponty /Cyprinus carpio/ sebgyógyulása az átteleltetés utáni idószakban. /Wound-healing of mirror carp - Cyprinus carpio - during the post-wintering period./ Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja 41:699–701. /Hung. with Eng., Germ., Rus. summaries/

Szakolczai, J., 1986. Status of aquaculture in the COMECON countries with special emphasis on Hungary. In: E. Grimaldi and H. Rosenthal /eds./: Trend and problems in aquaculture development. Ente Autonomo per le Fiere di Verona. pp. 40–45. /English and Italian/

Szakolczai, J., 1987. A termelési technológia és a halegészségügy összefüggései. /Production technology and fish health./ Halászat 33/4/:97–99. /Hung./

Szécsi, E., 1987. A fermentált baromfitrágya halastavi hasznositása. /Utilization of fermented poultry manure in pond farming./ Halászat 33/5/:154–155. /Hung./

Szipola, I., 1986a. A kósülló /Stizostedion volgense Gmelin/ dinamikai vizsgálata a Keszthelyi-öbölben. /Investigations on population dynamics of Volga pikeperch - Stizostedion volgense Gmelin - in the Keszthely Bay of Lake Balaton./ Halászat 32/2/:54–57. /Hung./

Szipola, I., 1986b. A rákállomány alakulása a Balaton vizgyüjtójének területén. /Crayfish populations in the catchment area of Lake Balaton./ Halászat 32/5/:151–152. /Hung./

Sztanó, J., 1986. Fehértói kárókatonák. /Bird problems on the Fish Farm of Szeged./ Halászat 32/4/:112–114. /Hung./

Talaat, K.M., Oláh, J., 1986a. Fishery studies on Cyprinus carpio L. in Hungarian inland waters. I. Reliability of age determination using the scales of Cyprinus carpio L. Aquacult. Hung. 5:235–240.

Talaat, K.M., Oláh, J., 1986b. Fishery studies on Cyprinus carpio L. in Hungarian inland waters. 2. Age and growth of Cyprinus carpio L. in Körös River reservoirs. Aquacult. Hung. 5:241–250.

Tátrai, I., Istvánovits, V., 1987. A dévérkeszeg /Abramis brama L./ szerepe a Balaton N és P forgalmában. /The role of bream - Abramis brama L. - in the N and P cycling of Lake Balaton./ Hidrológiai Közlöny 67: 42–47. /Hung. with Eng. summary/

Tátrai, I., Tóth, G.L., Istvánovits, V., Ponyi, J., 1986. A dévérkeszeg / Abramis brama L./ hatása az alacsonyabb trofikus szintekre és a viz minóségére a Balatonban. /The effect of bream - Abramis brama L. - on the lower trophic levels and on water quality in Lake Balaton./ Állattani Közlemények 73:95–100. /Hung. with Eng. summary/

Tóth, J., 1987. Vizafogás a Dunán. /Big sturgeon - Huso huso L. -from Hungarian section of Danube./ Halászat 33/5/:139–141. /Hung./

Tóth, O.E., 1986. Arginin requirement of wels /Silurus glanis L./. Aquacult. Hung. 5:59–64.

Tóth, O.E., Papp, Gy.Zs., 1986. Microencapsulated egg diets for wels /Silurus glanis L./. Aquacult. Hung. 5:65–70.

Váradi, L., 1986. Mechanised harvesting in pond fish culture. In: R. Billard and J. Marcel /eds./: Aquaculture of Cyprinids. INRA, Paris. pp. 306–314.

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