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Annex 7

URT1978 – 1981520 000UNDP/FAOConstruction/equipment fingerling and research station, Morogoro
Renovate private ponds
Establish extension services
Terminated prior to completion; abandoned
1979 – 1983 US Peace Corps, USAIDProduction of fish in rural areasSome small productive fish farms established; no Government or NGO capacity to continue extension work
1983 - present Evangelical Lutheran Church of URTEstablish fish farming in Babati District, Arusha Region
Extension programme
Train selected farmers as extensionists/ trainers
Good production established; extension sustainable locally
1981 - present Anglican ChurchEstablish demonstration ponds/tanks
Produce and distribute fingerlings in central and southern regions
Successful but dependent on outside support
1980 – 85200 000/yODARehabilitate village ponds in Lindi-Mtwara
Revolving funds for fishing gear
Completed but no Govt follow-up with farmers
1986 - present ODARehabilitation of village ponds in Lindi/Mtwara
Research studies on fish farmers
In progress; encouraging results
1993 – 9415 000OXFAMTraining extensionists and fish farmers
Assist rural fish farmers in selected districts of Arusha region
Just started
1991 - present VSO/UKImprove fisheries demonstration ponds and extension services, Masasi DistrictIn progress
MLW1986 – 1994GTZICLARMResearch for development of tropical aquaculture technology appropriate for implementation in rural Africa:
Local high-level training (MSc)
External high-level training (PhD) (see Table 24 for research objectives)
All training completed; most hired by MFD or University (on-going)
1989 – 1994EDF 3 900 000Fisheries Development Ltd. University of Stirling (Scotland)Alleviate shortage of fish in Central and Northern Regions:
Integrate aquaculture into agriculture extension system
Train technical assistants and farmers
Research to improve yields from cool waters (species, feeds, management)
Identify suitable areas for aquaculture
Project cost not commensurate with pond production
More emphasis on SWB exploitation; on-going
1987 - presentGTZGTZAquaculture component of MAGFAD - Develop, test and introduce viable aquaculture models in Southern Region: Establish local extension support centres
Encourage farmers' production of seed Involve women in aquaculture
1988 – 1992ODAODAEstablish centralized aquaculture station in Mulanje District
Train Fishery Technicians in aquaculture
Provide support to fish farmers through agriculture extension system
Provide support to fish farming on private estates to feed labourers
Successful, although some objectives not achieved (average)

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