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Annex 20

(in US$)
CMRNational Seminar on Fisheries Development Policy/Planning (1991)1Intensification of fish farming production
To improve production of juveniles by the private sector, to reduce state involvement in production sector, to increase technical support to fish farmers:
- Privatisation of state fish farms
- Reinforcement of Extension Service
Short termMinistry Animal Husbandry Fisheries/Animal Industries (MINEPIA)LimitedNoNo
2Development of commercial fish farming
Establishment of a demonstration fish farm
Propagation of selected species
Improvement of organic fertilization and feeding technology, using local inputs
Study of economic feasibility
Training extensionists/fish farmers
Promote credit with private institutions
Disseminate technical information
Medium termMINEPIA and IRZV400 000 to 800 000YesYes
3Setting up of a national data base
Numerous research results are available from previous projects but access by national staff is difficult
To assemble documentation
To prepare abstracts and determine key words
To prepare computerized data base
Short termIRZV15 000 to 30 000YesNo
PRCGeneral meeting at Ministry Agriculture/Animal Husbandry for this national review1Preparation/implementation of national development plan
To identify policies and strategy for short/medium term aquaculture development at national level
To initiate implementation of such plan
Short termDirection Studies/Programmes of Ministry of Agriculture/Animal Husbandry120 000YesYes
2Administrative reorganization
Actual administration of aquaculture development lacks dynamism, efficient coordination/communication channels
Need for centralized information/documentation
Short termDirection Studies/Programmes of Ministry of Agriculture/Animal Husbandry25 000NoNo
3Administrative reorganization
Total absence of legislation to regulate development at national level
Short termMinistry Agriculture/Animal Husbandry130 000YesYes
4Education/training of senior-/medium-level staff
Qualified staff needed to implement future development. External training necessary for 20 senior staff. Training programmes of local schools should be revised/strengthened for training of 50 medium-level aquaculturists.
Short/medium termMinistry of Agriculture/Animal Husbandry Ministry of Education(?)YesNo
5Socio-economic studies prior to privatization of some of the state fish farms
It is planned to privatise some of the secondary fry production stations to reduce public expenditure and improve management. The selection of these and the conditions of such privatization should be based on thorough socio- economic studies
Short termMinistry of Agriculture/Animal Husbandry30 000YesYes
6Credit scheme for development of small, peri-urban commercial farms
Based on existing semi-intensive technology, selected farmers would be trained and established close to existing potential markets
Short/medium termMinistry of Agriculture/Animal Husbandry370 000YesYes
CAFNational meeting on aquaculture (1989)1Training of senior and medium-level staff
Training of senior and medium level aquaculturists
Training of extensionists
Short/medium termMinistry of Waters, Forests, Tourism CNP Landjia250 000YesNo
2Privatization of tilapia fry production
Encourage fish farmers to produce own juvenile O. niloticus
Short termMinistry of Waters, Forests, Tourism CNP Landjia75 000YesYes
3Improve extension service
Max. 25 farmers per extensionist
Give priority to farmers with at least 1 500 m2 of fish ponds
Limit production of African catfish to elite farmers
Promote use of local organic by-products
Short/medium termMinistry of Waters, Forests, Tourism CNP Landjia300 000NoNo

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