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094. IM, B.H. (1975)
Alimentation des Synodontis. [The nutition of Synodontis.] Rapport, Laboratoire d'Hydrobiologie, Toulouse. 39p. Fr.

FISH BIOLOGY; Synodontis spp.; Chad Basin; fish nutrition; diet; prey selection; trophic relationships.

095. IM, B.H. (1977)
Etude de l'alimentation de quelques espèces de Synodontis (Poissons, Mochocidae) du Tchad. [Study of the diet of some species of Synodontis (Pisces, Mochocidae) from Chad.] Thèse doct. spec. Univ. Paul Sabatier de Toulouse. 150pp. Fr.

FISH BIOLOGY; Synodontis spp.; Chad Basin; fish nutrition; diet; prey selection; trophic relationships.

096. IM, B.H. AND LAUZANNE, L. (1978)
La sélection des proies chez Hemisynodontis membranaceus (Pisces, Mochocidae) du lac Tchad. [Prey selection by Hemisynodontis membranaceus (Pisces, Mochocidae) from Lake Chad.] Cah. ORSTOM., sér. Hydrobiol. 12 (3): 237–244. Fr. 8 ref.

FISH BIOLOGY; Hemisynodontis membranaceus; Lake Chad; fish nutrition; diet; prey selection; zooplankton; trophic relationships.

Copepods are selected according to their size. Over 460u, a greater number of them are retained by the branchiospinal apparatus. With Cladoceran selection, size factor not dominant.

097. LAKE CHAD BASIN COMMISSION, N'Djamena (Chad) (1981)
Action programme for the development of Lake Chad Conventional Basin, 1982–1986. Prepared jointly with UNDP. (Not published). 3 v. En, Fr.

GENERAL APPRAISAL (FISHERIES); Chad Basin; agricultural development; fisheries development; project appraisal; water resources; economic analysis; finance.

Fisheries are included in this report outlining a plan for the agricultural development of the Chad Basin in relation to the available water resources. An economic appraisal including finance requirements is presented.

098. LANGFORD, T.S. (1981)
Improvement of fish processing and transport on Lake Chad. (Nigeria). Report on boatbuilding (January 1978 to June 1981). Field Document. FAO (Rome), Fisheries Dept. 28p. En.

FISHING TECHNOLOGY; Lake Chad; fishing boats; new boat designs; fisheries development.

UNDP field report providing technical specifications for a new design of fishing boat for use on Lake Chad.

099. LAUZANNE, L. (1969)
Etude quantitative de nutrition des Alestes baremoze (Pisc., Characidae). [Quantitative study of the nutrition of Alestes baremoze (Pisc., Characidae)]. Cah. ORSTOM, ser. Hydrobiol., 3(2): 15–27. Fr. 16 ref.

FISH BIOLOGY; Alestes baremoze; Chad Basin; fish nutrition; zooplankton; fish growth.

The annual ration consumed by a plankton-eating fish is evaluated. Initially the daily ration consumed was established. Then the quantity of plankton consumed annually by a fish of average size, whose growth was known, was determined allowing calculation of corresponding rate of digestion.

100. LAUZANNE, L. (1970)
La sélection des proies chez Alestes baremoze (Pisc., Characidae). [Prey selection by Alestes baremoze (Pisc., Characidae)]. Cah. ORSTOM, ser. Hydrobiol. 4(1): 71–76. Fr. 5 ref.

FISH BIOLOGY; Alestes baremoze; Chad Basin; fish nutrition; diet; prey selection; zooplankton; trophic relationships.

A. baremoze, a zooplankton feeder does not select its prey. The fishes under study (230–250mm standard length) keep plankton as small as 0.4mm. Over a length of 0.88mm, all the plankton is retained. Length class frequencies of the free plankton constituents were compared with those of the ingested plankton.

101. LAUZANNE, L. (1972)
Régimes alimentaires des principales espèces de poissons de l'archipel oriental du lac Tchad. [Feeding regimes of the principal fish species of the eastern archipelago of Lake Chad.] 18: 636–646. Fr. 20 ref.

FISHERIES ECOLOGY; Lake Chad Archipelago; fish nutrition; trophic relationships.

102. LAUZANNE, L. (1973)
Etude qualitative de la nutrition des Alestes baremoze (Pisc. Characidae). [Qualitative study of the nutrition of Alestes baremoze (Pisc. Characidae)]. Cah. ORSTOM, ser. Hydrobiol. 7(1)3–15. Fr. 13 ref.

FISH BIOLOGY; Alestes baremoze; Chad Basin; fish nutrition; diet; prey selection; trophic relationships; fish habitats; fish migration.

Diet of this fish studied in the variety of habitats (lake and riverine) visited during life-cycle and spawning migration. Finding enough food is never a problem, except for the period when adults move upstream during low water. In all areas surveyed diet mainly consists of plankton crustaceans and small aquatic insects. In the rivers, however, during the flood, adults become herbivorous.

103. LAUZANNE, L. (1975a)
La sélection des proies chez trois poissons malacophages du lac Tchad. [Prey selection by three malacophagous fish from Lake Chad.] Cah. ORSTOM, ser. Hydrobiol. 9(1): 3–7. Fr. 9 ref.

FISH BIOLOGY; malacophagous fish; Synodontis schall; Synodontis clarias; Hyperopisus bebe; Lake Chad; fish nutrition; diet; prey selection; benthic molluscs; trophic relationships.

The comparison between stomach contents and benthic molluscs faunas shows that the three fishes studied (Synodontis schall, Synodontis clarias (Mochocidae) and Hyperopisus bebe (Mormyridae) essentially select small size, immature molluscs. Such behaviour probably has a great influence on the dynamics of benthic molluscs populations.

104. LAUZANNE, L. (1975b)
Régimes alimentaires d'Hydrocynus forskalli (Pisc. Characidae) dans le lac Tchad et ses tributaires. [Feeding strategies of Hydrocynus forskalli (Pisc. Characidae) in Lake Chad and its tributaries.] Cah. ORSTOM, ser. Hydrobiol. 9(2): 105–121. Fr. 11 ref.

FISH BIOLOGY; Hydrocynus forskalli; Chad Basin; fish nutrition; diet; prey selection; trophic relationships; biotopes; hydrological cycle.

Food and feeding habits in S.E. Lake Chad, Lower Chari and Logone rivers studied according to size, biotopes and two hydrological seasons (rise and fall in water level). Stomach contents and feeding index of relative prey importance determined. Characids (especially Alestes spp.) are most important prey species.

105. LAUZANNE, L. (1975)
Les poissons du fleuve Chari: Clef de détermination. [Fish of the River Chari: Identification key.] Notes techniques du Centre ORSTOM N'Djamena, No. 6. 20p.

FISH BIOLOGY; Chad Basin (River Chari); fish species (general); identification keys; vernacular names.

Identification key for fish of the River Chari based on morphological characteristics. Local names for species also given.

106. LAUZANNE, L. (1976)
Régimes alimentaires et relations trophiques des poissons du lac Tchad.

[Feeding strategies and trophic relationships of Lake Chad fish.] Cah. ORSTOM, ser. Hydrobiol. 10(4): 267–310. Fr. 51 ref.

FISHERIES ECOLOGY; Lake Chad; fish population structure; fish nutrition; diet; trophic relationships; fish habitats; hydrological cycle; species abundance; stock assessment.

Food and feeding habits of the main species from S.E. Lake Chad studied relative to habitat (archipelago and open water) and season (flood or falling water level). Stomach contents were analysed, feeding index determined and relative biomass estimated for each species by seine and gillnets.

107. LAUZANNE, L. (1977)
Aspects qualitatifs de l'alimentation des poissons du Tchad. [Qualitative and quantitative aspects of the nutrition of Chadian fish.] ORSTOM, Paris; These. Univ. Paris VI. 284p. (mimeo). Fr. Biblio (12p).

FISHERIES ECOLOGY; Chad Basin (Chad); fish population structure; fish nutrition; trophic relationships; hydrological cycle.

A detailed study of the nutrition of fish species in Chad including both quantitative and qualitative aspects, trophic realtionships and the influence of hydrological patterns in this environment. Special attention is given to Alestes baremoze, Brachysynodontis batensoda, Hydrocynus forskalli, Lates niloticus, Tetraodon fahaka and Tilapia galilaea.

108. LAUZANNE, L. (1978a)
Croissance de Sarotherodon galilaeus (Pisc. Cichlidae) dans le lac Tchad. [Growth of Sarotherodon galilaeus (Pisc. Cichlidae) in Lake Chad.] Cybium, S.3, 3: 5–14. Fr. 11 ref.

FISH BIOLOGY; Sarotherodon galilaeus; Lake Chad; fish growth; length-weight analysis; meristic characteristics.

Growth in length studied by back-calculation using opercular bones. Length/weight relationship also computed.

109. LAUZANNE, L. (1978c)
Etude quantitative de l'alimentation de Sarotherodon galilaeus (Pisc. Cichlidae). [Quantitative study of the diet of Sarotherodon galilaeus (Pisc. Cichlidae)]. Cah. ORSTOM, ser. Hydrobiol. 12(1): 71–81. Fr. 24 ref.

FISH BIOLOGY; Sarotherodon galilaeus; Chad Basin; fish nutrition; fish growth; water temperature.

Daily food consumption is calculated and correlated with water temperature. Conversion rate is low (3%). Energy coefficient of growth computed using calorific equivalents reaches 19%.

110. LAUZANNE, L. (1978d)
Equivalents calorifiques de quelques poissons et de leur nourriture. [Calorific equivalents of some fish and their food.] Cah. ORSTOM, ser. Hydrobiol. 12(1): 89–92. Fr. 6 ref.

FISH BIOLOGY; Lake Chad; fish nutrition; diet; calorific equivalents. Calorific equivalents of some Lake Chad fish and their food were evaluated using a semi micro non-adiabatic oxygen bomb.

111. LAUZANNE, L. (1983)
Trophic relations of fishes in Lake Chad. In Lake Chad: Ecology and productivity of a shallow tropical ecosystem, Carmouze, J.-P., Durand, J.-R., Leveque, C.(Eds), pp. 489–518, Monographiae Biologicae 53, The Hague: Dr. W. Junk. En. Fr. 42 ref.

FISHERIES ECOLOGY; Lake Chad; fish population composition; fish population structure; fish nutrition; trophic relationships; foodchain energy efficiency; hydrological cycle; fish habitats.

An overview of the trophic relations between fish in Lake Chad based on the work of the ORSTOM centre at N'Djamena. Both qualitative and quantitative aspects are presented. Two major food chains (plant and detritis based) and nine major food types can be distinguished. Planktivores dominate the archipelago region and the open water by piscivores. The food supply is well utilised in both situations, although in terms of energy efficiency, the community in the archieplago was more efficient than that in the open water. The hydrological cycle and environmental changes influence the food-chain patterns.

112. LAUZANNE, L. AND ILTIS, A. (1975)
La sélection de la nourriture chez Tilapia galilaea (Pisc., Cichlidae) du lac Tchad. [Food selection by Tilapia galilaea (Pisc., Cichlidae) from Lake Chad.] Cah. ORSTOM, ser. Hydrobiol. 9(3): 193–199. Fr. 5 ref.
FISH BIOLOGY; Tilapia galilaea; Lake Chad; fish nutrition; diet; prey selection; blue-green algae.

Food selection by this phytoplanktivorous fish is examined using co-efficent of selectivity. Filamentous blue/green algae are favoured more than diatoms.

113. LEK, S. AND LEK, S. (1977)
Ecologie et biologie de Micralestes acutidens (Peters, 1852) du bassin du lac Tchad. [Ecology and biology of Micralestes acutidens (Peters, 1852) in the Lake Chad Basin.] Cah. ORSTOM, ser. Hydrobiol. 11(4): 255–268. Fr. 31 ref.

FISH BIOLOGY; Micralestes acutidens; Chad Basin; fish reproduction; fish growth; fish nutrition; fish habitats; hydrological cycle.

Detail is given of spawning, growth, age, mortality, food and feeding habits in relation to hydrological events and habitats.

114. LEK, S. AND LEK, S. (1978a)
Etudes de quelques espèces de petits mormyridae du bassin du lac Tchad. I. Observations sur la répartition et l'écologie. [Study of some species of small mormyridae from the Lake Chad Basin. I. Observations on distribution and ecology.] Cah. ORSTOM, ser. Hydrobiol. 12(3–4): 225–237. Fr. 17 ref.

FISHERIES ECOLOGY; Chad Basin; mormyrid species; fish population distribution; hydrological cycle; Sahel drought; lacustrine-swamp species transition.

The distribution and ecology of five small species of mormyrids was studied between 1970–77, during which time the region was affected by a severe drought. The lacustrine species were replaced by species more adapted to swamp conditions as the water level in the S.E. archipeligo was reduced.

115. LEK, S. AND LEK, S. (1978b)

Régime alimentaire d'Ichthyborus besse besse (Joannis, 1835) (Pisces, Citharinidae) du bassin du lac Tchad. [Dietary habits of Ichthyborus besse besse (Joannis, 1835) (Pisces, Citharinidae) from the Lake Chad Basin). Cybium, S3, no.3: 59–75. Fr. 6 ref.

FISH BIOLOGY; Ichthyborus besse besse; Chad Basin; fish nutrition; diet; prey selection; hydrological cycle; size variations.

Food and feeding habits studied in north Cameroun floodplain and Chari-Logone rivers in relation to the hydrological seasons and size of fish. Individuals longer than 60mm feed on small fish and fins of large fish.

116. LEK, S. AND LEK, S. (1978c)
Etude de l'écologie et la biologie d'Ichthyborus besse besse (Joannis, 1835) (Pisces, Citharinidae) du bassin du lac Tchad. [Study of the ecology and biology of Ichthyborus besse besse (Joannis, 1835) (Pisces, Citharinidae) from the Lake Chad Basin.] Cybium, S3, no.4: 65–86. Fr. 22 ref.

FISH BIOLOGY; Ichthyborus besse besse; Chad Basin; fish population distribution; fish growth; scale readings; Peterson's method; fish reproduction; fish ecology.

Aspects covered include distribution, spawning seasons and growth patterns (scale readings and Peterson's method).

117. LEVEQUE, C. (Co-ordinator) (1988)
Chad Basin, Region 4 in African wetlands and shallow water bodies, Bibliography, Davies, B., Gasse, F. (Eds.) pp. 180–211. ORSTOM (Paris). Fr. En.

GENERAL APPRAISAL (FISHERIES); Chad Basin; bibliography.

A bibliography of some 500 references covering every aspect of scientific investigation including geology, pedologie, climatology, hydrology, palynology, zoology, botany and fisheries for all the wetland areas of the Chad Basin.


La faune benthique du lac Tchad: écologie, peuplements et biomasses (v.5). Activité photosynthétique du phytoplancton du lac Tchad (v.6). Production secondaire (zooplancton-benthos) dans le lac Tchad (v.7). La végétation aquatique du lac Tchad (v.8). Réunion de Travail sur la Limnologie Africaine (comptes rendus), Nairobi (Kenya), 16–23 Dec 1979. Fr.

FISHERIES ECOLOGY; Lake Chad; fish population structure; species abundance; stock assessment; ecosystem (overview).

The abundance, biomass and production of the fish population of Lake Chad is considered in these accounts (especially v.7.). General overview of the Lake Chad ecosystem.

119. LOUBENS, G. (1969)
Etude de certains peuplements ichtyologiques par des pêches au poison (lére note). [Study of certain fish populations using poison for fishing (First note).] Cah. ORSTOM, 3(2): 45–73. Fr. 12 ref.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY; Chad Basin; sampling techniques (fish populations); fish resource surveys; poison fishing; stock assessment; fish population composition; species abundance.

Sampling Lake Chad fish populations using poison allows estimation of the density and biomass, and determination of species and size composition.

120. LOUBENS, G. (1970)
Etude de certain peuplements ichtyologiques par des pêches au poison (2éme note). [Study of certain fish populations using poison for fishing (Second note).] Cah. ORSTOM, ser. Hydrobiol. 4(1): 45–61. 8 ref.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY; Chad Basin; sampling techniques (fish populations); fish resource surveys; poison fishing; stock assessment; fish population distribution; mathematical models.

Fish populations of the Chad Basin studied by considering a number of models to represent species distribution and biomass.

121. LOUBENS, G. (1973)
Production de la pêche et peuplements ichtyologiques d'un bief du delta du Chari. [Fisheries production and fish stocks in a channel of the Chari Delta]. Cah. ORSTOM, ser. Hydrobiol. 7(¾): 209–233. Fr. 16 ref.

FISH RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION; Chad Basin (River Chari); fishing practices; fishing gear; catch estimation; stock assessment; fish resource surveys; hydrological cycle.

Information is given on the fishing patterns and production level, gear, fish populations and the relationship with the hydrological cycle as a follow-up to a previous study.

122. LOUBENS, G. (1974)
Quelques aspects de la biologie de Lates niloticus du Tchad. [Some aspects of the biology of Lates niloticus in Chad.] Cah. ORSTOM, ser. Hydrobiol. 8(1): 3–21. Fr. 35 ref.

FISH BIOLOGY; Lates niloticus; Chad Basin (Chad); fish growth; scale readings; von Bertalanffys model; fish reproduction; sexual maturity; spawning habits; hydrological cycle.

Details of growth rate (according to sex) recorded at up to 61cm in 5 years, size (only females exceed 1 metre in length), spawning activity and timing. Scale readings and two von Bertalanffy models presented.

123. LOUBENS, G. AND FRANC, J. (1972)
Etude méthodologique pour la récolte de statistique de pêche basée sur l'observation des pêcheries d'un bief du delta du Chari. [Methodological study of the collection of fisheries statistics based on observations of the fishermen in the Chari Delta.] Rapport, ORSTOM, N'Djamena, 44p. (multigr.). Fr. 7 ref.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY; Chad Basin (River Chari); fisheries statistics; fishing practices; fishing gear; catch estimate; fishing effort (total); ethnicity; research priorities; tabulated statistics.

The fisheries of Douara-Madide (a channel of the Chari Delta) are described including: gear, methods, the fishing communities and the seasonal cycle of activity. Estimates of production, CPUE, total effort are also given and examined critically. Recommendations are made for further research. Tables of relevant statistics are presented as appendices.

124. MAEMBE, T.W. AND GUBIO, A. (1981)
Report on a visit to Jos, Enugu and Onitsha processed markets. Field Document, FAO (Rome), Fisheries Dept. 12p. En.

FISH COMMERCE AND MARKETING; Lake Chad; processed fish products; trade statistics; prices; markets; retailing; transportation; distribution; trade routes; trading practices; storage methods; post-harvest losses; economic analyses.

Interim report of an FAO investigation into the trade in Lake Chad fish, includes information on consumer demand, market prices, the organisation of retailing, post-harvest losses, transport and distribution patterns, storage methods.

125. MAEMBE, T.W. (1982a)
Improvement of fish processing and transportation on Lake Chad Project, Nigeria. Field Document, FAO (Rome), Fisheries Dept. 32p. En.

FISH PROCESSING; Lake Chad; processed fish products; post-harvest losses; improved processing methods; packaging; transportation; fish commerce & marketing; co-operative formation; training.

The report documents the status of fish-processing at Lake Chad including the problems of poor-handling, insect infestation and inadequate processing which result in losses of up to 60%. The application of improved processing methods: new kilns, ice and brine are recommended, together with better packaging and transportation. Initiatives to be followed-up in the future including formation of the Baga Fisheries Co-op and further education through the Fisheries Vocational School at Baga are also considered. Detailed tables of statistics relating to the quantity and quality of traded fish are included as appendices.

126. MAEMBE, T.W. (1982b)
Improvement of Fish Processing and Transportation on Lake Chad, Nigeria. Improvement of existing fish processing and handling methods. Field Document, FAO (Rome), Fisheries Dept. 32p. En.

FISH PROCESSING; Lake Chad; fresh fish; product quality; improved processing methods; ice and freezer technology.

Methods for the improved handling and processing of fresh fish on Lake Chad are recommended as part of an UNDP project, including the use of ice and freezing.

127. MANN, M.J. (1961a.)
Survey of fish trade in the Wulgo area. Report, Fed.Fish.Service., Maiduguri, Nigeria. (dactylogr.). En.

FISH COMMERCE AND MARKETING; Chad Basin (Nigeria); processed fish products; markets; prices; trade routes; distribution.

128. MANN, M.J. (1962)
Fish production and marketing from the Nigerian shores of Lake Chad (1960–61). Report, Fed.Fish.Service, Lagos, Nigeria. 50p. (multigr.) En.

FISH COMMERCE AND MARKETING; Lake Chad; processed fish products; trade statistics; distribution; transportation; trade routes; markets; fisheries development.

129. MEEREN, A.G.L. van der. (1980)
Improvement of fish processing and transport on Lake Chad, Nigeria. A socio-anthropological analysis of the fisheries of Lake Chad. Field document. FAO (Rome), Fisheries Dept. 45p. En.

FISHERIES ANTHROPOLOGY; Lake Chad; fisheries resources and production; fishing communities; ethnicity; fisheries development; fish processing; fish commerce and marketing; cooperative formation; transportation; economic analysis.

Socio-anthropological aspects of fish production and processing at Lake Chad are examined including social organisation and the interaction between ethnic groups, and the potential for the formation of fishermens cooperatives to assist marketing.

130. MIGEOD, F.W.H. (1925)
Through Nigeria to Lake Chad. Heath Cranton Ltd (London). 330p.

GENERAL APPRAISAL (FISHERIES); Lake Chad; historical account.

An early account of the environment and peoples around Lake Chad including some detailed observations of the fishing activity.

131. MILLS, A. (1979)
Handling and processing fish on Lake Chad. Unpublished Report, ODNRI (London), 55p. (mimeo.). En.

FISH PROCESSING; Lake Chad; processed fish products; handling; improved processing methods.

132. MOK, M. (1974)
Biométrie et biologie des Schilbe (Pisces, Siluriformes) du bassin tchadien. 1ère partie: Morphologie comparée des deux espèces de Schilbe. [Biommetry and biology of Schilbe (Pisces, Siluriformes) in the Chad Basin. Part 1: Morphology compared for two species of Schilbe.] Cah. ORSTOM., ser. Hydrobiol., 8 (2): 119–135. Fr.

FISH BIOLOGY; Schilbe uranoscopus; Schilbe mystus; Chad Basin; morphology; biometry.

133. MOK, M. (1975)
Biométrie et biologie des Schilbe (Pisc: Siluriformes) du bassin tchadien. 2ème partie: Biologie comparée des deux espèces. [Biometry and biologie of Schilbe (Pisc: Siluriformes) from the Chad Basin. Part 2: Biology compared for two species.] Cah. ORSTOM, ser. Hydrobiol. 9: 33–60. Fr. 84 ref.

FISH BIOLOGY; Schilbe uranoscopus; Schilbe mystus; Chad Basin; biometry; fish nutrition; fish reproduction; fish migration; life cycle; condition coefficient; hydrological cycle.

Two species in Chad Basin: Schilbe uranoscopus and Schilbe mystus. Easily distinguished on basis of morphological and biometrical characteristics. Ecological very similiar. Juveniles entomophagus, adults ichthyophagous. Both species move from lake to river during the flood. Spawn in river Logone, July-Sept. Condition factor high in rivers and lake, low in archipelago generally.

134. MONOD, T. (1928)
L'industrie des pêches au Cameroun. [The fishing industry in Cameroun]. Paris, Larose Ed., 504p. Fr.

GENERAL APPRAISAL (FISHERIES); Chad Basin (Cameroun); historical account.

The first detailed description of fisheries in Cameroun including fishing techniques (many of which have now disappeared). However only deals with the northern course of the Logone and Chari in the Chad Basin.

135. MOES, T.E. (1980)
Research and Development Priorities in the Lake Chad Fisheries. A paper presented at the National Seminar on Fisheries Research, 28–30th April 1980, Lagos, Nigeria. FAO (Rome), Project ref: FAO/NIR/74/001. En.

FISH PROCESSING; Lake Chad; processed fish products; post-harvest losses; improved processing methods; research priorities.

An interim report of the FAO team investigating post-harvest losses. The problem is outlined and the research undertaken to date explained. Future research priorities are discussed including the application of improved processing methods such as brining, the Ivory Coast type smoking kiln and icing. A strategy for technology-transfer is also considered.

136. NEILAND, A.E. (1987)
Shrinking Lake Chad is still a big fishery! Fishing News International, 24(2): 41–42. En.

GENERAL APPRAISAL (FISHERIES); Lake Chad; fish resources and production; fish commerce & marketing; fisheries management; fish processing; hydrological cycle; Sahel drought.

Despite a large reduction in the size of the Lake over the last 5 years, the fishery and resultant trade in fish products with southern Nigerian markets is still significant, based largely on undersized tilapias and Clarias catfish.

137. NEILAND, A.E. AND VERINUMBE, I. (1990a)
Fisheries development and resource usage conflict: A case study of deforestation associated with the Lake Chad fishery in Nigeria. CEMARE Research Paper, University of Portsmouth, UK. Subsequently published in Environmental Conservation 18 (1991): 111–117. En. 22 ref.

GENERAL APPRAISAL (FISHERIES); Lake Chad; fish processing; fuelwood; deforestation; fisheries development; resource usage conflict; economic analysis.

A post-drought rejuvenation of the Lake Chad fisheries is likely to significantly increase the pressure placed on other local resources. In the case of the tree resources, it can be demonstrated that the concentration of population and fish processing activity along the western shoreline will further exacerbate the existing local deficit between supply and demand leading to further tree loss and environmental degradation. The problem is outlined and discussed in the context of both local and national economic considerations.

138. NEILAND, A.E. AND VERINUMBE, I. (1990b)
The potential of the shrub Calotropis procera (Asclepiadaceae) as an alternative fuel source for processing fish at Lake Chad in Nigeria: Preliminary observations and identification of areas for further research. Trop.Sci 30, 321–323. En. 6 ref.

FISH PROCESSING; Lake Chad; fisheries development; fish processing; fuelwood alternatives; Calotropis procera; natural insecticide; toxicity problems.

Because of the lack of fuelwood supplies around Lake Chad, local processors are now using stems of the shrub Calotropis procera, which is locally abundant growing on exhausted soil. The sap of the plant is poisonous. It is not clear whether this has an impact on the fish products produced. The possibility that the accumulation of poison residues may render the fish unfit for human consumption should be investigated.

139. ODUNZE, F.C. (1982)
Study of Some Aspects of the Biology of Clarias lazera in Lake Chad. Annual Report of The Lake Chad Research Institute, Maiduguri, Nigeria. 1982. Pp. 57–60. En.

FISH BIOLOGY; Clarias lazera; Lake Chad; fish reproduction; sub-species identification; morphology; meristic characteristics; biometry.

Fecundity, spawning activity, morphological and meristic investigation results are presented. It is suggested that their are two sub-species of this fish in the Lake, broadly defined according to size (small and normal size).

140. ODUNZE, F.C. (1983)
Fecundity studies of Tilapia zilli in Lake Chad. Annual Report of the Lake Chad Research Institute, Maiduguri, Nigeria. 1983. Pp. 71–73. En. 3 ref.

FISH BIOLOGY; Tilapia zilli; Lake Chad; fish reproduction; sexual maturity; hydrological cycle; fisheries resources and production.

Tilapia zilli populations in Lake Chad have high reproductive potential, being fecund year round at a small size. Main breeding season is January – April, corresponding to the annual water level increase. This fish is important commercially forming up to 80% of all catches between January and May.

141. ORSTOM (1977)
Les activitiés de l'ORSTOM en République du Tchad. 3: Recherches biologiques et sciences humains. [The work of ORSTOM in the Republic of Chad. 3: Research in the biological and social sciences.] Notes tech. du Centre ORSTOM de N'Djamena; No. 15. 19p. Fr. 63 ref.

GENERAL APPRAISAL (FISHERIES); Chad Basin; fisheries resources and production; economic analysis; ethnicity; demography; ecosystem (overview); limnology.

A general overview of the Chad Basin ecosystem including the fisheries resources and production, their economic significance and the characteristics of the indigenuous populations involved in fisheries. Based on the research undertaken by the ORSTOM centre at N'Djamena.

142. PELLEGRIN, J. (1914)
Les poissons du Bassin du Lac Tchad. [The fish of the Lake Chad Basin.] Paris, 154pp. Fr.

FISH BIOLOGY; Chad Basin; fish species (general); historical account.

An early detailed description of the biology of fish of the Chad Basin including many fine illustrations.

143. QUENSIERE, J. (1976)
Influence de la sécheresse sur les pêcheries du delta du Chari (1971–73). [Effect of drought on the fisheries of the Chari Delta (1971–73)]. Cah. ORSTOM., ser. Hydrobiol. 10(1): 3–18. Fr. 12 ref.

FISHERIES ECOLOGY; River Chari Delta; fisheries resources and production; fishing effort (total); catch estimation; catch per unit effort; statistical surveys; hydrological cycle; Sahel drought; fish population dynamics.

Detailed investigation of these fisheries based on monthly data collection for CPUE, total fishing effort and total catch. Correlation between drought and declining catch demonstrated. Fish populations also became unstable and more diverse with the onset of drought. All fishing activity had ceased by April 1973.

144. QUENSIERE, J. (1979)
Synthèse des connaissances scientifiques sur la pêche et l'hydrologie du Lac Tchad et les effets de la sécheresse. [Synthesis of scientific knowledge on the fishery and hydrology of Lake Chad and the effects of the drought.]. FAO (Rome)/CIFA, Occass.Doc. CPCA no.8. 18p. Fr. 80 ref.

GENERAL APPRAISAL (FISHERIES); Lake Chad; fisheries resources and production; hydrological cycle; Sahel drought.

A comprehensive summary of scientific knowledge on the fishery and hydrology of the Chad Basin by an experienced researcher in the Chad Basin.

145. QUENSIERE, J. (1981)
De l'intérêt que présente l'approche synécologique dans les études d'aménagement halieutique (étude du renouvellement des stocks lacustres tchadiens par la plaine d'inondation du nord-Cameroun.). [The synecological approach in fishery management studies (study of the replenishment of stocks in Lake Chad using the north Cameroons floodplain.).] Seminar on River Basin Management and Development in Africa, Blantyre, Malawi, 8–10 Dec. 1980. CIFA (FAO, Rome), Tech Pap. No. 8: 173–199. Fr. 5 ref.

FISHERIES RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION; Chad Basin; stock assessment; research methodology; fish population dynamics; ecosystems (overview); fish habitats; biotopes; fish resource surveys.

The fish stocks of Lake Chad and North Cameroons floodplain are assessed using a programme of sample surveys; the relationship between the two water habitat types in supporting a viable fisheries resource within the Chad Basin ecosystem is examined.

146. RICHARDS, L.G.W. (1979)
Report prepared for the improvement of fish processing and transport project on Lake Chad, Nigeria. FAO (Rome), Fisheries Dept. 24p. En.

FISHING TECHNOLOGY; Lake Chad; fishing boats; mechanization; outboard engines; outboard engine maintenance; training.

UNDP project report on the possibilities for mechanization at Lake Chad and the training needs for outboard engine maintenance and repair services.

147. ROBINSON, A.H. AND ROBINSON, P.K. (1969b)
A comparative study of the food habits of Micralestes acutidens and Alestes dageti (Pisc: Characidae) from the northern basin of Lake Chad., 31, ser.A: 951–964. En.

FISH BIOLOGY; Micralestes acutidens; Micralestes dageti; Lake Chad (N. Basin); fish nutrition; diet.

148. SAGUA, V.O. (1982)
Preliminary observations on the Feeding habits and Reproductive Biology of Gymnarchus niloticus from Lake Chad. Annual Report of the Lake Chad Research Institute, Maiduguri, Nigeria. 1982. Pp.50–56. En. 6 ref.

FISH BIOLOGY; Gymnarchus niloticus; Lake Chad; fish nutrition; diet; prey selection; fish reproduction; sexual maturity; fisheries resources and production; swamp fisheries.

Gymnarchus niloticus survives well in the swampy conditions which have come to dominate the lake area since the drought and now form a significant part of commercial catches. Prey mainly consists of Tilapias or Clarias catfish, all of which are swallowed tail-first and usually whole. Breeding season is thought to be August-December. Asymmetrical gonadal development has been observed. Minimum size for maturity is 80.5cm (2kg) in females and 84cm (1.8kg) in males. Other details of egg numbers and size are also given.

149. SAGUA, V.O. (1983)
Preliminary Report on the Biology of Gymnarchus niloticus in Lake Chad. Annual Report of the Lake Chad Research Institute, Maiduguri, Nigeria. 1983. Pp. 61–63. En.

FISH BIOLOGY; Gymnarchus niloticus; Lake Chad; fish nutrition; diet; feeding habits; fish reproduction; fish growth.

Details given of food and feeding habits, reproduction and breeding, egg size and fecundity, age and growth as a follow-on from Sagua (1982).

150. SAGUA, V.O. (1983a)
Lake Chad Fisheries and it's importance in the Green Revolution Programme. Proc. Ann. Conf. Fish. Soc. Nigeria (FISON). 1983, Vol.2: 91–96. En.

GENERAL APPRAISAL (FISHERIES); Lake Chad; Nigerian economy; Green Revolution; fisheries development; economic analysis.

The potential fisheries production from Lake Chad is discussed in the broader context of the economy of Nigeria and the demand for food from an ever-expanding population. Possibilities for development are examined.

151. SAGUA, V.O. (1986)
Review of the Evolution of the Fisheries of Lake Chad, 1980–85. Paper presented to the Sub-Committee for Protection and Development of the Fisheries in the Sahelian Zone (Accra, Ghana, 6–9 Oct. 1986). FAO/CIFA/PD/5/86/3. En.

GENERAL APPRAISAL (FISHERIES); Lake Chad; fisheries resources & production; fishing effort; swamp fisheries; hydrological cycle; Sahel drought; socio-economic evaluation; research priorities.

The effect of drought on the Lake fisheries including falling total catch and a transition from lake to swamp-type fishery are documented based on the authors personal investigations as Director of the Lake Chad Research Institute (LCRI) in Nigeria. There is also discussion of the socio-economic effects and the future priorities for research.

152. SAGUA, V.O. AND GUBIO, A. (1982)
A study of the length at maturity and hooks/gillnet mesh selection in Clarias lazera from Lake Chad. Annual Report of the Lake Chad Research Institute, Maiduguri, Nigeria. 1982. Pp. 60–66. En.

FISH RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION; Lake Chad; Clarias lazera; fishing practices; fisheries regulation; juvenile fish.

It is recommended that hooks smaller than size 10 be restricted in the fishery in order to protect immature Clarias catfish.

153. SAND, P.H. (1970)
International legal aspects. FAO (Rome) - UNDP/SF Project AFR/REG/79, Survey of the water resources of the Chad Basin for development purposes. Eleventh Meeting of the Chad Basin Commission, Niamey, Niger, 22–27 June 1970. 15p. En. Fr.

FISHERIES RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION: Chad Basin; water resources; legal aspects; fisheries management; fishing rights.

Fishing rights on Lake Chad are examined as part as the general international water legislation applicable to the sharing of water resources in the Chad Basin by the four riparian states.

154. SRINN, K.Y. (1976)
Biologie d'Hydrocynus forskalli (Pisc: Characidae) du bassin tchadien. [Biology of Hydrocynus forskalli (Pisc: Characidae) in the Chad Basin.] Thèse. Spec. Univ. Toulouse. 126p.(mimeo). Fr.

FISH BIOLOGY; Hydrocynus forskalli; Chad Basin;

155. STAUCH, A. (1957)
La pêche de décrue dans la trilogie Oulia-Logone-Logomatia. [The fishery coinciding with the water-level drop in the Oulia-Logone-Logomatia system]. Rapport, CMR., Service des Eaux et Forêts du Cameroun (Fort-Foureau). 20p. Fr.

FISHERIES RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION; Chad Basin; fishing practices; fishing gear; catch estimation; fishing effort; ethnicity; hydrological cycle; tabulated statistics.

An early, detailed study of the fishery associated with this river system during the month of November when the water level is dropping. The fishing methods used by the different tribes (Kotoko, Kabalam, Mousgoums, Banana) are described and tables given detailing daily catch and effort. It is recorded that in 1956, the fishery attracted over 100 fishing encampments and about 1,000 fishermen with 500 canoes (pirogues). The fishermen originated from both Chad and Cameroun in equal numbers.

156. STAUCH, A. (1957)
“La Senne à bâtonnets”: Etude comparative sur l'emploi de filets nylon. [“Staked seine-nets: Commparative study on the use of nylon nets]. Rapport, CMR., Service des Eaux et Forêts du Cameroun (Fort-Foureau). 27p. Fr.

FISHING TECHNOLOGY; Chad Basin; gear trials; fishing nets; staked seine nets; net construction materials; nylon nets; cotton nets; future recommendations; tabulated statistics.

Detailed study of the comparative effectiveness of cotton and nylon nets. The nets were tested by two different tribal groups of fishermen; Mousgoun and Banana. Catch and effort returns are presented in tables. It was demonstrated that the yield from nylon nets was higher than for cotton nets under certain circumstances. Fishermen were interested in using the new material in future.

157. STAUCH, A. (1957)
Note sur l'évolution du commerce du poisson. [Note on the evolution of the commerce in fish]. Rapport, CMR., Service des Eaux et Forêts du Cameroun (Fort-Foureau). 6p. Fr.

FISH COMMERCE AND MARKETING; Chad Basin (Cameroun); processed fish products; trade statistics; markets; commercialisation; trade routes; trading practices; distribution; transportation; fisheries development; economic analysis.

Information is given on the commerce in Chad Basin processed fish in N.Cameroun based on visits to three significant markets; Guirvidic, Maroua and Doubel. The marketing chain is described in detail (employment, prices, trading practices). It is noted that the highly commercial trade that has developed needs to be controlled and that the establishment of monopolies by certain groups is not in the general interest of free trade.

158. STAUCH, A. (1958)
La “Senne à bâtonnets”: Deuxième étude comparative sur l'emploi de filets en fibres synthétiques. [“Staked seine-nets”: Second comparative study on the use of synthetic nets”]. Rapport, CMR., Service des Eaux et Forêts du Cameroun (Fort-Foureau). 9p. Fr.

FISHING TECHNOLOGY; Chad Basin; gear trials; fishing nets; staked seine nets; net construction materials; nylon nets; cotton nets; future recommendations; tabulated statistics.

In comparing cotton with nylon nets, it was demonstrated that both gave good yields of fish in the tests carried out. The yield demonstrated considerable variation from day to day for both nets and thus it is not possible to decide which equipment was more effective. Catch and effort returns are presented in tables.

159. STAUCH, A. (1958)
Etude sur l'efficacité de certains insecticides dans la lutte contre les insectes Ichtyophages. [Study of the effectiveness of certain insecticides in combatting ichthyophagous insects]. Rapport, CMR., Service des Eaux et Forêts du Cameroun (Fort-Foureau). 164p. Fr.

FISH PROCESSING; Chad Basin (N.Cameroun); processed fish products; post-harvest losses; insect infestation; insecticides (synthetic); toxicity problems; legislation.

The effectiveness of a range of insecticides in combating insect infestation in processed fish was tested. The results are presented in detailed tables. The control of pesticide use, which is extensive in Chad Basin markets, is limited by a lack of appropriate legislation.

160. STAUCH, A. (1959)
Notes sur l'évolution du commerce de poissons dans le nord Cameroun. [Notes on the evolution of the commerce in fish in northern Cameroun]. Rapport, CMR., Service des Eaux et Forêts du Cameroun (Garoua). 6p. Fr.

FISH COMMERCE AND MARKETING; Chad Basin (N.Cameroun); processed fish products; trade statistics; commercialisation; trade routes; markets; distribution; infrastructure development; fisheries development; nutritional significance; economic analysis.

An overview of the recent commercialisation of processed fish products (Salanga, gumsala and banda) in N.Cameroun. It is remarked that the new commercialisation has also completely outstripped the traditional trade and that the native peoples have adpated easily to this. In addition middlemen are less able to control fish prices rather this is a function of consumer demand. It is also noted that the new infrastructure allows the distribution of foodstuffs to all regions.

161. STAUCH, A. (1960a)
Les ichtyotoxiques dans la pêche africaine. [Fish poisons in African fisheries.] Proceedings of the Symposium on Hydrobiologie and Freshwater Fisheries, 4–10 May 1960, Fort Lamy (Tchad), organised by the Commission for Technical Cooperation in Africa (CCTA). Publication CCTA/CSA, No. 76, pp. 77–78.

FISHING TECHNOLOGY; Chad Basin; fishing practices; poison fishing; overfishing; fisheries regulation; juvenile fish.

15 plants used in poison-fishing in the Chad and Benue Basins are listed, although it is also noted that there are many others also. The danger of traditional methods in killing juvenile fish was recognised by Monod (1926) and regulation recommended. Presently, the greater threat is from the use of modern industrial chemicals which are widely available in Nigeria.

162. STAUCH, A. (1960b.)
Commerce du poisson et industries de la pêche au Nigeria. [The commerce in fish and the fishing industries in Nigeria]. Rapport, CMR., Service des Eaux et Forêts du Cameroun. 15p. Fr.

FISH COMMERCE AND MARKETING; Chad Basin (Nigeria); processed fish products; fishing gear (trade); trade statistics; markets; trade routes; trading practices; commercialisation; distribution; transportation; fisheries development; economic analysis.

Report of a study visit to the main centres of fish production and commerce in Nigeria, the role of Chad Basin processed fish products (mainly banda) and on the plans for the development of the fisheries on the Nigerian side of Lake Chad. Interesting details on market organisation and the commercialisation of fishing materials (nets, boats etc.), including the role of foreign products.

163. STAUCH, A. (1960c.)
Développement et évolution de la pêche dans le bassin tchadien. [Development and evolution of fishing in the Chad Basin]. Rapport, CMR., Service des Eaux et Forêts du Cameroun (Garoua). 4p. Fr.

GENERAL APPRAISAL (FISHERIES); Chad Basin (N.Cameroun); fisheries resources and production; fishing practices; fishing gear; fishing effort; commercialisation; ethnicity; socio-economic evaluation.

Concise overview of the recent changes in the pattern of fish production in N.Cameroun; the introduction of new technology (nylon nets and lines) and the increased level of commercialisation seen in the trade of processed fish products. Four Sultanates of Logone, Kousseri, D'Afade and Goulfei examined individually. Socio-economic status of fishing communities also briefly considered.

164. STAUCH, A. (1960d.)
Redevances coutumières et industrie de la pêche dans le Nord Cameroun. [Traditional licence fees and the fishing industry of Northern Cameroun.]. Rapport, CMR., Ministère de la Production, Service des Eaux et Forêts du Cameroun (Garoua). 17p. Fr.

FISHERIES RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION; Chad Basin (N. Cameroun); fisheries management; fishing rights; fishing licences; ethnicity.

165. STAUCH, A. (1960e.)
Organisation coutumière de la pêche dans le bassin tchadien. [Traditional fishing practices in the Chad Basin]. Rapport, CMR., Service des eaux et forêts du Cameroun, Garoua. Fr. 16p.

GENERAL APPRAISAL (FISHERIES); Chad Basin; fisheries resources and production; fisheries management; fishing rights; fisheries development.

166. STAUCH, A. (1960f.)
Description de quelques poissons des bassins de la Bénoué et du Tchad ayant un intérêt économique. [Description of some fish from the Benue and Chad Basins of economic interest]. Rapport, CMR., Archives de l'Inspection Forestiere du Nord, Garoua, Cameroun. (Dactylogr.). Fr. 34p.

FISHERIES RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION; Chad Basin; fish species (general); morphology; fishing practices; fishing gear; vernacular names.

An illustrated description of the exploited fish species of the Chad Basin including vernacular names and the traditional methods of production. Written in the prefisheries development period when Lake Chad was in its “normal phase” and exploitation was of low intensity.

167. STAUCH, A. (1960g.)
Evolution et extension du commerce du salanga. [Evolution and expansion of the salanga (dried fish) trade]. Rapport, CMR., Archives de l'Inspection Forestiere du Nord, Garoua, Cameroun. (Dactylogr.). Fr. 8p.

FISH COMMERCE AND MARKETING; Chad Basin; processed fish products; trade statistics; trading practices; commercialisation; markets; prices; distribution; transportation; transportation costs; fisheries development; infrastructure development; ethnicity; economic analysis.

A review of the development of the south-bound trade in “salanga” (sun-dried, whole, medium-sized fish) originating in the Chad Basin (estimated annual production: 10,000t). The traditional organisation of the industry, the impact of the new road infrastructure and the patterns of commercialisation are described. Data also given on transport costs and market prices. The significant market at Maiduguri (Nigeria) is also described. Associations between tribal groupings involved in different sectors of the industry is mentioned.

168. STAUCH, A. (1961a)
Projet de détermination technique de l'assietté d'un impôt sur la pêche. [Project for the determination of a basis for a tax on fisheries]. Rapport, CMR., Service des Eaux et Forêts du Cameroun (Garoua). 5p. Fr.

FISHERIES RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION; Chad Basin (N. Cameroun); fisheries management; fisheries regulation; taxation.

Taxation (on landings, fishing equipment, fuelwood) as a means of regulating activity within the N.Cameroun fisheries of the Chad Basin is examined. The tax revenue which might be generated is calculated at over 10.000.000frs. The application and collection of the taxes is discussed.

169. STAUCH, A. (1961b)
Essais de classification des engins de pêche utilisés dans les bassins tchadiens et de la Bénoué. [An attempt at classifying the fishing gear used in the Chad and Benoue Basins]. Rapport, CMR., Service des Eaux et Forêts du Cameroun (Garoua). 13p. Fr.

FISHING TECHNOLOGY; Chad Basin (N. Cameroun); fishing gear; census; ethnicity; vernacular names.

An inventory of the wide variety of traditional fishing equipment used in the Chad Basin. Record also of tribal groups involved and their specific equipment; vernacular names provided.

170. STAUCH, A. (1972)
Prospects for fisheries development in the Lake Chad Basin. Report prepared for the project: Survey of the water resources of the Chad Basin for development purposes. Report, FAO (Rome), Land and Water Div.; Lake Chad Basin Commission, N'Djamena (Chad). 66p. En. Fr. 20 ref.

GENERAL APPRAISAL (FISHERIES); Chad Basin; fisheries development; fisheries resources and production; fisheries regulation; fish processing; fish commerce & marketing; fishing practices; fishing gear.

A comprehensive account of the fisheries resources of the Chad Basin, the existing level of exploitation and the prospects for further development. Written during the period of accelerating fisheries development and during the “normal” phase of Lake Chad.

171. STAUCH, A. (1973)
Développement de la pêche dans le cadre régional de la Commission du Bassin du Lac Tchad. [Regional fisheries development by the Lake Chad Basin Commission.]. Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., Spec.issue 2:87–92. Fr.

GENERAL APPRAISAL (FISHERIES); Chad Basin; fisheries development; project coordination; Lake Chad Basin Commission (role).

A brief description of the fisheries of the Chad Basin followed by an outline of the FAO development project (1968 to date), general perspectives and the coordination role of the Fisheries Service of the Lake Chad Basin Commission.

172. STAUCH, A. (1977)
Fish Statistics in the Lake Chad Basin during the drought (1969–1976). Cah. ORSTOM, ser. Hydrobiol. Vol. XI.(3): 201–215. En/Fr. 11 ref.

FISH RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION; Chad Basin; catch estimation; fish commerce and marketing; trade routes; trade statistics; traffic census; commercialisation; hydrological cycle; Sahel drought; tabulated statistics.

While attached to the Lake Chad Basin Commission, the author had the opportunity to set up check-points on the main road axes and has thus been in a position to follow the evolution of fish traffic originating from Lake Chad and the Lower Chari River. He shows the correlation that exists between the drought and fish production and stresses the instability of the biological balance in the basin. Included as appendices are tables of the detailed statistics collected.

173. STAUCH, A. (1978)
The future of the fisheries in the Lake Chad Basin. In Symposium on the River and Floodplain Fisheries in Africa, Bujumbura, Burundi, 21–23rd Nov. 1977. (Review and Experience Papers). Sect.II. Problems of Sahelian Rivers and Lakes. FAO/CIFA Tech.Pap. 5 (378p.): 66–74. En. 4 ref.

GENERAL APPRAISAL (FISHERIES); Chad Basin; fisheries resources and production; hydrological cycle; Sahel drought; fishing effort; overfishing; catch composition; post-harvest losses; fisheries management; fisheries regulation.

In spite of an important flood from its principal tributary in 1976, Lake Chad continues to suffer from drought. Production is decreasing and certain species have disappeared. Overfishing is common and there is considerable post-harvest loss of catch. Fishing effort needs to be controlled and the fishing industry re-organised.

174. STAUCH, A. AND O.K. OJI-ALALA (1974)
Evolution of the fisheries in the Lake Chad basin area during the last five years. Report of the Consultation on the Fisheries Problems of the Sahelian Zone, Bamako, Mali, 13–20 November 1974. FAO/CIFA Occass. Pap. 4: 82–96. En. Fr. 2 ref.

FISH RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION; Chad Basin (Lake Chad); catch estimation; fisheries development; fish commerce and marketing; processed fish products; markets; prices.

An account of the development of the Chad Basin fishery in the five year period 1969–74 including estimation of fish production, details of the processing sector, marketing, prices.

175. SULE, O.D. (1983)
Heterotis niloticus in Lake Chad. Annual Report of the Lake Chad Research Institute, Maiduguri, Nigeria. 1983. Pp.68–70. En.

FISH BIOLOGY; Heterotis niloticus; Lake Chad; fish nutrition; diet; feeding habits; fish reproduction.

Stomach contents analysis confirms omnivorous feeding habits. Gravid females yet to be found during course of survey.

176. TAYLOR, R.W.D. (1980)
Improvement of fish processing and transport on Lake Chad. Report on a visit to Nigeria to investigate insect infestation of dried fish from Lake Chad. October-;December 1980. Report, FAO(Rome), Fisheries Dept. 20p. En.

FISH PROCESSING; Lake Chad; processed fish products; transportation; post-harvest losses; insect infestation; Nigerian markets.

An assessment is made of the extent of post-harvest losses of fish destined for markets in southern Nigeria. Insect infestation is a major cause of this.

177. THOMAS, D. (1967)
Improved methods for fishing gear and methods for Lake Chad. Report to the Government of Nigeria. FAO (Rome), UNDP Project Report TA 2271. 54p. En.

FISHING TECHNOLOGY; Lake Chad; gear trials; fishing nets; gillnets; fish processing; fisheries development.

Recomendations are made on the design of gillnets for use in Lake Chad based on an experimental fishing programme. Catch results of these operations also presented plus recommendations for fish processing.

178. TOBOR, J.G. (1970)
A survey of the fisheries of the lower Yobe River in the Northwestern basin of Lake Chad. Occas.Pap.Fed.Fish.Serv., Lagos, (12):27 p. En.

GENERAL APPRAISAL (FISHERIES); Chad Basin (Lower Yobe River); fish resources and production; fishing practices; fishing gear; fish processing.

179. TOBOR, J.G. (1972a)
The food and feeding habits of some Lake Chad fishes. Bull IFAN, 34, ser.A., 1:179–211. En.

FISHERIES ECOLOGY; Lake Chad; fish population structure; fish nutrition; trophic relationships.

180. TOBOR, J.G. (1972b)
Preliminary report on the Alestes tagging programme in the Yobe River. Occas.Pap.Fed.Fish.Serv., Lagos, 16: 14p. En. 1 ref.

FISH BIOLOGY; Alestes spp.; Chad Basin (Yobe River); fish migration; tagging; hydrological cycle.

Alestes spp. entering the Yobe River from Lake Chad move up to 50 km upstream in August and early September to spawn. Down-stream movements start soon afterwards in September. Tagged fish recovery rate of 8%. Red anchor tags are proving to be suitable for this work.

181. TOBOR, J.G. (1974a)
A contribution to the study of Lates niloticus, Nile Perch, in Lake Chad. Occas.Pap.Fed.Dep.Fish., Lagos, Nigeria, no.17, 24p. En. 6 ref.

FISH BIOLOGY; Lates niloticus; Lake Chad; size variations; fish growth; morphology; systematics; fisheries resources and production.

Catch rates and fishing strategies by fishermen are described, together with information on length:weight ratio and meristic fin-ray counts according to sex for a sample of 322 fish.

182. TOBOR, J.G. (1974b)
Diurnal variations in gillnet catches and the relationship between abundance of gillnet catches and intervals between lifts in Lake Chad. Occas.Pap.Fed.Dep.Fish., Lagos, (18), 16 p. En. 1 ref.

FISH RESOURCE SURVEYS; Lake Chad; gillnets; catch variations (diurnal).

The catch rate using gillnets was significantly higher at night when the fish were feeding actively. It was also demonstrated that the frequency with which nets were cleared of trapped fish could affect the efficiency of the gear. The results are discussed in detail.

183. VERLET, M. (1964)
Notes préliminaires sur les aspects humains de la pêche au Lac Tchad. [Preliminary notes on the human aspects of the Lake Chad fishery]. Rapport BDPA, Paris. (dactylogr.). Fr.

FISHERIES ANTHROPOLOGY; Lake Chad; fishing communities.

184. VIDY, G. (1983)
Pêche traditionnelle en bordure du Grand Yaéré nord-camerounais: Le Logomatia. [Traditional fishing activity at the edge of the north Cameroon Grand Yaéré: Le Logomatia.] Rev. Hydrobiol. trop. 16 (4): 353–372. Fr. 8 ref.

FISHERIES RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION; Chad Basin; fishing practices; fishing gear; catch estimation; hydrological cycle; Sahel drought.

The pattern of fishing activity, types of gear and total production (300 tonnes) were investigated for the second most important drain of the Grand Yaere floodplain. Fishing efficiency was greatest as the flood receded due to the concentration of fish stocks. The effect of the 1972/73 droughts are also discussed.

185. WELMAN, J.B. (1948)
Preliminary Survey of the Freshwater Fisheries of Nigeria. Lagos: Government Printer, 71p. En.

GENERAL APPRAISAL (FISHERIES); Chad Basin (Nigeria); fisheries resources & production; fishing practices; fishing gear; fisheries management; conservation; fisheries development; economic analysis.

An early general overview of the Chad Basin fisheries resources in Nigeria, their economic significance and possibilities for management and development.

186. WILDER, J.H.W. (1981)
Improvement of fish processing and transport on Lake Chad. Report on mechanical control and clearance of swamp vegetation in Lake Chad. Report, FAO (Rome), Fisheries Dept. 24p. En.

FISH PROCESSING; Lake Chad; transportation; fisheries development.

Specifications are given on equipment suitable for keeping water routes free of swamp vegatation in order that fish can be transported across Lake Chad. UNDP Project.

187. YEROKUN, O. (1983)
The legal regime of Lake Chad. Annals of Borno I: 159–167. En. 8 ref.

GENERAL APPRAISAL (FISHERIES); Chad Basin; legal status; riparian countries (Nigeria, Cameroons, Chad, Niger); economic analysis.

The legal relationship between the four riparian countries with reference to economic activity in the Chad Basin, including fishing, is discussed.

188. ZENNY, F.B. (1969)
Wildlife and inland fisheries legislation in member countries of the Chad Basin Commission. FAO (Rome), UNDP/SF Project AFR/REG/79, Survey of the water resources of the Chad Basin for development purposes. 107p. En. 32 ref.

GENERAL APPRAISAL (FISHERIES); Chad Basin; fisheries legislation; fisheries regulation; fishing practices; fishing gear; fisheries development.

A review of fisheries legislation in the Chad Basin countries, including that to regulate fishing through licences, gear restrictions, fishing seasons and the general control of fishing operations.

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