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As with any GIS-based study, it was necessary to call on help from many disciplines. The following people gave kindly of their expertise and experience: J. Appleton, M. Beveridge, A. Brooks, D. Campbell, A. Coche, B. Haight, H.F. Henderson, D. James, G. Meaden, C. Nugent, M. Pedini, L. Ross, R. Tacon, R. Thomas, M. Vincke, U. Wijkstrom and R. Willmann.

Analyses were performed at the FAO GIS Centre. R. Refk carried the basic analyses to a preliminary stage and V. Zichella did the final analyses that are described in the Appendix. All GIS work was conducted under the supervision of E. Ataman, who also gave valuable advice on analytical solutions.

The temperature surfaces for Africa were prepared by L. See and R. Gommes of the FAO Agrometeorology Group.

The Global Resource Information Database (GRID) of the UNEP provided the rasterized maps of population density and annual average precipitation.

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