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FAO GIS Centre, Environment and Natural Resources Service (SDRN)
E. Ataman supervised the GIS analyses,
F. Grita carried out the GIS analyses described in Annex 1,
M. Zanetti assisted from time to time,
B. Crescenzi carried out the GIS analyses to prepare the evaporation and seepage grids,
S. Agnesi performed the GIS analyses for the field verifications; and
V. Zichella made an earlier pilot study on some of the factors.

FAO Soils Resources Management and Conservation Service (AGLS)
F. Nachtergaele prepared the soil and terrain suitability table and advised on the preparation of the soil and terrain grid.

FAO Water Resources Development and Management Service (AGLW)
J.-M. Faures formulated the evaporation and seepage studies and supervised the GIS analyses.

FAO Agrometeorology Group, Environment and Natural Resources Service (SDRN)
R. Gommes and Fulvia Petrasssi prepared the air temperature grids of Latin America

FAO Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service (FIRI)
A. Coche (retired) gave advice, and M. Martinez-Espinosa, M. Pedini, A. Tacon, Z. Shehadeh and B. Haight, the last-named of FIDX, kindly participated in the Expert Group that decided on the relative importance of the factors in the commercial and small-scale models.

Instituto Nacional de Pesca y Acuicultura (Colombia)
M. Valderrama Barco planned and supervised the field verification work, and the field data collection was carried out by M. Zarate V., Gabriel Enrique Vera Uribe, Carlos Arturo, Useche Lopez, Pedro Nel Montoya, Hermes Orlando Mojica Benitez and Gustavo Salazar.

At Large
N. Castagnolli (UNESP, Brazil); P. Scott (University of Stirling, UK); and CEPTA (Brazil) provided hard-to-get data and reports on cachama, pacu and Nile tilapia growth.
L. Llovshin (Auburn University, USA) provided practical insights and advice on the predictions of yield.
J. Bolte (Oregon State University, USA) was deeply involved with preparation of the yield models.
Thanks go to R. Bush (U.S. Bureau of the Census), R. Ford (Westminster College, USA), Richard Cincotta (Population Division, USAID) and J. Evans (CIESIN User Services) for pointers to digital data on population.

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